Catch-ups for former SC Arvigo teachers



  • Find me –
  • Ideally find  a study buddy – or someone who can play with your body as you learn on theirs.
  • Decide to join in the Living Ligaments tribe
  • Sign up – the fast track class – is all that is presently on offer.
  • Last time I am
  • Personally taken through/overseen by me as presently we are not automated.


I want more to be able to teach what we all know to work
Gentling Way extras include all I know works on all people – multi modality.

What you get . .
All my eBooks and posters and resources as we travel through life.

Living Ligaments I – All Mercier moves included in this. NONE are as the Maya ones taught. All is woven into the tapestry that you see in my earlier works – pre 2014 – when I found Andrea Lopez and Jen O’Hagan. In LL we use occasional Maya back work – but mainly when we have undone why the body is stuck, it tends to let itself –  no micromanaging needed. – which is following (sort of) the initial Arvigo model – they did Self Care and straight onto P.C.T. Via men’s /medical ways. We follow life.

Here we are in circle – all contribute – I know ‘my’ life’s work – and am handing over. Crones have to. We have a ‘use-by date’. And we as grandmothers, mentors and elders know to. Welcome to the tribe . . We are being more thorough . . . . self first – then gut and broken heart helpers – and into what holds womb hostage.

Some of how I got to here..

Move Your Qi
Very useful when either your hands/body are tired of attacking in massage work.

We are all more than flesh and bones.
And /or – you want more. You are ready to take the next step.
As a watery being – we all have your own – not moving interfaces.
We all learn as we go from all other’s contributions.

Over the past year as we have Zoomed – at least weekly and often many more – the group assembled has sometimes only had this way of relating/working. We have thus gone through many revisions – and I have now so much more than the moves and the transformative healing and all eBook and video resources – we have a tribe who is bonded over screen time. Most never having ‘met’ in the flesh.  Oh to be running retreats again!!!!.

We have a close FB chat group and often check in.
The manuals are on pages on my Heather Bruce Healing site – and will gradually be added in to an Infusionsoft course model – we are moving from one platform to the other – at the same time as popping the patient resources up – so anyone – for example with endo or prostate issues – can start via free webinar then start in on the selfing course – they then may in time reach out to the GW teachers /practitioner  – we are both – and go from there.

It is envisaged that all of us teach – as we would in circle in tribes.

Body work: all online


All in WDCD – moxa sacral fan, SLQR, lymph moving, glut gouging,

Online – all Selfing package – Living Well, Soothing, Peri steaming

Discovery package – Undoing The Story, Tools, Life Rescue


All I did prior to finding Maya work. It was initially produced filming on a woman – then I moved to a man’s body – modesty – bum and chest work – but also – he has a prostate. The specific moves that are brilliant – I was taught these in 1977 and are not anywhere else I have found

Cupping navel, moxa for this, all lymph moves, prostatic drainage,
Gua Sha, cupping back, flank gouging, point percussion, all sacral and bum massage, including Bl 35.

Sacral moxa fan towel tenting,


Covers specifically -what else – beside the navel cupping – it is an extensive look at this. Plus all odd moxa uses and iodine – as well as my intial perineal steaming eBook (2016 vintage).


Naturopathy move over – here are the instructions that run the physical – and temperature is a big issue – go with homeostasis – we NEED our gut to be happy – the inner oven needs tending.

LOVE YOUR GUT BETTER – to do as a workshop for anyone who quests – how to heal their food factory – so they can Live Well. To be developed yet


All is not about womb holders. As mammals, we all were made to a template. The male mammals deviated into longer clitori and dropped ovaries and a different nurturing environment (not a baby nest but a sperm tenderer) . We are all one.

Investigate – What Lies Beneath (CLICK),

Thread moxa (CLICK) (anxiety and how to do this)