Enhancing new life


Here is what would otherwise be called Don’t break the baby’
As we are desigend – let us create
The set up . .
Life – as it was to be centuries ago – ‘in the wild’ is how we need to see engaging in bringing through new humans at this time.
Unfethered by the other agenda

I wish you to go back to how you would have wished your parents made you.
This new project is NOT about you and what this pregnancy means to you – but what it means to the one growing within.
One of my masters was an astute people observer.
His work underpins all teach.

This means that the closer we are to the inception of ‘life’ in a body – the more vulnerable we are. Mum for the first 2/3 of our life is our most important contributor. She is our bridge out into the world. She births our ability to be.

Once we are born, she still shapes our responses to the outside world. Totally dependent upon being cared for and tended, biology ensures her and our imprinted behaviour grants the fierce mammalian protection needed for sustaining our life IF it all went as planned. IF she is intact in herself and in her maternity. If we as the new life can assert what was programmed into offspring – finely honed to be alert after birth to thus know mum and have her as our protector. All babies follow the cues of the one they experience first – imprinting in birds and in animals is well known. Bonding of the new life to what is supposed to be the one to educate into being. .

So too in humans. We have been awash in HER responses to the world. Shaped in her ocean of feelings they are also ours.

I have written extensively on this – and as it is such an obvious, thus apparently novel idea – I will direct you to this often.
There are some considerations.
1 – NONE of my work will be found elsewhere . (I am not parroting what is current ‘best practice’ or even what ‘everyone knows’.)
2 – This is LIFE (as we are designed and as it naturally unfolds if we let it).
3 – Sustainable humanity – make this one as you would have wished to have been – in full awareness of the blueprint.

WARNING – not medical

Often apparently controversial.
I will always follow life.
See more on this site (Gentling WAY)
The energy concepts that run a body – the electrics
Easy breasts – written so you understand that ingredients to run your body are essential.
Not enough to say ‘But I eat well’ – all seem to think so.
Your food factory – here (The Human Microbiome) and the
Also Opening the Baby Gate
As you go towards birthing this site may be your guide

Mum’s life can be enhanced, or wrecked at this time.
The Jing shifts in these phases also dictate her continuation of being

1 – Puberty
2 – Marriage/sexual expression

In times past the removal to another tribe and the adulthood being hierarchical with her holding bottom position. We can see this as sexual initiation – which for some is regretably well before mammalian maturation/menarche. This leaves the being bereft of the possibility of normal unfolding of Jing. Not only physical wounds that may be irretrievable, as the Qi and Blood are nowhere able to support structural

3 – Pregnancy
4 – Menopause

Ingredients and their ability to circulate are the key. Normalise these and her strength of character and constitution – if she is supported by the tribe – to ensure easy happens. Please watch. The essence of a well pregnancy. Can the blueprint unfold?

How we choose to live in a ‘life’ is dependent the start we are granted – and our then (immature/teenage) opinions on what matters.
Living being aware of Jing conservation is the key.

As a baby grows, mum is setting down the architecture for their life.
Her’s – as her body remakes itself – and the inhabitant – as it is within the sea of creation – her womb.

Part of this is from Jing – an East Asian way is interwoven through all this work as you need to know that a body is not a collection of matter – but here as a soul force experiencing being human within a mammalian wrapper.
This means that the focus in all this work is to retain and to express sovereignty
Clarity of being.

Enhancing normal . .
Protecting the blueprint
Sustaining pregnancy
Ensuring ‘safe’ bonded mammalian maternity is the focus.
NO NEED for medical . .

That is the roadside assistance – and you when pregnant are REMAKING YOURSELF. .
Totally outside their scope of practice.
Needed if broken – but not when you need to step up and take charge – as YOU are living in YOUR life.

As we go on – we will be covering
1 – Protecting life
2 – Nourishing life
3 – Sustaining life
4 – Enhancing life
5 – Ensuring life is unfolding as she should

TOGETHER – building the base/nest to grow your new loved ones