From 2016 Wounded Healer Adelaide . . Continued from part 4. . .
Gut working for us
I have mentioned you have got to be drinking a lot of water which is not fluorinated – and not cold. We have to have salt otherwise what are we going to do about chloride to make our stomach acid? (pH to be 1 or 2?). We also need to have iodine otherwise we’re not going to run the body. We to have B12 – because the intrinsic factor might be missing in everybody because their gut bacteria is not happy. Go back to zinc and magnesium and the real food etc. Vitamin B12 is going to be masked because a lot of food has got folic acid in it and it shouldn’t have it. A lot of us have MTHFR (epigenetic changes), (think Jing) – and we have also pyroluria and that means B6 and zinc are not being stored but they are being overly secreted.
That is a problem for the reasons I’ve mentioned on zinc before. Why is this happening? You do need need to be on special products. You need to get the aluminum etc. out of your body which is leading the epigenetic changes.

Remember the wind blowing over the trees and they were holding their own (just). If we don’t do that we’re going to have big problems and the big problems that we’re going to have is that everybody is not making enough ingredients and they are falling apart.
Say they’ve got tingling in their feet, it might even be up to their knees. If you look at anybody who’s got irritable bowel (IBS) and Chrohn’s disease – please ask them can they feel their feet – or just get your fingernails and run them up their legs, where can you feel your legs? They didn’t know they couldn’t feel them. There’s a problem and if we don’t do something very quickly about that the neurological damage will be permanent. We can call it a Wei-like disease – or Bi or Wei syndrome if we like (in Chinese medicine) but we are now in a time when digestion is totally messed up glyphosate. We do not have a Shikomate pathway (that is destroyed by this poison), but our gut bacteria does.
Kill off all our gut bacteria and what have we got? We can’t digest properly. First not good pH (no salt or fluids make digestive juices), then the gut bacteria are under fire. Grains are now soaked in Roundup. Calling this food is a problem. Roundup/other pesticides are blowing around in the wind. Including on top of everybody’s organic crops.
We need to be thinking a lot smarter than we have been. People are in pain because they don’t have enough magnesium. (Besides anything else – it feeds the god gut bacteria). Now they are going to be in pain just by virtue of not having enough D3. (D3 is indicative of chronic pain). You may say/think – ‘Heather it might be toxic’. Unlikely as it is an ingredient that starts our life. just as the plants need sunlight. Does anyone you think about safety – with the scans before they do 12 in one pregnancy? Or the fluoride in the water that of course is seen as safe as otherwise they wouldn’t put it in there?
What we need to be thinking about is nature. We would be out there in the sun, it would be hot, we would take our clothes off. I don’t use sunscreen and never have because my forebears were Scots and that doesn’t mean I’m not going to spend any money that means I looked at my dad who was always in the garden and he didn’t have any skin cancers and he was bald. I thought to myself “hmm not sure about this, I think we probably need to be in the sun, I feel better in the sun”. Of course I’m not going to sunbathe in the sun and in Christchurch it’s damn cold, the sun might be out but the wind is something fierce even though it’s summer. So I don’t have apparently 60 years looking skin, well that’s because I didn’t bake it, it’s that simple I ‘sunbathe’ it – so I think this is normal for my age. We need to have sun.

I’m going to do how do we make hormones, (not a slight diversion). Yes, I’m talking about pain and neurological problems. We need to have vitamin D3 otherwise we’re not going to make hormones and we need to have fat otherwise we’re not going to make hormones. Why have these people got diabetes and chronic pain? They’ve got chronic and tractable pain because they don’t have any D3.
Please look up anything on D3. The core of lack of D3 is pain – if you have anybody in pain it’s lack of D3.
The circle . ..
They are not going to access the magnesium without the D3, magnesium – we’ve got the mercury problem, we’ve got where’s the fat and – we can’t access the D3. (Especially if they are on statins) If you look at anyone science/medical who’s written about any one of these things they’ve got their medical tunnel vision, they’ve been gone through a funnel as it is to be educated and now they’ve got the tunnel and this is the only thing I’m going to look at. Maybe they forget that you can’t make an omelette with just eggs, well you can but you might want to put some other things in or your chocolate cake actually needs chocolate. It’s a case of not just quantity and quality but it has to actually show up – and have been seen by the body.
What we make hormones with?
Perhaps look through all of this presentation on how we make messengers in the body (CLICK) There are a few co-factors in all of these things and we need to have fat and vitamin D3 otherwise we’re not going to make any hormones at all. So right there with your menopause or your insufficient breast milk or whatever how much do I get people to take? 50,000 international units a day. At least for a month – and then re evaluate. That might be happening until they feel better – whatever ‘feel better’ means to them. Initially I had one patient who misheard me because I told her to take 20,000 a day and 50,000 every Saturday and I saw her in another week – she had taken 50,000 a day and was jumping out of her skin and never felt so good. Where was menopause? She had post shingles pain and that was gone and she had so much energy she didn’t need to see me again. Good, what do I do I didn’t give her enough and she worked the dosage out herself.
