This is NOT a MEDICAL problem

Body being ignored and thus.
ITCHING and other liver organ and Liver energy upsets.
Maybe in the instead of all that is written about ‘what to expect whilst expecting’ you are not happy.
Body is not either.
Baby is not having the best ride.
We all can only be made once (gestated well)
This is why farmers ensure the very best for their breeding stock.
What is cholestasis??
BODY has had enough as you have NOT been attending to business’/growing a well baby in a well body properly and now it is YELLING HELP .
Medicos observe the train wreck to come.
Chose life not medical interventions with whatever they have in their tools boxes, no respect for the life being created.
(Where did thinking go ??)
Listen and reverse out of this – for baby’s sake – who cares about the war within?
Here I speak for the one who is being made.
Improve the baby nest and s/he will come out in the potential expressed perfectly – best baby possible
How did this get set up?
Was she even in a state of wellness before pregnancy?
What troubles did the gyne (baby factory) area have for her to even get baby on board?
Why her?
Not all pregnant women go down this road.
Why now?
What is going on now – that has triggered her inner imbalances to roar at her?
Why this?
So much to uncover – and the medical profession will stand back with testing till ‘urgent’ baby removal.
They will mutter about – (as with back pain in pregnancy and other body warnings)
It will (unresolved) get so much more severe.
In any situation – nature has been sidelined
Books/’specialists; say – it will all be better when baby is born.
NATURE did not set you and baby up for not wellness.
Let us FIX this . .
The whisperings will get louder – eventually your body and its messages can’t be ignored. .
Always will be ingredients (CLICK)
This site has been designed to help anyone – who has breasts – as the menstrual cycle and sanity and all else in between- happens if we have what we need to run a body on board. Lactation help? Here (CLICK).
Circulation – flows need to get body working well – offer – take responsibility as it is YOUR life, your baby and your future together. . I have a parents’ owner’s manual pack here – resources (CLICK). . So you are aware and can undo whatever is beginning to go ‘off the rails’ slightly.
See the answers underneath what you are used to hearing
What is found online – here is from here (CLICK)
Simply – no one is looking after health
They say – ‘we don’t know’
‘Cholestasis of pregnancy is a liver problem. It slows or stops the normal flow of bile from the gallbladder. This causes itching and yellowing of your skin, eyes, and mucous membranes (jaundice). Cholestasis sometimes starts in early pregnancy. But it is more common in the second and third trimesters. It most often goes away within a few days after delivery. The high levels of bile may cause serious problems for your developing baby (fetus).
- Medicine. To help relieve itching and help lower the level of bile.
- Measuring serum total bile acid. The level of bile in your blood may be checked. This helps your healthcare provider figure out treatment.
- Fetal monitoring. The healthcare provider may check your developing baby for any problems.
- Early delivery. You may deliver your baby early, between 37 to 38 weeks of pregnancy. This will lessen the risk to your baby. This may be by vaginal delivery with medicine to start labor. Or you may have a cesarean delivery. Your healthcare provider may decide that you should deliver even earlier, depending on your symptoms, test results, and pregnancy history.
‘What are the complications of cholestasis of pregnancy?
There is a serious risk of complications in your developing baby if you have cholestasis of pregnancy. The complications include:
- Fetal distress. This means your developing baby is not doing well. For example, the baby may not be getting enough oxygen.
- Preterm birth. You may be at greater risk for giving birth too early.
- Meconium in amniotic fluid. This means your baby has a bowel movement before birth. This may cause very serious breathing problems.
- Breathing (respiratory) problems. Your baby may have breathing problems as a newborn.
Cholestasis of pregnancy can also lead to vitamin K deficiency. This will need to be treated before you give birth, because it can cause you to bleed too much.
When should I call my healthcare provider?
Call your healthcare provider if you have:
- Severe itching
- Yellow coloring of your eyes, skin, or mucous membranes (jaundice)
‘Key points about cholestasis of pregnancy
- Cholestasis of pregnancy is a condition that slows or stops the normal flow of bile in the gallbladder.
- It can cause severe itching. This is the most common symptom.
- The goals of treating cholestasis of pregnancy are to relieve itching and prevent complications for your developing baby.
- Babies of women with cholestasis are often delivered early (usually around 37 weeks) because of the risks.
The answers . . are soo soo simple. ..
Holistic care is needed. NOT medical micromanaging.
YOU need to undo why this is happening – not wait for answers for a system that is not aware of health – or how to retrieve it.
Undo the Stuck Liver Qi (CLICK) – likely also take out the cold – undo the ‘stress’ of all she has been told.
And go through a check list.
1 – Water (CLICK) – always tepid or warm not chilled.
2- Vitamin C (CLICK) – a little often – helps the liver do everything – also coats viruses – we need so much more to rebuild collagen and when under stress.
3 – Vitamin D (CLICK) – more is likely needed. especially when the liver is not working.
4- Magnesium – always best on the skin. See more on this page (CLICK) . . Also magnesium (CLICK) –
Magic can happen.
5 – Iodine see what is on the easybreasts site for more .
INGREDIENTS – if she had had the right ones – this would not be happening – so now we have an urgent ‘dry dam’ situation. Told she has cholestasis and ‘needs inducing’ – or baby may die – where is the evidence that this is the cause? How come nocebo is part of the current bullying hospital culture?
At this vulnerable stage in pregnancy? YES . . . nutrients needed to run the body better.
2 – Violent itching and excess heat since 26 weeks.
I saw her at 34 weeks with twins
Not cold not tap pH needs to be right PLUS more Vitamin C daily . ..10 grams- then we went up to 20 grams
Warning – pay attention.. You only have these warnings from your body when – there are problems. Malnutrition.
If you want to get induced/have been talked into induction (it is NOT safe to do this) – it is likely you and /or baby are not ready.
My suggestion is – have a C section. Make being a mum easier in yourself – start from NOT exhausted from the induction – as babies, like roses blooming – do so when THEY are ready . ..
3 – Easy – return to health
Itching stopped (no longer a body warning as we cleared the issue – dehydration and liver upset).
Twins birthed at local hospital 41 weeks 7 1/2 lb each – Fully breastfed
How could she? She listened and acted.
Resources as to what to do
Get your answers to all problems in pregnancy here – easy pregnancy resources (CLICK)

Start right now .. .FIX IT!!!!