
What are we here for?? . . . THIS
- Beginning – what are we here for?
- 1.30 – there will be so many who need the help we could give.
- 2.30 – Steaming (CLICK) – (this is the landing page to buy into it) – we look at this as we could all be working with this – helping those around us – regardless of whether we are in practice’ or at home – being a real person.
- 3.30 – We all have to be doing something . .
- 4 – Belinda – self care and gardening . . commun
- 5.30 – Man in a steamer – said ‘too relaxing’ ..
- 7.30 – Me not wanting to – but helping those who are qualified,. His scrotum (Liver QI) is up next to his body – so sperm results not good- as he is cooking the sperm . .
- 9 – working with the women’s male partners . .
- 11 – What to do with the pregnant women who HAVE been jabbed – or who are sensitive to the transmission of whatever?
- 13.00 – Robin Lim and Placenta – the forgotten chakra (CLICK)

- 14 – One of the problem pregnancies am thinking of – both have had the 2 COvid jabs, plus a flu plus the whooping cough.
- 16 – Selfing – Discovery – Reconnecting – all about US
- 18 – NOT about the moves. . . is all about – body remembers
- 19 – Lenley catching us up – on her process – plus Dave’s imminent surgery.
- 22.30 – Me treating the person at the GP’s – C section and now neck and back stuff – all comes back to there.
- 23.30 – We could be doing the selfing . .
- 25 – we can all get into affiliate programme and having a small group of people following you – as you do know so much.
- 27 – could take a set of people – or one at a time – into the Foundational Moves – as they all work . .
- 28.30 – NZ can’t touch others without a jab.
Guard your heart – this has happened.
It will be here also as the uncorrupted (purebloods) get to be ignored as being not ‘good enough’/ not worthy of being saved. Lisa Kelly posted this. It could be you or me next.
This is the saddest thing. Kristy Otu-Tei was an Arvigo colleague and she came to my classes and she supported my offerings. She posted this exactly one month ago about her horrific treatment in hopsital because she was a recovered covid, unjabbed.(will post in comments) and I was enraged, what if she received the early treatments the medical cult denied access to? Fuck your vaccine, and your hate, that’s what is spreading this mutated version. She had 2 young girls , when will we all wake up from this nightmare?
I am so grieved to let you know that Kristy passed away last night at around 7 PM. She was intubated in the ICU for about 15 days with pneumonia and fought so hard.
Clement (husband) says : “Thank you for standing with me and lifting her soul up to God till the end.” Kristy’s memorial service is being planned and we will keep you updated. Most likely it will be this Saturday, October 30.
I still can’t wrap my brain around the fact that this kind, beautiful friend is not here on this earth anymore. She loved Jesus, her Lord and Savior, and so we know as Christians that this world is not the end. But we grieve because we love. And Kristy was truly loved.
Kristy posted this on September 25th.
Btw, for those of you concerned about my vaccination status,, the Novavax that does not manage mrna is a focus of study for us. As a nurse it is my obligation to speak on the sad reality of the current health crisis. As I sit here and try to stay out of the hospital as much as possible, I was utterly ashamed of people who claim to be nurses today The power that human being are willing to play God is scary and unacceptable. I will start by saying thank God for the young Er tech who showed kindness and the PA who remained professional. With that being said, this is my report for the staus of our world. I have friends and upper management working at this hospital and u should know.
I arrived more stabilized because of a breathing tx and home but was afraid of not fully recovering or being a burden at home. My resting HR has been 120_130. I felt myself have a vagal Vagas response several times at home and everything kept getting black. My HR only dropped to 70s but after being so high it was a drop and it came with profuse sweating. I couldn’t make choices or reason my thoughts out. Upon arrival I was asked by the staff nurse if I was vaccinated. As soon as he had his information he was completely inhumane. Never once have I been allowed to mistreat people coming off of heroine and alcohol as they pushed me in my pregnant belly etc etc. Never once in my life have I pretended to know why people have arrived at the decisions they make. I am a nurse and I am still fearful of the vaccine. Not just because of me. Because i think of the future health of my life for my children. Its been a really big struggle.im not old but I’m older. I’ve had covid once already and I still serve in peoples homes who I have to educate everyday that yes they still should wear masks and be careful. Your friends vaccination does not mean you don’t spread. I’ve had to base decisions on the best reasons I could and was given. One thing I know without a doubt that I can not be accused of is being selfish or making decisions only for myself without others in mind. But I have heard this. Said indirectly to me.
The ER was NOT busy, important note to make. I was the only one there for several hours. This “nurse” pushed me into the hallway away from where I could get help just after asking me and telling the other nurse “she’s fine”. Pna is not fine. I had to at one point call another patient to get him because I was having vagal vasal response about another three times. I was told I could not have a blanket but sat with a fever of 102 for 3 hours and blue nail beds. He said “your sats are fine, your fine” he and his nursing buddy were discussing their vacations next week to Hawaii and Cabo. this is alot of personal information but because I’m a nurse I know whats happening. At one point I knew I was going to have diarrhea and if i could get to a restroom maybe the feeling of wanting to pass out would get better. It took me several minutes to get to him from my corner by slowly moving my wc. I asked for a restroom at which point he was completely bundled up in blankets and just waived me over to the farthest bathroom in the ER. I know I worked there. I’m completely understanding that he has the right to protect himself from my covid status but you are a trained nurse. Do u know we were asked to not wear masks in the hospital in the beginning to not “scare” people and because of the rationing. I’m not asking for special tx because I am on the Frontline, I ask for decent humane tx. I ask it for everyone. It took several minutes for me to get to the restroom while he sat there bundled in his blankets. And then when I finally received medication and was sent back to the lobby., I got really nauseated again. I just needed crackers to keep from throwing up. I went back to this room, where this dude was literally still sitting and was told by a female nurse, whom I know BTW, told me to get away she was talking to another patent. If you all had done your jobs I wouldn’t have had to come to you. She never once came back to see what I needed. I’m sure she didn’t recognize me because I looked like death . I hope she sees this and rethinks how she treats others. But she had a known hx of being unkind to patients .
The news anchor on CNN tn said, “sure don’t get the vaccine if you don’t want, but don’t go to the hospital when you need help.”
The hatred in our country right now is baffling. I’m trying desperately to shelter my girls and be the best I can, but as you all know it’s rough.
My prayer is God keeps me out of the hospital. But I am sad to say I will go to another if I have to. I am afraid of sleeping now.
Yellow stars? Extermination?
We MUST Rise Above ..