Once you’ve filled the tank, like we’ve all got cracks at the bottom of the dam here so having a wee sun shower is not going to do a lot. 1,000 international units a day is half what they give the Norwegian babies to prevent type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the same as multiple sclerosis it’s vitamin D dependent. We have been stupid. Cancer also – run away from the sun at your own peril. Now you go and get blood tests and you’re told ‘within the normal range’ or it’s seen as being ‘way toxic’ and you’re going to have calcium in your kidney. All things work together. They don’t know what they’re talking about put magnesium on here and you’re going to have to do something about undoing why your body is not absorbing things.
I don’t mean to be on this forever I mean until you feel better, whatever that means to you. Out of pain would be a good start but we’ve got to pull out the rubbish that shouldn’t be in there otherwise where’s your magnesium? So these two come together and make something called pregnelonolone and DHEA (you can buy both in the shops in the States) but of course that is seen as dangerous and it’s a hormone we can’t have it. You can also buy it at 50/25,000 international units from, 10,000 international units and 5,000 international units. They are capsules and that’s soft gel.

Ingredients . .. is what you make all your hormones with, you’re not going to that if you don’t have B and which are water dependent so you need to have it coming in all the time with a gut that’s going to want to do it. Also magnesium and zinc which are both annihilated by any access to the mercury and the aluminum. And rest, what’s that? I pose that you might need some rest in there and some water in there too.
I’ve got this on many sites and apps and this is a mud map. DHEA, we seem not allowed to have that either – except you can go and get it from health food shops in the states. 7 keto DHEA. You might also get it from Health House 2000,
DHEA acted upon with progesterone. BUT progesterone got lost. Estrogen everywhere. Phyto, mico, xeno (estrogens) – it doesn’t matter which – with excess estrogen is all through the body so we’re not going to make our DHEA. We’ve got half the amount of DHEA under normal circumstances at 40 as we had at 25. That I think is due to the excess heavy metals because just by the way shall we stick in what’s causing the problem? We’re too scared of the sun, we’re too scared of fat, we don’t have our gut working, we don’t have these and our own vitamins because of the modern farming practices and we’ve messed up with the heavy metals from one way or the other.
We need to do is realise the doctor starts doing tests not even at the beginning – as there ARE no tests for pregnelonone – or even DHEA is not taken – yet to tell you if you’re OK. So the problem we run into very quickly is the doctors organising the wrong tests. There’s me thinking I wonder what my hormones are doing a wee while ago and I thought I’d just go down and check. I had no estrogen which I was impressed at, look there’s something I can actually do and so this cream wasn’t quite enough that’s it if there’s estrogen cream.
Then we’ve got the DHEA which is dwindling and that’s our “old eggs” fault, we just need to up all of that above there and now we might have metabolic hormones and now we might have reproductive hormones. Now they’re going to ask damn more questions of these blood tests and they come and ask do we have enough TSH thyroid stimulating hormone? Do we have enough T4? Who cares, we’ve got to convert it to T3 it doesn’t matter if it’s sitting there in your body we actually have to do something with it. To do something with it we need zinc and selenium and look at that blocked by the heavy metals again.

Iron of course it’s going to go off of women because we’re going to bleed too much because we’ve got hot blood so there’s your designation of TCM Hot Blood. We have Yang deficiency, we have fluid lying about and are flabby, we’ve got all sorts of problems, we’ve got breasts out here and that’s because of the magnesium. I’ve done this in other presentations we’re going to need these to be working but they are blocked, we don’t have them in the environment and this here we can’t absorb if our zinc is not there and our magnesium is not there and our gut is not working. So here’s another very large whoops we’ve got these things called halides I’ve spoken of elsewhere and if you remember your periodic table we’ve got chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine. Oh look at that down the bottom it’s hard for your body to get, it’s a lot easier the chloride so let’s just put chlorine bleach on everything and get in the swimming pool and there we go. And we’re going to put fluoride in the water, and in the toothpaste and in all of the conditioning to tell you that it is going to make your teeth better. (No it’s not).
We’ve got bromide. Bromide was given by the army to stop men from having their penis work. Bromide was given to all of the inmates in prison so they didn’t rape each other. They’ve stopped doing that now. Bromides are being outgassed from all of the bedding. It is in all of the fire retardants. In all of our cars, and all of our white goods (smart phones and computers etc). It is also being sprayed on the strawberries and many other foods. Bromide is also put it in the bread as a flour conditioner (instead of the iodine as it once was). Bromide and other halides displace the iodine – we get more cancer. We need four molecules of iodine being tied into the Tyrosine (T4). Tyrosine is a protein which isn’t going to get absorbed because we don’t have enough (let’s go over it again), water, salt and iodine coming in.
