Online : you can start immediately

Taken as small bits online, you will learn how a well body works, and how you can enhance living in your own

My extensive multi modality experiences in researching and developing a system of healing that incorporates every aspect of being is here for you to begin . . . short cuts to health!!!.

Best starter for anyone – YOUR HANDS . . . .YOU do this all at home – including undoing almost all pain, any pelvic congestion – including prostate corrections (all above the pubic bone. Anyone can . . any age, any stage of life . . This is all I did in clinic – minus needles – that made ALL the difference . . .
Through the body-aligning, visceral corrections, facial releases, assisting lymph and blood circulation:
We always follow nature. We move the Qi (that tells the physical what to do). All packaged in easily learned modules.
See more of what is on offer here (Foundational Moves)

The option to work on others – your animals, your children, your loved ones and friends and possibly go into the paid work life – all starts with SELF. We go on a journey undoing what is ‘going wrong’ turning it back to easy living through all of these online offerings.

These online offerings have extensive eBooks, posters and multimedia components.

This is a small selection – there are a lot more. If you wish to get a package deal – here is the entry to this work – it covers Free Your Qi, Being Woman, Free Your Scars, Healing Power of Touch, and the Selfing bundle – for the same price as that amazing selection – What Causes Health, Soothing – the belly calmers and Perineal Steaming – a 3rd world wise women’s way to help everything feel better. . off the usual price – PLUS you get all the others.


An introduction FREE TASTER

Being Woman

Progressing through a woman’s life in stages: growing, maturing, reproducing and gradually aging. Understanding the passage of time on a woman’s body, the bleeding and breeding years especially, we can gracefully encourage easy living.

Following a set of initiations. discovering the rules our physical body follows, we can live more at peace with the changes as our life passes. We begin with the electrics of being – the channels of energy that run your life. FREE

It may be a tiny cut – or a massive operation/accident that you have not felt the same since . . maybe liberate yourself?

Free Your Self – Scars

Sometimes we get stuck. Following trauma, incidents, operations and falls -the skin and tissues may be healed incompletely. Scars may feel odd. We may not feel the same after . . . . and may have no idea that the body is being held hostage – till we set it free.
With loving intention let us gently untangle these bindings.
Stuck emotional charges and life residue may then discharge/fall away. $27

Need to be pain free/move with ease?

Free Your Own Qi

Undoing STUCK – which causes pain. All levels – we begin with lymph and easy hand moves on our body. We feel how easy it is to free ourselves
With loving intention, breathing, flexibility ans easy living return. Unwanted fluid, pain and emotional charges connected to past life residue fall away.

Simple – the beginning of all is flow – life must. We free our Qi, lymph, blood circulation and nerve impulsed. Get your body going again! $27

T]Is it time to get gentle with your partner and yourself?

Healing Power of Touch

You will learn not only why HEALTH may be missing – but what to do with YOUR hands to heal your gut (and everyone else) and all structural and pain problems.

We change perspective to an energy and a LIFE model.
Lessons within the ‘Love Yourself Better’ component:

  • Introduction – who for, why, what is touch, what is life?
  • Housekeeping – what is a person, touching beginnings
  • Touching checkers – hoe to gauge your health markers and your life
  • The three treasures – and the role of Blood in a body
  • Moves – 12 of them – and they are all magic and instantly applicable
  • Wrap up – where next?

Want to go deep into how to help your own body heal? Esp if there are gut/emotional and /or gyne challenges – also called ‘hormonal’

Love Your Body Better

Discover a different version of living in a body. Very useful when you feel as though you have done everything anyone suggests – and still – here you are .

Flows and how/what moves them. This may surprise you as there may be explanations that are absent from other routes you have so far taken.

We change perspective to an energy and a LIFE model.
Lessons within the ‘Love Yourself Better’ component:
What makes your body tick?
How it works from a energy perspective.
How to get the most from it – providing basic ingredients not usually mentioned. and how to live easily with ‘hormones as they are messengers we change the messages and no need for warnings – all is well again . .

Food – why we eat it and what it can do for us. Learn what nutrients are fond in =where and why they are needed.

