Easy Pregnancy Solutions – previewing


I am answering the question – ‘How can I help?’
The women/families/ and more importantly the ones who are to come through now. What may they need to be as wholesomely human spirit infused as possible? Thus – for them there are the courses I have spent years sitting with/on. Easy Pregnancy Solutions is one of these. LIFE is the essence. Spirit filled. If you are on this page – I will have sent you the link for the course to watch . .

This is the wonder of it all . .

We can inspire others – from being that one ourselves.
Past the distraction – comes power from above
THROUGH us.  Not of us. . Reminder (CLICK) 

Here is a beginning that could potentially be put in a course – at least for you who take people through as the ‘hands-on’/relating person – Pregnancy Week By Week (CLICK) Forms to print out that will help – I will do up another. In the meantime I spoke about it on Zoom – so you can follow the course as though you were the pregnant woman who is watching it – whilst in various pregnancies. .

What I did template (CLICK) you can add in different headings: or do two side by side

Context and problem (CLICK) Written as the intro to the 2003 uni subject – Instructional Design Strategies – that project/assignment grew into the WDCD work. The weekend course (I thought to be syndicated/whatever – much like Hypnobirthing is now).

I will go through this and ‘pretty’ it up later

  • Start – the right title – dads do want to help.
  • 3.00 – Early Heather mothering . .
  • 6.00 – The actual course that WDCD came from .
  • 6.20 – Body renovates itself food is medicine . .
  • 7 – H’s funny pre birth story
  • 8.30 – Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it.
  • 9.30 – “High risk” is ignoring nature. – G.V experience and also Kathryn . .
  • 12 – Heather living the out there life at the beginning  – revision and putting it all together. .  .

  • 14 – I repeat myself. . .
  • 15 – Dr Shen’s line and survival of the fittest . .
  • 17  All problems are solutions awaiting finding . . Heather’s life work.
  • 17.30Vanessa – look at this from the eyes of the ‘just-pregnants’. Amazing as looking through different lens.
  • 20 – Write/journal your own experience as you are listening. We process ourselves – selfing first
  • 22 – H’s first pregnancy and incidents . .
  • 23.30 – Mum’s body is the bridge to the world.
  • 25 – Running your own small group – to get this relationship work.
  • 26 – They are calling us i
  • 27 – Our job is to clear out their blockages.  . remove judgments. Vanessa -wisdom in a nutshell .
  • 29 – Desperate enough to stop and listen? OR full of ourselves (is in earlier lives).
  • 31 Korean temple (CLICK) HaeinsaStunning place (CLICK)
  • 37 – What is happening now. 
  • 41.50What does it mean to me???
  • 42.30 Vanessa Choose your own adventure/ending
  • 45 – The process of us writing the WDCD book (2005).
  • 45.40 – Start out with what is giving the instructions – not ‘breech’ – go through the classifications of the moves. . .
  • 48.50 – go through  how it was for self – and journal.
  • 49.30It might not to have to have happened.
  • 52 – Has this helped? Vanessa – in the context of all that I have done .  .
  • 53.30 – Cage of beliefs

  • 56 – What would have happened if. . .?
  • 57 – What to do with those who find us – more  courses and on affiliate.
  • 1.04.00 – Courses I will start with.
  • 1.08.00 – Life UNSUCK
  • 1.09.20 – “What does it mean to me?”
  • 1.13.00 – Ask  different question
  • 1.15.00 – How WDCD was written – the process.
  • 1.17.00 – Living a scripted life


  • Start – A little prompt – qualifying page. .
  • 2.00 – Historically – what men did – and women – we were teh real warriors – to keep it all together for the children – and where the men came back to
  • 2.30 – The tenets of the is work again . .
  • 4.55 – Who you are is what you have become. .
  • 6.00 – Energy follows thought Gloviavale –
  • 6.55 – Letting go the Kathryn story. . we are all letting go .
  • 7.30 – All problems are solutions waiting to be found.
  • 9.50 – Mothers know (CLICK) – elephant birthing and reviving calf.
  • 11 – Kathryn’s birth and being 5 cm and NOT in labour  .
  • 12 – Maybe write up what was happening when you were birthing – on sheets as you listen in to the course?? We are doing this to assist those who are coming after what would YOU then – have gotten out of this? (Would you have listened? /how can we get others to maybe pay attention – as we are actually trying to avoid what we all would have wished we did not have to go through – so maybe – it is not useful to endow others with ”wisdom’??
  • 12.20 – What I did – and why I did anything? Pre work . . . on ourselevs.
    We qualify people by seeing the page I will do up . .
  • 14.30 – What is on show . .1WDCD with massage & birthing DVDs and moxa stick 2 – Easy Pregnancy Resources 3 – Easy Pregnancy Solutions
  • 18.00 – Robbie Floyd Davis and Elisabeth Davis. The technocratic model (CLICK) (this link has a 48 minute audio)  stresses mind-body separation and sees the body as a machine; the humanistic model emphasizes mind-body connection and defines the body as an organism; the holistic model insists on the oneness of body, mind, and spirit and defines the body as an energy field in constant interaction with other …

  • 20 – Sue Cookson and Dr John Stevenson . .
  • 22 – WDCD – then Easy Pregnancy Resources or Easy Pregnancy Solutions – and also (for acupuncturist for Pregnancy Through the Energy Lenses‘ – and onto the entire programme – from Move Your Qi is another way in . .
  • 25 – What do we go through all this for? C Section ledges – need not to be – adhesions – we cover next week . .and episiotomy.
  • 27Dr Gowri Motha – The Gentle Birth Method (CLICK) . . NOT the expander process.  .
  • 28.50 – Thai salt process – after birth (CLICK). . NOT ice packs . .
  • 33 – The name and intention of WDCD – SELF EMPOWERMENT – HIS glovebox manual
  • 34.30 Yvonne discovering that it is written for men. .
  • 36 – ‘Qualified ‘ dads. and what they CAN do . .
  • 40Rick’s story
  • 43.30 – interesting birthing – with a DAD who will not be told what to do.
  • 49 – In a hospital birth – we have to protect the women and the dads – from all the medicalised culture – is opposite to mother/baby centred birthing. .
  • 52 – The ones who will want to do these courses awful first birth  . . Birth trauma – see Kaliana . .
  • 54.30 – The poster child – what we do not want – a womb rupture at birth . .
  • 57 – Men as protectors.
  • 59 Heather’s experience of being on show at Skye’s birth . .
  • 1.01.00 – Another midwives’ transfer birthing story . .
  • 1.05.00 – STUCK baby – half in and out. (CLICK)
  • 1.14.00 Sita – ‘never on the back’!!
  • 1.16.00 – Lazarus remedy – homeopathic – to assist the repair of this leaving trauma.
  • 1.18.00 – A MIDWIFE IS TO BE with the mum and hands-on
  • 1.21.00 – Pelvic dystocia – baby stuck . .
  • 1.22.30 – We are all ‘under the pump’ . .
  • 1.24.00 – A bunch of lineages are part of what is big accessed with me.
  • 1.25.00 – We all need to clear our own stuff – R.I.C.E. (CLICK)
  • 1.28.00 – We are in interesting times – and when settled? We will carry on. .
  • 1.29.00 – Sita on what is coming in on the TV – programming the future.  .
  • 1.32.00 – AT LEAST – make sure mums and bubs are bonded.





or  .  . . .


Choice – we take each step