Bromide dominance theory Is it ethical to pretend we don’t need these things let’s give them something for their GERD? Let’s give them something that ensures that they don’t have enough digestive enzymes. Let’s say that it’s causing heart burn and we need to sort out the heartburn. In fact, we don’t need to sort out the heartburn because they need more gut acid – not less and to do that we’re not going to put all that aluminum in antacids – because that’s going to stop digestion from working more, we actually need to sort out the underlying problem. The heavy metals are blocking their absorption too. Chelation is not going to do it.
The only way I’ve found is those liquid activated zeolites, five drops times six daily. I lost my six kilos (then 7) quite simply, forget about weight loss. I didn’t do anything with my diet, I didn’t do anything with exercise. I decided it was about time I got back to the weight I used to be because I’ve got a heart problem. Why? Because of the mercury, thus we have fluid where it shouldn’t be and there. I am now still taking fluid tablets – no heart medication after 18 years. I am on a little T4 – a quarter of what I was. Fat pads and all of the excess went in 7 weeks. How? I took those drops. Different dosage and had everything else line up.
We’re going to talk about neurology we’ve talked about pain enough. We’ve got pain because this is not working, we don’t have iodine in our body and so we’ve got the iron deficiency so we’ve got lack of flow. We’ve not got magnesium in our body so we’ve got Stuck Liver Qi so we’ve got lack of flow and all the clotting problems (etc). Gut is not working on account of not having either of them and our hormones thus are 7 and 8 year cycles are not working. We’re miserable and therefore we’re given anti-psychotics and anti-depressants and hey we don’t need any more damp we’ve got enough, we are iron deficient.
There’s the iodine gone again – give another flu injection. That has more mercury in it. I don’t know who thought this up but I think it’s on account of that and it’s not ethical, it’s not biologically sustainable. So in looking at five drops six times a day when I give that to babies who’ve been vaccine damaged, (oh yes it does happen), within a couple of days sometimes they’re not the same creature. Now the magnesium is getting in and all of that symptomology you’ve got is lack of vital ingredients. So I’ve been talking about nutrients and I didn’t talk about what you you put in your mouth so much as look sometimes it isn’t working.
Circulation – Yang Qi working. (Or damp in the way??)
Can the flows happen?
If we don’t have enough iodine, we’ve got all that damp sitting around where it shouldn’t be. Start by pulling out the residual cold,

Putting in some moxa after that, do basic stuff that I talk about. Painting the iodine on you’ll start peeing. I think by now we need to start by pulling out what shouldn’t be there, put in what should and then they need the herbs. I’m telling you back in the 80s and 90s – that was wonderful it isn’t now. So then I added in and now I’m having to take it out but we really should be putting it in to start with.
Is it ethical to be playing ‘let’s pretend’ we don’t need ingredients as acupuncturists?
Let’s pretend we don’t do that, (see a naturopath) we’ve got this box and we do that very well, we’re being purists. Being a mother or a farmer – we ask – is this biologically sustainable? I’d say at this point not really. So when somebody is in pain their whole world collapses for the lack of magnesium. Sometimes it’s just as simple as putting magnesium on the skin, if they can absorb it it will go back to the mercury problem and we might need to put an awful lot of vitamin D3 and just that by itself can sort it out. That’s ridiculous,
MS and auto immune problems. . .
I’ve reversed people out of their multiple sclerosis. I was not treating their multiple sclerosis – I was treating them. By getting them to take a glutathione accelerator, six every morning and the reason why I was getting them to take that is because we make our own glutathione except we sometimes don’t and we haven’t got access to our magnesium and selenium. The fact is that that glutathione is the only one that works in the morning. Now I’ve got them to take that on a long term basis, disappeared.
The people who have found themselves with almost anything (as well as multiple sclerosis) often just need to reverse their body challenges by taking 50,000 international units of vitamin D3 a day until their lives are back on track. Eating differently and looking after their gut are part of this. No necessarily taking a whole lot of prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes and so on. Start at the beginning what would mum have mum said? Where’s the salt? I don’t mean the white – but the pink or the grey salt.
