Catch up 19th July



Heather’s work station – Yeppoon

The training on the weekend was a bit unusual:
Accident recall is very powerful
important to learn settling and soothing before you start your work
Use the word “stuck” instead of trauma with your clients. We are about solutions.
In a session you need to dance with your toolkit.
Innate knowing what you can do.
You need to learn the tools but you can

Heather has put together all the information sheets in that.
Request to share my document

Training courses coming up:
– Reconnecting
Living ligaments
Mammalian Maternal Instinct
Entry level needling
Heartfelt hands
Placenta recoding

Heather’s infrastructure:
Period app needs to go out
Resource “Massage moves for women” she has a demo on a man also.

Activities that
She needs us to do Gentling Selfing work so we can build our tribes and pod to get them into Reconnecting
Undoing our own core beliefs, whose was it
Healing Our mothers, placenta recoding work
The Wounded Healer work

Training Work
Self -Self
Self Family context

stuck belly blood
calming with needles
calming down
grandma cuddles
declutter- pulling out cold
gua sha
micro bleeding
clearing Shen down
(might be insert governing vessel 1)
ear acupuncture ( exit from gentling tools)
we need to understand the meridian hierarchy

Registering people to do the selfing course, online pathway, we can earn income this way.

What causes health, steaming, soothing, getting into the 4 week challenge. , drinking water, 10, 000 steps, getting up early, undoing what is going on

What are you going to do about it next
foundational moves for family and father
gentling self discovery – trauma relief.

Heather is going to create a clearer overview of what is included in each course and what we get at each course. There are 1100 pages of resources on Heather Healing and many of the resources are double so she will be going through that.

Selfing belly, what causes health ( 8 credit points)
gentle self discovery, includes ethics, what causes health, playing the fix it game
foundation moves, love your body better, tools to undo and gentle trauma release
self discovery, self care. undoing life library, checking out gene markers
There are assessments tools in kajabi/ infusion soft
8 Extra Meridians

Reconnecting – was the Arvigo Way initially, but she changed that to expand that work. This was originally a one day course, but now it is growing.

Painless pregnancy Easy babies, easy mothering, easy birthing, anti natal info
Golden Month book.
What Dads Can Do.
Pelvic opening ( there are 5 of them)
Mammalian Maternity
Future resources Natural Womb Guide, Natural Pregnancy Coach, Natural parenting coach.

Love your body better
Move Your Qi
Pulling out the cold
Sacral stuff. (acupuncturist come in here)
advanced spiritual healing
womb positioning
c-section repair.
adhesions, diastase’s. improve out gut and sacrum, and increase structural integrity
palpations ( acupuncturists are not taught this. )
we need to have gentling self awareness first
Gut health, Glorivale women, Heather identified no one was working with the gut, the valves etc, looking at tongues etc. we look at this first before womb repositioning
Stuck Qi- emotional work, extensive version, like entity removal, in the past would have been emotions.

Get people to laugh and at least half their problems will be away.
John Velthiem,, Rosita, Avigo teacher. If we are stressed nothing works properly, the acupuncturists are no longer taught this.

Living Ligaments is her “moving blockages” work plus Jennifer Mercier work through the lens of the Ovarian Suspension Ligament.
Is it stable? What is holding it hostage. This can be a lot of work, it is our goal to stabilise it.
Heather has focussed on getting the most damaged women healed.
We are steaming beginning and middle of the work, sooth and softens, calms them down. This is qualified time ( no online stuff).
She used to moxa but now she cants
Check constantly with Mercier moves, we do sacral and back work
do belly work and Stuck Liver Qi first,
check coccyx, governing vessel.
Front moves, back moves
Arivgo – Ilio – Sacal work

The sessions are about 3 hours, prepaid in bundles,
Get the money upfront to create a clear transaction.
When people pay off there can be resentment that crops in.
IVF does not let people pay it off.
By the time people come to us, we are the end of the line, their last resource.