Cairns – Miry session – past C section – clear the ledge


Vegetarian – connective tissue not happy

Miry had 2 C sections
(breeches both).

She thinks all is fine

AND we see this.

Adhesions? (CLICK)

Sacral work to loosen up the front

Starting with SLQR

Rechecking the O.S.L. markers

Sacral work

Including glut slides – starting with the ex-Mercier moves to correct the front

Checking and fixing/adhesion breaking

X wise adhesion breaking

Round two

  • 1.15 – Adhesion breaking


General adhesion breaking first – St 25, CV 6 then St 30

Stretch marks – insufficient minerals in pregnancy – and also in puberty – or any time with accelerated growth. Itchiness – the problem is deficient CV/Ren Mai – and the answer is take in heaps of minerals. .

Blood depleted tongue crack

Ingredients – better ones . .pate and liver?

Checking the pelvic area

O.S.L. and  Iliac spinal checking

1 – Coccyx not straight (Maybe why both babies were breech)
2 – O.S.L. – the sacral spine checking

Checking and sacral rolfing

Needs a lot of castor oil packs to solve this – and moxa on sacrum to start the process. .

‘M’ move – adhesions off aorta

Flows HAVE to flow

Needling above for below

Needles across the top as this is a wonderful way of undoing what has been so stuck for so long.
I was not teaching Stuck Belly Blood.
We could have done this – then peritoneal untangling.
She needs to do a lot fo home work – and the correction of this ledge is possible – she would need a lot of followup also.
She came into this class as we needed a C section to play with -she. had no apparent problems.
We all get used to what we have . .
Her tongue was VERY pale and purple when we started. . dietary changes would be needed – she ate a great deal of sweet fruit (it is natural).