I’m going to do a little in depth area of neurological consequences of what we’ve done to date. The reason I’m doing this is because it’s a bit pertinent in my life – because I’m getting old and my daughter has not died. She’s 30 years old now (born 1986) and she’s still in her own nappies, needs 24/7 care. it is a bit confronting because what next? Her brothers, her family have nothing to do with her. Mum will deal with it she’s the backstop. A year ago, I went to a disability strategy meeting in New Zealand. It was for the parents. They forgot to tell the parents. The room was awash with all the paid helpers. There were two parents who were ‘just’ parents, there were four other parents who were workers in the sector and the rest of them… were government workers. (They did not circulate the fact of the meeting to us).
We are going to talk about neurological problems. I hope you’ve watched my presentation that I did in 94 which was part of a pregnancy and before that a ‘fertility’ presentation – called ‘The Role of 8 Extras in Women’s Lives and Maternity.’ (See the Transformative Healing package). The context of my work is that I’ve had Kathryn in the middle of it – and at that point in 1994 she was still living with me. She is not now. I had to give up two of my children in order to raise the one child that was the youngest.
I remind you that Kathryn would not be where she is now if I had been not good so much as responsible. They are not the same thing. I thought I was being responsible by vaccinating, whose version of events?
What Next?
We need to look at the neurological changes over the Jing.
30 years on . . .I am at a ‘disability strategies’ meeting and they wanted questions from the floor. I put my hand up and asked the question ‘are we going to be looking at causation?’ They’re all on that side of the page – where are they going to be spending their money in the next 10 years? My daughter is on the highest level of any funding that she’s allowed to get and then some more. She is profoundly autistic and massively brain injured which means because I fixed her and she can run very fast she needs 24-hour care, non verbal, incontinent, and would be really violent – and is starting to be because one thing leads to another in life and I think she’s a bit ‘pissed off’ as would I be if I were her.
I’m a little irritated that they keep on pumping everybody’s bodies including my new grandchild about to happen with things that are going to stop life. That’s not going to be useful for my grandchild and it’s not possibly useful for your children and you just haven’t noticed that they are a bit more dumb than you ever were. I know I might be upsetting you but I’ve got all of my kids on the autistic spectrum so I actually know a bit about this and how did that happen? All of those mercury stuff and other stuff that shouldn’t have been there. No I don’t have weak genes, nobody else in my family has got this. My two sisters who are younger than me have got children who are OK, they’re not on thyroid medication, they don’t have heart problems. So what’s going on here they don’t have a Kathryn in their lives? No they don’t but I’m the one that copped it from fetal mining legacy pollution.
They don’t want to know about causation and they just looked at me blankly. Later on once we’ve gone through this process of everybody spending lots of the government money which is not being directed at sorting out helping problems really. Why have we got this incredible surge epidemic of children who need special needs care for the rest of their lives? Dad walks out, mum’s got the rest of the kids underfoot and they doing God knows what as she attempts to hold it all together. This one here is violent getting bigger and what’s she going to do with them when she gets to my age and size?
So that’s a problem, I thought it might be an idea if we talked to that but we weren’t. Later on in our little group there’s another parent and myself. I happened to mention to her that her kid’s massive epilepsy might have been due to the lack of vitamins and magnesium and she might want to slather him in it. He also had a massive head injury (whilst he had a massive fit and knocked himself out and now he’s got a brain injury on top of whatever had caused him to have these problems). Like me – she possibly had no idea that the neurotoxins in the vaccinations may have caused all the problems – who is going to eventually pay to remove all of this? She had been diligently waited for him to grow out of his problems – as directed medically (Hopeful).
She would have vaccinated him at the normal times and he just kept on getting worse. Maybe look at any of the parent’s stories from the Vaxxed movies around the world trip. Vaxxed movie??
How does this all happen?
WHY is there no medical investigation in this??
Were is the real science?? If you go back with a different lens and look at how many heavy metals can a body cope with without breaking down and you get a different set of answers if you ask a different set of questions. We’re not going to go through is it safe, but is it dangerous? What can happen if we don’t do it? I would suggest to you that my daughter would not be where she is if I hadn’t given her MRR and just run out. I watched it evolve and nearly out autism, I had her nearly fixed I’m good at my job. She was never going to be normal but she wouldn’t have been what she’d evolved into.
There I am in the disability strategies meeting and this woman thinks well surely there’s something that can be done. I say yeah well there’s a lot of Chinese practitioners around there who are actually orthodox (Western) doctors as well. Also that some of them are really good with scalp acupuncture. I’m sure as they can sort out people after they’ve had strokes and all that some of them, not me – I haven’t had that training – but some of them would be really amazing in helping with the closed brain injury that your child has and a lot of the others. I know what I’ve done with my children and one particular child in order to rescue them neurologically and that was called ‘I thought’ and I acted on what I was thinking.
Then some ‘professional’ in my group says “oh but we’ll have to check out that none of them are charlatans”. I cast my eye over the room and said nothing. We need to stand up and do something about being pro-life because being anti-life is the antibiotics, the anti-gut bacteria, the anti-food, the anti-everything that is going to allow life to blossom as it should.
