Filmed Jan 2018
Walking you through the beginnings ..
Needed – coconut oil, massage cream, warm hands. Clipped fingernails.
Round and rounds – initially 9 – slow and superficial. Covering all intersections of bone to belly – as a complete circuit.
In between each different move – before going to the next one.
The little belly soother – ater the first set of 9
Followed by another collection round.
Markers/base line – so they can feel how you are traveling
Diastasis Recti – separated belly muscle
Totally fixable – with application.
Very improved already. Now (3 years later) is almost corrected – with intentional work using a number of modalities.
More footage found elsewhere.
Clearing more margins
- Perfect rendering of the upper lymphatic drainage
- After normal lower drainage – also across the top of the leg/inguinal range.
Always begin on the right hand side. Do not assume as it felt a certain way on one side – the other will also.
- Always start extremely slowly and superficial.
- Move around the person to do this side.
- You can repeat as many rounds of three as you like – do a ’round and round’ in between.
3 x each move – with warmed hands, and always very superficial first.In between all moves
Lower – as before, start very superficial and gentle, SLOW – and finish with a round and round to collect all that has been moved on.
Topical iodine – apply daily
Get the solids moving through gentle reminders
Navel needs to NOT poke out – is a measure if the constitutional energy.
Check out the diastasis also – if there is one – you are not working in the central line – as this is ‘open’ in a diastasis.
Gentle but firm.
Gentle, slow and superficial
Round and round again. Intention – move the lymph. Very gently is best – we are NOT scooping the organs and manipulating them,
Web poster – Initial Belly Care
Completely – start to finish
Ease it off after the air within has cooled down – we do not want to damage the skin, upset the body.
Warm the person as this is about the most profound thing you can do. Expect to see (and them feel) changes.
Whilst cup is on – next step
Need – fresh ginger, sharp knife – 3 or 5 slices. Loose moxa – the most ‘punk’ moxa – the grossest you can find – not the moxa roll as there is too much paper in that. Needs to be dry and as old as you have. Not gold. Needs to be the worst you have. Tissues – and loose white salt. Ginger is to form a platform, plus is a herbal addition (heating). Warm the salt in a tissue with the ginger slice being heated with the lit moxa. Depending on the flatness/poking outness of the navel – you may need to also have a warmed salt platform as you do NOT wish to burn the skin – and it will eventually get hot as the moxa ‘smouldering volcano’ burns down.
If it is really cold – this will lose all its heat well before you expect. There needs to be constant vigilance until you get it on ‘automatic’ This process is very simple then. Can not cup your own nave and do your own moxa. . whilst one s on you the next is burning away – and stop at 3 – or 5 if it did not have the desired effect. Will feel different and cozy – the tongue will change radically again. So much will be resolved. Do not miss this step as it is part 2. Steaming will not take out the cold – or replace this step. Charcoalised moxa (smokeless) is a heat source – not vibrational. Do change your entire clinic space around – get a fan, an outside area where the person is warm (and out of breezes, however slight) whilst this happens. It is transformational.
When ready, it may feel slightly painful/uncomfortable. Ask the person if they need to pee – as often the return of the Yang Qi back into circulation gets the fluids transformation going again – this is a great sign and expected – always have the person empty their bladder before you start this. They MUST stay warm. Wipe away any residual oil, and place the heated salt with warned slice of ginger and heated herb on the top of the navel (having removed navel ring is a great idea) and leave . It is NOT to burn them. Offer warmed water to sip all through this.
Do not light this inside
Go outside to do this. Moxa smoke is more penetrating than tobacco and will take forever to remove.
Applying your magic tools
Ideally as one cools down the next is ready.
If you have a pair of artery clamps it is a way to ensure you do not burn your fingers. Also then can be a way to use the moxaed ginger slice instead of a moxa roll (no smoke) to warm a joint, or points, or an area – do see more in the Reset Your Metabolism course.
It is pointless NOT clearing what is holding the Yang Qi hostage.
If all of this looks like too much hassle – change your style – who are you here for?
This is a foundational move and will transform all that has been being at best micromanaged only. Do not expect a local acupuncturist to know about this. If they do – it is highly likely their lecturer learned from watching me on line or has been showed NOT ALL of this – please assume you are competent from watching this and following faithfully. (The master has made more mistakes than you have trialed this). Also revise what you see in the Foundational Moves footage (on Shane) and in the Reset Your Metabolism course.
Eventually I will get the entire content onto the Kajabi platform and it will be sequential.
Until you do this you may not see the point. (Too hard to negotiate the smoke). It was an elder tradition in families prior to the mind control that was enforced upon a whole society and has now seeped out into the rest of us. Be your own authority – trial this and feel the profound shifts in all measures, plus you feel SO MUCH BETTER.