DEC LL II Day one – Revision and endo

Welcome – revision day including PAIN


Here is the beginning


We move our attention to the coccyx.
When al is aligned  and there is good nutrition (including hydration) there WILL BE NO PAIN . .

Pain = blockage.
Move the stagnation away – all flows again – thus no need for the body messengers to set up – PAIN.


May be pudendal nerve or vulvar or deep pelvic cavity – align and all will be well.

 Setting the weekend up






In the break I saw this article . .
We are answering ‘we don’t know’

  • 1.30 – April – what endo is in clinic –
  • 3.40 – Obs have their own version (even though they have no idea of causation)
  • 5.30 – Deborah’s end knowledge (not much)
  • 6.50 – Tanya and Sita come in
  • 7.20 – Sita reporting n their session with each other.
  • 10.30 – Adhesions
  • 11.30 – self help at the back for the front
  • 13.20 – Maja is using  A LOT Of castor oil – dripping with it – hence it is recycled x 4 and then tossed.
  • 13.45 – Girding her loins. . .traditional self help
  • 14.15 – Tanya’s report
  • 15 – ENDO – medicos say . . ‘we don’t know what causes endo’
  • 16.10 – Sita and endo . .
  • 17 – April and Tanya’s version of why endo happens.
  • 18.20 – Tanya – if they stay the course ..  .
  • 19 00 – I do have a webinar (platform is playing up presently)
  • 19.20 – (What did our forebears bleed onto?) My mother’s version . .
  • GET SAFE INTIMATE CARE PRODUCTS – Dioxins and endo – 2002!!!
  • 21.30Tracey and Mandy arrived
  • 22.40 – Period parties . .
  • 23 – organic versus inert – VERY VERY IMPORTANT in any women’s business. .
  • 24.30 – Women’s healing kits . . what is in them?
  • 25.50 Endo and PCOS – Iodine . . .
  • 26 Fibromyalgia – same base problems – lack of ingredients and circulation
  • 26.50 – 5 ‘T’s’ – Tension, temperature, torpor, trauma and toxins.
  • 28 .20  what do we make hormones with? Honoring our Bleeding
  • 29.50 – How/what are toxins?
  • 30.50 – P.C.T. manual – see here . .
  • 32.30 – BODY IS SUPPOSED TO SEEK AND DESTROY!! Retrobleeding
  • 33.50 – Sita’s sensible question. . ..
  • 34Flexnor report – why WOULD you fix anything? No $$ in it.
  • 34.20 – endometritis – infection (‘itis’) Inflammatory wastes – should be in lymph instead goes through the venous system – and hemorrhoids and varicose veins and in vagina. Coagulation factors as well as inflammation –
  • 35.20 – womb stored the debris. (Where else would you hear this) Lavage – washing out of a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach, with water or a medicated solution.
  • 37.40 –  Salpigingitis (Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes, caused by bacterial infection. Common causes of salpingitis include sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia. Salpingitis is a common cause of female infertility because it can damage the fallopian tube. Treatment options include antibiotics).
  • 38 – Initial endo treatment
  • 39.30 – accidental pregnancies
  • 40.40 – They create more inner drams – burning and adhesions.
  • 41.45 – Gardisal
  • 42 accidental pregnancy – and what for contraception.
  • 42.40 – funny contraception .
  • 44 – Jennifer Mercier – the moves, the bioidentical hormones and anti inflammatory hormones.
  • 44.45Bne group arrived. Lenley and Mel – what they know
  • 46.00 – Melissa – and I ask – ‘why is it migrating?‘ – and ‘why is the body NOT sorting it out?’
  • 47.30 – Julienne TCM version 0 depletion – if immune system is OK- it cleans this out. It is working in something else and distracted.
  • PROLIFERATES – excess – so stuck can;t get it sorted.
  • 49Yang Qi – back to pull out the cold – and iodine . .Damp will happen next.
  • 50 – something is in the wrong spot – wpmb – so circulation is no good.
  • 50.20 – auto immune questions from Julienne
  • 50.40Thomas Kuhn ‘s falsification – notion of paradigm, as expressed in the first edition of his book and in more recent writings. The implications of the paradigm notion for two different forms of falsification are considered, and it is argued that both Popper’s and Lakatos’ versions of falsification are subject to similar criticisms. Paradigms and falsification are then briefly considered in terms of their relevance for sociology. Finally, it is argued that sociologists must turn their attention to a serious consideration of the importance of language in the practice of science.
  • 52 – declutter – esp what they have been told. And can’t add in nutrients when not absorbing them.
  • 53.40 – Rosita’s legacy. Not only about the moves.
  • 53.50 – ask – if vaxxes did damage- what would be the pathway?
  • 54.30 – Flows must flow






LIV 52









Squiggles/Q and A and what next?