We are going to talk about briefly the neurological consequences over a life. I’ve started talking about baby being born and being nurtured or not by mum freaking out about what’s on the scan, mum having all of these injections to make it safe because it doesn’t have an immune system when it came out. It never did, we’re all here. Where’s the kid’s immunity come from? Placenta, vaginal micro-bio, breasts. Mum gets exposed to something – babies breast milk is instantly different, babies sending messages back through spit into the nipple, feedback mechanism and the body goes oh really – I can fix this.
Let’s just cut mums out and say ‘let’s make money’. What about the safe water and how we are going to sterilise it? There’s more chlorine. What are we going to do about the fluoride in the water that you’re making that whatever formula made from whatever which was not ever sterlised as raw ingredients? What is in it? How ethical is it to separate mum and the baby? Is this biologically survivable even, forget about sustainable but survivable? Not really because she might bash the kid on the head because she’s had a gutful. Some of you might have been there it’s called Post-Traumatic Stress and add into that Post-Natal Depression, Post-Natal Psychosis. How did you get that? They gave you ‘gas’.
Access to the nitrous oxide means that your B12 pathways are gone. Anybody who’s been working with laughing gas they have B12 gone for the count they don’t have to be alcoholics, they don’t have to be gluten intolerant, they don’t don’t have to be vegans or vegetarians they just have had exposure to a number of things that carry on in life. This is not OK, I’m here to say that that they’re testing wrong. They should be doing a different blood test. You go off anything that’s got any B in it for at least 24 hours – then they do the test and often will find out that you’ve got none. See more here.
We have got supposedly mum in a good state of health and we’re not even going to talk about the sperm.
We may have mum’s garden (gut) and the baby nest (uterus) in a good state of health. We’ may have all the flows flowing and the sacrum has actually got its right circulation happening. Likely then the fetal flows of perfect blood flow is happening. We’re doing the sacral moxa fan to make sure we’re doing all the massage, maybe gone to somebody like me who can marry the Arvigo and Mercier information with the acupuncture. When her likely broken coccyx has being addressed by all of the other things that you can do at home which I will mention elsewhere and thus the placenta is working and the placenta is working because it’s getting the flows flowing. We’ve got enough flows flowing because structurally it’s in the right place. Structurally OK?
Part of the answer. Not only sacrum is that in the right place. She MUST have enough hydration. BUT is she only drinking Coca-cola “but it’s OK because it’s Diet Coke”. As one pregnant woman was? Midwife didn’t notice? Her first baby was born and three days, she died. This mum comes to me at 23 weeks – how come the midwives haven’t seen hat the only thing she’s got with her is a can of Diet Coke? I don’t know what goes on in the real world. So how come that’s a problem? Well we’ve got the aspartame which 16 percent aluminum. 16 percent aluminum is aspartame and your body doesn’t recognise it as being sugar so you keep on being hungry.
She was also drinking it cold.
She would have had all that phosphoric acid depleting all of her minerals out of her body not making the baby and the baby died. She comes to me pregnant again – at 23 weeks someone ‘said go and see Heather she fixes things’ and I’m going yeah not without some help. So I banned her from anything that wasn’t water, I got her to take a multivitamin twice a day, I knew she had very limited funds and I got her to use magnesium topically many times daily. She had a 9-pound baby born (by cesarean, of course). She was because she was told it was too big for her to be able to birth, of course she wasn’t. I told her she was to be coming back weekly until she stopped having that incredibly bone pain because she came to me because her body hurt.
Pain, lack of ingredients. Death to the first baby too.
Now it just so happens that, she’d been told to come and see me, so she told the man she got involved with to come and see me. His past varicocele operation hadn’t worked so he still didn’t have very many sperm. It was a three-hour drive every Saturday morning to come and seeing me. I found out that he’d broken up from this girlfriend. That was the same woman who had that baby inside for the first 23 weeks drinking Diet Coke after the grief of losing that baby, after having such a depleted body and she left the abusive relationship and started another one – had this baby. Her then two-year-old was the worst kid he’d ever met in his life and he wasn’t going to have anything to do with her because that kid was “feral”.
Neurological consequences – we don’t make babies properly – we’ve got an uphill battle.
We then start poisoning them (vaccinating is only ONE issue). Called presently medically and socially ethical. We are in deep trouble. Some may say – ‘we’re not going to get paid if we don’t’. I don’t know how much money it’s going to cost direct to fund my daughter over her entire life. I don’t think the mother whose first baby died – her then two-year-old – is never going to be OK. How much damage is he going to do in the world? Rather too much – and at what cost?
