Welcome . . .


Following on from the day before

Lovely day
Lovely class
Lovely work


Catch up –

  • Beginning – Check in Tracey – and ‘aha’ moments . .connecting what she learned in Bowen therapy and now she knows why. Light – Bowen . . what to do with the tailbone?
  • 4 minutes – I sent everyone a query about PT pelvic workers – not cardinal ligament but the suspensory – we do.

Prolapses – leading into Deborah’s woman

Beginning – questions?

  • April – How to work on someone who is pregnant and sacral smash
  • Vanessa – points to press? – see WDCD.
  • 5 minutes we are on Deborah’s case in Yeppoon – and all that happened in her life – 6 children and now incontinence.
  • P 20-21 from the Arvigo Self Care manual . .






We need to look after our men.

  • April and Hara diagnosis – me getting the background for her post TCM trainings – none seems to be dealing with visceral displacement. Falling down . .
  • 3 – But – did it help? IVF in Albury/Wodonga – IVF too successful – all was kept at body temperature.
  • 6.30 – analogy my limp roses and getting fe2
  • 8 – external world is programming our kids.
  • 10 – All mammals start as female
  • REMINDER – this is the three circles and the 7 ‘L’s’ models at work

  • 11.30 – their bits are really female orientated – so all that upsets a womb upsets a prostate.
  • 13 – since 1995 – injecting human fetal stem cells with vaxxes
  • 13.45 – Effect of vaxxing Ryan at just before teenage years – gender identity crisis.
  • 15 – 4 phases – also men change when we are pregnant/lactation.
  • 19 – huge changes in gender and why – how we programme them
  • 23 Brisbane group joined in
  • 24.30 – difference between parenting boys and girls. Tracey/April/Heather
  • 28 – The external world is shaping our boys/girls – not who they would have been.
  • 29 – Women cannot be dads . .
  • 31 – The beauty of teaching with the 3 circle model – as no programming in the bottom one. – 8 year cycles
  • 32precocious puberty – excess – boys to men ingredients and pesticides. Jing is accelerated . . P/P precocious puberty
  • 34.30 – guard your hearts.
  • 35.50 – boys to men – maybe initiations as tribal societies.
  • 41 – boys’ lives these days
  • 44 – HAVE  to start with how men feel – and what is inside from their ‘little boy’ days
  • 46 Only Boys Allowed
  • 48 – HOW can boys develop properly? Michael’s problem Ng Art – picture above the Zoom
  • 51.30 – massively shifting the Jing – at puberty – fertility assured as I remade his future.
  • 52 – Sexual resources – Mantak Chia
  • 53 – cultural – Sexual resource/holistic practices – Quodousha
  • 57 – Celia Lashley – NZ – such great work – listen in.
  • 1 hour 1 minute – suicide so young.
  • 1.05.30Placenta – The lost chakra Robin Lim and her work  /Actual eBook pdf
  • 1.07.00– ‘Diet’ coke and man boobs.
  • 1.08.00 Deborah comes in – 7 ‘L’s’
  • 1.09.30 – womb centred – men’s rage will be affecting this – prostatitis. .
  • 1.10.00 – this work is SOOO important.
  • 1.11.00 – prostate cancer is NOT excess testosterone. Can fix this. Paul #1 /Paul #2
  • 1.12.20 April and men not opening up
  • 1.13.00– why I work with men
  • 1.14.30 – problem if they transfer feelings – also priapism – do not want this
  • 1.16. 00 – reaming out a blocked urethral tube.
  • 1.17.00 – very very swollen prostate. Always the master of ‘nice’.
  • 1.19.30 – E.D. Julienne and what sort of salt for moxa on ginger
  • 1.21.00 – Bao Mai needs to be reconnected. Heartful – and have yo undo what may happen next – the body is protecting him.
  • 1.22.00 – Stagnation – steaming, faja
  • 1.24.00 Varicocele – same issues as with hernias – ingredients missing, too cold – Spleen Qi depleted
  • 1.28.30 – All men who have this done are now naturally dads.
  • 1.29.00 – radiographic embolisation. Will be frying the sperm if not. Always supported with all I do as well.
  • 1.31.30 – April and what shows up in clinic
  • 1.32.30 – Love Your Man Better (practitioner version)
  • 1.33.00 – Men need someone to hear them. Where are their FRIENDS? All are so bashful.


  • 1.34.00 – What Dr Mercier work has – moves.
  • 1.36.00 – boundaries – and the Arvigo suggestions (protocol)
  • 1.39.00 – Hortence’s point and where to find – coccyx page – what to do – pudendal pain.
  • 1.41.45 – getting more this way – though less practical – YOU MUST GET PEOPLE UNDER YOUR FINGERS!!!


Men as dads have a lot to do

This movie is wonderful (The Other Side of the Glass).

(Segue to What Dads Can Do)

(What one man did)


What do we do with this?

  • Not necessarily more moves
  • 2.You start to teach – online units and you may start teaching
  • 3.00 – Vanessa and Kaliana
  • 4.55 – How I took the new info home after Arvigo – to make the $$ to vaccitnight in my trinining.
  • 7.30 How she feels. Sita – scar?
  • 8.30 – poking selves for Hortence’s point.
  • 9.15 – Sita and her scar – castor oil 5 days, time out  2 days – though Maja uses YL oils more.
  • (Sita has been adding a few drops of Release (YL) into the castor oil).


My view of the class . .