Why we do what we do . . .The Gentling Way.
Start here .. .
Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai
And Mammalian Maternity – and then we go to Living Ligaments – Womb Wonders
I am going through the Posterior page of the Arvigo P.C.T. manual (professional care training) above.
Mercier moves . . and checking with O.S.L. and IF needed – eventually O.S.L. correction a la Arvigo
I have updated the pages below to include intentions and what is happening – in purple. You should lave this in your email and manual.
Above is the Mercier manual page.
The red typing is my thoughts in 2018.
I will update it at some stage.
We DO – the L.L.I. is the Mercier moves – the Gentling Way.