It may ‘take a village to raise one child’. To fund one damaged child? We don’t have enough of these village/rs to fund these nonproductive people. We are told to be scared of the sun and they’re not growing properly. Everyone now has to slip, slop, slap in order to go outside. Mum is too busy and so she’s doing whatever she’s doing which isn’t actually helpful and we’re in deep trouble.
Back to neurological consequences
We won’t make babies properly. We won’t get the flows flowing, we won’t bother with the ingredients and it’s all about mum being “precious” and she’s not going to have an actual birth because it might hurt. It’s going to hurt more when you may hate your kid, it’s going to hurt more when that becomes infected and you can’t breastfeed and the whole thing is too hard and you don’t want baby any longer, you can’t give baby/child back. Be the kid, pain? All sickness is homesickness. You need to take supplements, sustenance, medications, anything to feel better. Behavior is awry, everything is a mess, we’ve got hormonal disruption, we’ve got young girls having breasts and periods way too early. They are then preyed upon (unwanted sexual predation).
How safe was it to have a mother who doesn’t think this through? She may be busy being a princess. You may be helping her staying being a princess. That word I rubbed off induction. Maybe she didn’t want to feel birth. She could get serious. See this page . .
A very pregnant woman needs to sit forward. If you think you’re going to get the baby in a better position – whose leg are you pulling? I started there – decades ago. How ethical is it to pretend we don’t have a structure? If you think the bladder 67 is going to work on moxa on the big little toe – think again.
You might have the baby tied up in knots and asphyxiate itself because there’s a real knot in the cord and if it goes into the right position it maybe might die. Surely it’s better off coming bum first? I’ve had one of them – she didn’t come to me to see if baby could be turned she went to the doctor who turned the baby and the baby died. So I’m just saying that I have conversations with women who are sure this is the right thing to do. OK – they reckon this is going to happen if you don’t but what’s going to happen if you do? Perhaps we might just give nature it’s head except we can’t because Robin Lim – go and look up anything she’s done. Her Ted talk is below – she’s done a lot of work on birthing and third stage of labor and the importance of having cord intact.
She has done a case series, (you may think this is the lowest form of research). She discovers that there are really big problems happening with the umbilical cord because of exposure to glyphosate and it’s killing mums and it is killing the babies.
That’s the glycine is messing up the connective tissue so it doesn’t have Wharton’s jelly, it doesn’t have all of the fibers it needs to have. In a Third World country they are finding they need to do cesareans and they baby and mum both might both die anyway because what they’ve got now is genetically modified humans. Moving back from that we’re not there yet – you have to pay attention, you’ve got to follow nature, you’ve got to do something about stopping all these bright new ideas because somebody thought it was a great one. Neurological consequences we’re not making fetuses because the sperm is no good, I’ve done that in other places.
Now we’ve got the baby and the baby has come too soon. Why? Because there weren’t the nutrients, there wasn’t the flow and mum was too scared so the baby got cut out at 37 weeks, not even 38 weeks. Excuse me it’s the first one it wasn’t due for another month. What’s developing in the last 4 weeks? The brain. The baby didn’t seem like it wanted to breathe yet, it’s neurologically incompetent, it’s not grown properly yet, it’s gut’s not working yet, it’s all about mum. It doesn’t stop being about mum she doesn’t want to breast feed, she doesn’t want her boobs messed up, it just doesn’t get any better.
Now Mum and everybody around her have had the Whooping Cough injection on and on and on and the kids felt the Hepatitis B which is full of aluminum which is why babies die from that injection. Well let’s pretend it’s an inert placebo shall we, that’s what they did with the HPV. In whose reality is this research? We’ve got the full HPV and we’ve got everything taken out except the aluminum adjuvant.
- Where’s the placebo JUST saline water?
- Where are the kids with no injections – and compare the difference?
- (We know vaccination is safe so we don’t worry about them).
- Which acupuncture research would last the distance like that?
- “We know vaccination is safe.”(Where is that data?)
- How do we know that? We can prove it’s not, it’s not effective either but never mind.
- Does that kid need the hepatitis B injection?
- Of course he didn’t.
- Was it going to be – is it ethical to follow that line of thinking?
Robin Lim
Placenta, The Forgotten Chakra
Babies not necessarily being made properly now. Look at neurological issues. There are some of the stumbling blocks. We’re going to assume the baby has gotten to two years old – did it get breastfed until then? Of course it didn’t. Mum needed to go back to work. We have an unethical society that has mums and dads living together as a unit and not having one income between two people. I was on about this 40 years ago and it hasn’t changed. How ethical is it to pretend mums don’t matter? Let’s go back to if you’ve got two mums that long term study discovered that actually children with two mums were better than one mum or no mum. I don’t even think they did no mum they probably did it up against the normal supposedly normal nuclear family.
