OFFERED IN 2023 when I as in USA . .
This is my mission – easy maternity
Undoing the C section and other stored STUFF that is not biologically helpful –
That has made its way into the conversations around mothering P.T.S.D. and the highest cause of post natal death – suicide.
Shall we go where the medicos do not?
LIFE. . ..
ALSO – bonded maternity.
As I am the daughter of a damaged new mum.
It shapes (Bonsai’s) us.
Painless Pregnancy and Easy Birthing & Beyond
Opening Pelvic flows:
Resources – besides the online manual – including the videos from the WDCD project,
Energy Changes For a Better Life. Stress Solutions and Liberate Your Butt, Release Natural Flows,
Pelvic Opening: part 1 – this is common for whatever subject we are focusing upon – all of us need to liberate our butt/release pelvic storage.

Of course – I had to LIVE it first – that is the ‘research’ . .LIFE
What comes naturally: babies when they are ripe
Help yourself and others to be set up to win.
Open that pelvis to life flows!!!
Online instant download – the Easy Pregnancy Resources
20 charts from
‘What Dads Can Do‘ manual eBook
2 videos – Massage WDCD and Birthing WDCD
The eBook ‘What Dads Can Do‘
A small collection of nourishing and sustaining an easy pregnancy
What we cover sequentially :
Opening pelvic flows to allow: easy life – as all is in alignment
Using the multi media resources that have been designed over the past 20 years – we will play with how to impart this to others – to teach this Content is all available for you to use it. It is a matter of how do we go about getting it OUT THERE?
Whether what is needed is
Easy living in an aligned body :
Painless hassle-free pelvic flows, thus easy periods:
Easy conception/with excellent male fertility:
Back and pelvic suppleness/ease – no pain – (we correct residual uterine misalignment)
Uro-genital distress – any age or stage – including aged continence issues
Lower leg/circulatory challenges
Increasing any one’s sexual enjoyment/male enhancement:
Specific subject
Where we are today . . .
Easy progress through the pregnancy into easy birthing:
2 – Simple and painless pregnancies
- Having all nutrients biologically available and the structure aligned and the circulation of nutrients thus intact and perfect.
- This information is an amalgamation of all I have researched and developed and taught over the past 4 decades of mainly maternally inclined clinical practice.

What you will be able to do at the end of the practical:
Help anyone – pregnant or not – in the ways of Free Your Qi –
4 of the five signatures from Heather’s classic work/.
We move Lymph, Stuck Liver Qi, and after much use of real smoky moxa.
– we undo what is blocking pelvic/sacral and cocxygeal flows.
Simple, natural solutions. .
And teach dad /partner to become the ‘epidural’ – when the time comes.
prior to that – he is the lover
to connect with unborn baby and to help
Nature her into easy maternity.
Them in to bonded family futures.
Set them all up to WIN .and Nature intended.
(No middle men).
3 – Easy Birth and Beyond (easy mothering)
Setting up easy birthing – why WDCD was written – no poking and people telling you what to do.
Be a mammal!! Pelvic opening – iive in your body well.
- Take this as what nature intended – we would not be here if birth was dangerous.
- It can be – when all is not supported as Nature intended it to be. Healthy parents-to-be making healthy offspring and the natural things followed – eat when hungry, sleep when tired – and life unfolds – much like a flower.
What is different about this?
Baby centred . . . . mammals birth to bond
1 – A unique blend of modalities that anyone can pick up. You discover the easy ways to undo the pelvis and the heart blockages to easy life flow – for easy periods, easy sexuality, easy fertility, easy birthing and living an easy life as a woman.
2 – Your hands Multi modalilty, multi lineage ways of being well.
3 – It all works – transferable to everyone.
4 – A 3 part training:
( 1 – you get instant access to content. 2 – We refine skills in the experiential online workshop 3 – Follow up with online support).
At yours. . . is all online
Sign up, get instant resources to play with and show up on Sunday for the class.
Who can?
Open to anyone who wants MORE (for themselves in their own bodies and lives, and for the recipients of their professional care)>
Best if – you have an open mind, want to go deeper into being human, and who are touchie inclined . .
Online Zoom and is recorded so you can go back to it
What is included?
Small sized class – you will be working with past GW graduates who soon will be teaching this class online and in person themselves.
Investment? $US550
Part I: Instant online component

Immediate access to content.
Easy Pregnancy Resources
Must be taken prior to the workshop.
Part 2 Hands-on tutorial

Touch therapy that anyone can use on anyone.
You are lead through – how to – online and ideally – eventually in person.
Having researched and trialed this work for the past 40 years personally, I added in some of the learnings from the Arvigo/Maya and the Mercier experiences I have had. Womanly ways.
Always you use ‘It Depends’ – you are there. You can adjust as you feel to . .
Following the intention – in clarity. It works – every time. . .
“It is too simple Heather” – is often said. .
Yes. .
And it always stuns those who receive these gentling ways of being
Part 3 Online Mentoring Group

Post workshop you will receive 4 weeks of online mentoring where you can get your questions answered.
(Closed FB group) to answer all queries, ‘stuff’ that may arise.
Many helpful resources/articles/eBooks developed over Heather’s decades to fill in any gaps.
You get to ask Q and A – as all catch up with challenges and wins.
Speaking with Zoe who was in her last stages of her first pregnancy after running a pregnancy and afterwards chiro clinic for years.
After seeing me she also became an Arvigo then a Genlting Way practitioner as she wanted the best possible.for everyone . .
3.35 – Get The Continuum Concept – Jean Leiboff
5.00 – NZ version of breastfeeding when I was little –
6,00 – The Procreaton D capsules . . .Blood energy – everything is easy – take all through the pregnancy . .
8.30 – Russian version of easy pregnancy supplements .
10.30 – TAILBONE – Josi’s 4th breech . .
11.30 – HEALTH first . . .breech is the last issue – WHY is the baby breech? And steaming . . .
13.30 – Post natal needs . . mammalian maternity . .
15.00 – Zoe and the 40 day of rest and doing it differently.
16.00 – STOP WORK – have to unschool yourself – and mum and baby are still as one. DON’T BREAK THE BABY – G.D. tests etc
18.00 – H’s early pregnancy – 12 days after conception date – 1st one. .
20.00 – Early NZ maternity – 2 weeks in the ‘home’ (maternity hospital called this) as that way bonded mum and bub. HEALTH MODEL
23.00 – Zoe surprised as it is no longer baby centred.
24.00 – The culture of birthing and expectations totally changes =d in my own years of pregnancy. Dr MIcel Odent’s site
27.00 – Chiro and early bub care
29.00 – Need bonded couple first . need to set mother up to win – mother her.
31.00 – My patient is the unconceived baby – and who else is? Mum often is not.
32.30 – What are you making that baby with?
33.30 – The three circle model.
35.00 – Mother care after a C section . . .
36.30 – The devolution of mother centred care – and what happens now.
37.00 – No jabs as we need to be well – not allergic. . Need to have the wellest child possible.
38.00 – How I ended up here . .
41.00 – Bring birth back home. .
42.00 – Why use oxygen? What has happened to NOT be baby centred but hospital policies in mind – The Farm stats
44.00 – What causes health? Need to STOP the extra stress and not being in practice . .
46.00 – We all fix ourselves first – Selfing . .
47.30 – Go back to nature. .
And have dad there as your protector – his baby also.

He has a heart also . .

Why I wrote What Dad’s Can Do?
To keep families intact. See the story here

My story – four children over 18 years 3 dads . .
Had we known what I discovered in assisting everyone else after the event.
We would have all had a very different life.
All still feeling the ripples out – that started in this primal time – birthing a new family . .