Easter gifts

Safely . . . let us have a good time in the next weeks

Looking after yourself – last week it was – it will get cooler – please pay attention – cold is not your friend . .
Whether you feel to do the ice baths, the grounding, the ice on sore bits – is this really what is getting you better?
Or keeping you stuff and in pain?

Tumoulin to Townsville 370
Townsville to Beralaba 853
Beralaba to Brisbane 670
Brisbane-Gold Coast 140
Gold Coast-Myocum 300
Myocum-Blackville 675
Blackville-Cowra 404
Cowra-Tathra 525
Tathra-Daylesford 782
Daylesford-Grampians 175
Grampians-Wagga 610

Wagga-Blackville 693

Total 6200

Blackville – Lismore 565
Lismore – Stanthorpe – 264
Stanthorpe-Parkwood 332