I think we need to rewrite the book a bit and go back to the basics behind us. What did the grandmothers say to do? Neurologically if you’re not going to have the nutrients – so we’ve got fetal and of course pre-fetal, pre-conception and then fetal we’ve got birth, remember now we’re at the first third of life and we’re going to assume we haven’t been shut down on account of all the things that happen. Now we’ve got a mum that actually wants us and I’m sorry if this has happened to you in your mother’s case or in your own children’s case it’s got to be said. We were broken, we didn’t do this on purpose, we didn’t do whatever we did and wished we hadn’t done.

So many women have been stuck on all these antidepressants that are depressing our life force.
What about the nutrients? What about the Golden Month? Go and get Jenny Allison’s book ‘The Golden Month’ it’s a lovely little book from Beatnik press in New Zealand. Jenny’s done ‘The Golden Month’ and she’s gone anthropologically through different cultures including the Chinese.
I know that the Japanese culture the daughter goes home to live with mum for the first couple of months and mum might come back and live with her. We have to have somebody looking after mum.
Now look they are going to be doing the belly binding which is on the site, they’re going to be doing the faja, they’re going to be doing herbal packs, they’re going to be doing the steams, they’re going to be doing the chicken broth and herbs. They’re going to be told ‘you lie down and shut up’ and they’re going to be looking after the household and they are going to be bringing the baby or the babies there with them and they are bonding and doing very little else because they are being sensible. They need her up and running the show.
To do that has to recover, she has to have her uterus return back to a pre baby size.
Mum has to recover her Qi, she’s got to recover her good humour, she’s got to recover her Blood, she’s got to be in love with that new being. What happened? Oh well she needs to go back to work, according to who? Maternal maternity matters.
When did we become slaves and prostitutes and servants? Always been, just saying that we do need to look after mum when she’s got a baby otherwise what’s the new crop going to be like? They are disconnected and they are bringing knives to school and they’re killing each other. So here we go that’s what Dr Shen did for us, and Dr Michel Odent wrote a book called ‘The Farmer and the Obstetrician’. Yes, you don’t get in between the mother elephant and her baby she’ll stop on you because she’s got to sort the problem out. If you’re birthing primly you’d be in the same kettle of fish don’t you touch my kid and there would be all hell to pay if I even thought, you might.
The second third of life until you’re 10 what’s going to happen now? These days you go and have a look at any pro-life site otherwise called anti-vaccination and you see the tiny little amount of vaccines and they’re like that and there are these more coming. How’s that going to help the Wei Qi when you’ve got all that agitation? I’m not even talking about the foreign DNA from the birds and the aborted humans that they are making these on. What’s that going to do for our body do you think? We’re going to have a baby that’s having an autoimmune response for the rest of its life, its Jing is not going to do enough.
That’s before we talk about what it gets up to to try and save, it’s upset because it’s starting to be an alcoholic by the time they are 13, because I’ve had patients like that. They are cutting and they’re self harming/mutilating and where’s the ethics in pretending they need to go to a doctor? Where’s the ethics in saying a woman who’s got post-natal psychosis needs to go to the doctor? I don’t doubt that she needs to not kill anyone but should we perhaps undo what’s happening in her reality? Should we perhaps not have noticed that she had that crack in her tongue with that dry phlegm in it? Should we perhaps not have noticed she had the hot feet at night and wasn’t drinking water and was actually in an abusive relationship of description or other, was raped by the medical profession, went through what was safe or was going to be. How ethical is it to tell women that if they don’t have that baby now it’s going to die?
We are looking at neurological consequences. I’ve got neurological consequences in my family due to vaccinating .. because Kathryn caught toxoplasmosis inside me. I didn’t know about that; I was carrying the third of the diseases in ‘Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn” text book at the time I was having Kathryn I was going to have Kathryn messed up one way or another. She had an exceptionally long cord, I was told by the psychic I was seeing whilst pregnant. I gave that job of undoing to my husband (on other levels/realms to work on). When she was born the doctor dud say that that was a very long cord and he was very surprised it wasn’t around her at least once.
Her father did something then about imagining the cord and her floating free and I guess it didn’t stop her from being born purple from here down. Another acupuncturist who was at the birth with me said Heather you might need to know this later she went pink but this was all purple from the hips down. I’m going hmm that doesn’t surprise me at all, she had a story which is outside the realms of this presentation. So I had toxoplasmosis and I was really sick the whole time, where was the ethics of pretending that I didn’t need to be looking after myself better? I was too busy doing other things and that’s a whole new story.
When Kathryn was born she wasn’t vaccinated because we didn’t vaccinate babies back then (their immune system is not developed enough to challenge) but she was given vitamin K because I wouldn’t have been asked about that and didn’t know about it they just did it.
