Welcome back
As before – B complex is the key – here is more
I will send you a large bottle of the best one I have found and half x every time you eat something – at least do 4 meals daily – and half one of these each time.
See more on all ingredients needed here
And the general breastfeeding site
Ned to get the not so useful consumables out and the nutrient dense into you . .
Welcome to pregnancy

Various points to press to help with the Qi going downwards . .
Please contact Panaxea to get the Gastrex (designed to stop nausea/vomiting in pregnancy – totally safe)
Take 1 x hourly if needed.
Also need their anti anxiety magic capsules – P.S.Calm – and take 2 x 4 daily to take the edge off.
When you are feeling better using topical magnesium and more B complex vitamin foods )pate/liver) you may not need as much or as much of the medication.
And get a good psychologist to work with what is coming up and tools to assist you
Also a relationship counselors to become more a family bonded to bring forth baby #2.
In peace.