Life Essentials

By discovering the rules the physical body follows, we can live more at peace with the changes as our life passes.
This course begins with you finding the lines /channels of energy that run your life.

Gems from my highly successful practice – what YOU can do for others immediately with easily sourced tools from home – plus your hands.

Foundational Moves:
PAIN begone!

Even ONE of these moves will stun the recipient – they all work. The filmed sequence is worked on a man – though anyone, any age will benefit.

A body workers’ dream. An energy savvy practical clinician’s walk around a previously pained body using easily accessed tools (a large glass cup, moxa, ginger, a Gua Sha tool – a Japanese soup spoon – and a moxa stick) plus loving, helpful hands. The included prostate drainage is a must for all men. This will often instantly ease /resolve why they are feeling the lower back troubles: moving also any leg circulation challenges and related pelvic congestion.

Take the time out to look after YOU. Start with elder’s wisdoms – from many global lineages

Selfing: Being Woman
Putting YOU First

ONLINE – A three course bundle – see more here.

  • What Causes Health?
  • Soothing and
  • Peristeaming.

Start undoing what has created the tangle you find yourself living in.
What Causes Health?The understanding of the Life Recipe, how to engage with your body, not try to enforce what it is not needing is a revelation.
Such easy shifts mean you start helping yourself.
The Soothing component is a collection of gentle belly and lymph moves that you can do anytime (over clothes is fine – no prior experience needed).
We start with calming your belly, thus your entire self is soothed.
Peri steaming is a delicious blend of warmth, water and plants in the privacy of your own home. YOU can undo what has till now meant pain and suffering – especially in your lower body – extending into your gut, your structure and your entire being. Originating concurrently from many cultures, helpful for all ages, stages of life and genders this gives you REAL changes.

From this completion of the Selfing online course, you are eligible to enter the Selfing Intensive – Being Woman : Nurturing Ourselves.

Selfing Intensive: Women Putting SELF FIRST

Following on from the online self paced paradigm shift, tools to help yourself – here is the workshop ta-hat allwo syou with asmall group o women to explore how you got to here –

Through the model of the biological seven year cycles.
What each one means in the growing and maturing.
Using and shutting down – your baby nest.

We are not about hormones – but how we are made to in turn make others.
How this impacts on every aspect of our being woman.
Whether we intend to ever bring forth babies – or not. We were made. |
How did mum’s experiences shape us? And her mum’s? Back through time?

Undoing our inner programmes

We travel within guided meditations to undo some of what has happened, to allow us a fresh start.

The key to all body weakness/pain. There is stored cold wasting your body’s engine capacity. Shall we explore very easy ways to get back on track?

Reset Your Metabolism

Old wives’ tales – were all true.  .’do not sit on concrete’/take off wet swimmers/’keep feet warm’/’come in out of cold night air’. Why? – before antibiotics – getting cold and wet generally meant you may die – as your Yang Qi would be too challenged.

The little increments, we add up small bits and these get in the way of body workings – and aging is a measure of the=is body breakdown. Low adrenal/thyroid and blood pressure. sugar, energy . .all swept away when you GET RID OF THE COLD and retrieve your own life force.

You will receive 4 eBooks – on topical iodine usage, moxa usage, perineal steaming and taking out the stored cold. Stepped through – how to rescue yourself. Any age, any stage of life – can magic happens.

Time to welcome another family member?

What if
Something Goes Right?

Shall we explore what nature has in store?
If we start as designed – really well – and live with the knowledge that she does not set us up to fail?

How to make this happen at your place
Easy periods – easy pregnancy = easy babies.

Resources to help you make it simple – what YOU can do to breeze through a pregnancy


Written for the partner of a pregnant woman as she does through the stages of becoming a mother. So simple.
1 – The glove box manual (What Dads Can Do) – easy steps to an easy pregnancy and beyond
2 – the original two videos of Massage and Birthing info
3 – 20+ charts that can be printed and even laminated as instructions for most pregnancy /birthing and afterwards situation resolution,
4 – a small set of nurturing and sustaining the energies that run a well pregnancy. There is also a section on what to do if loss happens, and how to avoid, and live through if it does.

Have you chosen to be a health care professional?
You will also need to start with the above – and
There is more