Kathryn was never ‘OK’ and she went from ‘never OK’ to ‘almost dead’ often. The ethics of the pediatrician who didn’t listen to the mother until two weeks when she was fitting continually was a problem. From there I did what I could. You saw some of what I did presented in 7 years down the track ABC Report.
Well one thing lead to another. When she was 19 years old I found the liquid activated zeolites and I got her carers to give that to her and within two days she was less autistic and within a week she was not having the status epileptic fits that were sending her off in an ambulance which she’d been having forever. They hadn’t bothered to tell me about these – as the anti-consultants could only do so much. That stopped after she started the drops because now the magnesium in her food, (I wasn’t giving her supplements), was enough to have the neurological pathways and the electric conductivity in her brain to be working better.
So what do we think we’re doing having teenagers who have now got fits? Well that would have been the compulsory hepatitis B, why? The MRR, really? Again and again and again because of course it doesn’t work so we have to keep on doing it and the HPV which has completely got a huge bolus of the aluminum. Let’s pretend that it’s safe and they are being hysterical well that’s a good story, it’s like the Gulf war veterans all being goodness knows what they were just injected with squalene which actually killed them at the right dosage for the mortality. If you go and look at I think it’s called the ‘Vaccine A’ the anthrax they were given, oh but let’s pretend it was the Coca-Cola cans left too long in the sun – they had all sorts of stories about that. Where was the ethics in any of that? Missing. We’re going to rewrite life; we continually rewrite life
When we’re looking at neurological problems – the amount of catastrophe that is being visited to children now is beyond it. So the one in six now in Australia ‘needing’ Special Ed is getting worse so let’s just go and pretend teenage years are not happening, I’ll just mention that in passing. Then we have a car accident now we’re kept alive or we might have nearly drowned and we’re kept alive so what’s going to happen next? Quite a lot of nasty things quite frankly because then in amongst all of that we’re going to have we get rescued when we should have been not rescued.
What to do??
I mentioned that in passing in the first thing I did of this, what I have learned now is that we need to get rid of what is blocking the nutrients.If we don’t do this we can’t expect the body to rebuild itself. It is designed to – but it can’t without the nutrients. Who in any hospital/aged care facility or in a vegetative state gets any vitamin D? They’re never outside. How is there nerves supposed to regenerate? There’s no vitamin D and they’re not allowed any fat. Or – they’ are not eating. They may get a stomach button and nutrients get delivered straight out of the fridge into there. Probably making it up with the fluoridated water. Maybe just kill them it would be easier, would you like to be in that body? That’s before we talk about all the contaminants all the way around.
That person if they’ve got anybody at home who is vaguely human is going to be trying to kill themselves, they don’t want you to end it because they are sharing that space with all sorts of nasties and they’re just stuck in it. This might be us in another couple of years because we might have had a stroke, because we might have fallen down and bashed our head. Can’t escape from it. We might have had an operation and they didn’t notice that our heart rate went up a bit or our blood pressure went up a bit. That may have been us feeling everything (and totally paralysed – it happens to some).
How ethical is it to not be finding check backs to make sure they’re not just being precious because we’re all wired differently? I don’t have all the answers here but I’m saying as acupuncturists perhaps we should be stop playing that game and start playing our real game – that is our medicine. If there are neurological problems think – excess mercury blocking life – plus a lack of ingredients, lack of flow, lack of common sense. We’re not doing Qi medicine and they are not here as a physical body they have a spirit and a soul. Anything is possible, I told you about that guy and his broken back in three places I expected it to get better. Why wouldn’t it if you give it what it needs, why wouldn’t it? Because somebody said it wouldn’t.
Moxa works, visualisation works, prayer works, Reiki works, Copal works, needles work, our medicine works. We don’t need to prove to prove it that it does by pretending that we’re going to hold one ‘variable’ steady (‘research) and forget that if we’re talking about the immune system – where does it orign0inate – the gut. Wei Qi – The Middle Heater. It might be the person is allergic to something. Ask ‘when did you last have a flu injection?’ If every year diligently – big trouble. You get more and more and more and more heavy metals so we’ve got less and less and less and less ability to access iodine or anything,
Yang energy (Wei Qi) is not going to work so well.
They might be sleeping under the cold fan all the time because that’s how their husband wants it.
(Of course they’ve still got hay fever. It doesn’t matter which point you put it in). You might have a mothers look first; could you just do that? Could you just go look at your practice and have a look is it biologically sustainable because I’m going to suspect that quite a lot of what your life is about is not, this might be the beginning of a much easier life when you let the dust settle.
I hope that you have gained a lot to ponder. That was my aim.
Enjoy becoming more conscious and responsive in your own life!!!