Combining the best of energy and body work

All works – when in the right spot


Bladder below . .
Womb above – IF she is perfectly aligned.

When our womb is misplaced we are ourselves ‘off centre’. Lack of structural alignment and integrity is worsened with over work (more than we can handle – and that is variable) and when we are under strain – life residue/distress: periods taking too much out of us – life in general not being coped with – and when there is a lack of biologically available ingredients to the cells – not just going into the body – but being digested – and when we are messed with by those whose job description is NOT health enhancement . .
Life needs supporting . . .

Emotions stuck/repressed and heartache/break – wreck the clear flow of Blood and Qi to the wombspace . .



Here I am seeing 2 young women – one was mum’s first baby – and from a severely hyperemesis start – she was never well.
By four  years of age she had a semi permanent boil/discharging wound on her lower cheek – which is still a feature of her face.
After seeing me and taking herbs and supplements when she was around twelve, she went from the smallest to the largest in her class. ‘My toes grew after seeing you’.

We can make such stunning changes – when we see someone was their Jing/’hormone’s listen and respond to the inner urges from the need to bloom/replicate self – the purpose of life after all . . Mum is the one.  . .we come from all that happens to her.

When we have womb in the wrong spot – messing with all flows.

Qi, Blood and lymph – and nerves – in the pelvis thus all of the body . .

Mess with circulation.

We get warnings.
They get louder.

Do we listen??


Please check out all Barbara Loomis has (another former Arvigo Self Care teacher) – and get her free womb eBook.

Is it possible to encourage your womb to go back where she started?

Yes – undo why she is held hostage in that different setting.


Imbalancing ALL that is you from then on . .

So often we start from behind – literally . .



Maternal legacy (Jing)

It all matters – every aspect of mum’s health . .

Not always the birth order. Can also be what happened when mum was gestating/laying down the foundation. ..

Maybe take this test??

Pregnancy questionnaire 2018 version

Tender  . . 22

Her mum’s first . .
I saw for a few months when she was pre pubescent – she grew, and became well.
More so than now.
She has gone through patches – but has lost most of her hair, is bedwetting fully – every night and was only around periods – but now is losing herself as she is so exhausted after a period and is too tired after eating and feels like not living I would imagine.
Dark circles under eyes – told me last treatment that her eyes are burning inside – and has a headache most of the time – not rested in morning.
This is QI depletion – not only stuck .. (Look at WDCD for the differences . .)
She is also full of rage and always stressed and angry – let us not forget that these women prior to marriage – and afterwards – are like slaves – up by 4am – in the laundry, sewing, the cleaning then cooking – a three day rotation . .
As well as looking after all younger than them siblings and also in the nursery or looking actively after whoever needs it . .

They break their tailbones and have SO MANY INJURIES – (esp cutting with a very sharp knives and from a very young age) Not only in sport – you wear their dresses and wear their shoes and in wet ground and play soccer etc with the to the ground dress not allowed to show knees/legs ..
Etc . .
And on the Sunday – fast – as no one is to work that day . .
Get the drift?
Get saved to be married by who they are told to be. .
And then add the nightly sex and constant baby making onto this.


Start of 20th                                                                         End of 22nd


Lighting is not correct . .

Look at the tongue fur and general shape.

Start of 24th

Lack of substance  


Showing stuck













Too pale/puffy









Too stuck (purple)











Deflated looking


The end . .  Friday 24th





Examples from my clinical practice