Iodine (CLICK) Magnesium (CLICK) – spark of life – are they bio available? Go to course Love Your Body Better.
Protection? Wei Qi (CLICK) – see your Woman Tides manual
11 – Boundaries – the skin and Wei Qi keeps pores closed . . And Shen (CLICK) – (see your text Woman Tides again) – do we want to live?
13 – My cousin Celia dying from bad vaxx – 20 years on.
15– Making a chocolate cake – butter cake or melt the butter – if you don’t do right method with right ingredients – can’t work it as you expect . . veins that need clearing? (See the extreme bleeding incident here (CLICK)
18 – 7 and 8 years cycles. . how we age – and go through the Jing expenditure (see red poster).
26 – Process of life – not the tiny micromanagement . . (Use the Woman Tides book) Yin Qi – here from ? – The gut – the Yang Qi and the Liver energy flowing – and Jing.
31 – how it all inter relates.
34 – Core beliefs (Energy Follows Thought). Me being non compliant upsetting a 6 year old .. .
1.18.00– Also this is the best they have ever been – and not swollen due to constant topical magnesium application – moving the lymph . . . and then all can clear itself.
1.19.40 – Prove it wrong – if you can’t – it must be right.
1.22.00 – Me testing this out – and it worked on EVERYONE . .
Start– Moxa heel – anxiety, cupping the navel, sacral moxa fan will all do this.
You have seen me R St 24and on an angle – 15% towards the middle of the navel – MUST have the right point location and angle – and a tiny deviation will not do it. Tsun/cun (CLICK) – a measure of the body – all are relative to the person being worked on.
8.00– pulses – most important is the RATE – not taught . . Dr Shen’s model . . (Found later in in my 1999 seminar – Acupuncture in the New Millennium).
12 – all are shocked – is why we start with DECLUTTER . .
14 – Dr Shen’s line – early life. . .
15.45– Ear points – Liver Yang points – 1 and 2. A useful (ish) page on ears (CLICK)
In researching this (CLICK) – I come upon a wreck of a study (academics have no clue – wrong paradigm. Ear Shen Men (if that is what they are using) is not even in the right spot) . . .They have forgotten the Delphi process (CLICK) (good thing I did a research unit in a Masters of Health sciences – I learned WHY this is totally the wrong approach). – their ‘sham’ point is almost point zero (which all should have in). They would have had vastly better results – with what I use Liver Yang 1 & 2 – as all of us are markedly enraged. NOTE ON THESE POINTS – they are NOT definitive – go by what hurts – or goes off the sound range using a point locator).
Anxiety is STUCK volcano about to blow.
I have not yet found one person with /anxiety; that has not got themselves in a tangle of fury. Hidden over.
Acupuncture texts have moved on from saying as they did ‘junction of the red and white skin’ that they had prior to the Western explosion. This site is quite good (CLICK) – remembering what they say you use points for is not energetic – but the Westernised version of labeled conditions. Eg . . .
The LV Meridian
Internal/External Pathways
Originates on the lateral side of the big toe
Runs up the medial aspect of the leg
Curves around the external genitalia
Around the Stomach and connects with the LV and GB
Branches out in the costal and hypochondriac regions
A branch runs up the posterior aspect of the throat
Connects with the eye system and meets the governing vessel meridian at the vertex of the head
Another branch runs into the Lungs and links the the lung meridian
Measurements Needed
Lower border of the Medial Condyle of the Tibia (SP 9) -to- Tip of the Medial Malleolus = 13 cun
Upper Border of the Symphysis Pubis -to- Medial Epicondyle of the Femur = 18 cun
Sternum -to- Acromion Process = 8 cun CV Meridian -to- LU 1 = 6 cun
Precautions – [all] LV 12 – No Needle LV 14 – No Deep Needle
18.30 – the Spleen first points. – Follow from the outer edge of your big toe nail corner (SP 1) to the place the bone has a hole (Sp 2) to where the next hole is (on bunion joint) (Sp 3) and then about nearly 2 inches – s to where the hole in bone is again – (Sp 4).
Location: In a depression on the midline, on the sternum, level with the 4th intercostal space.
Attributes: Front-Mu (Alarm) point of the Pericardium. Influential point of the Qi. Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting pointing of the Conception vessel with the Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine, and Triple Energizer channels. Upper Energizer point.
TCM Actions: Regulates Qi and downbears counterflow; clears the lung and transforms phlegm; loosens the chest and disinhibits the diaphragm.
Secondary Indications: Wheezing dyspnea and shortness of breath; cough and blood ejection; spitting of blood; chest pain; goiter; vomiting of foamy drool; deathlike inversion; sudden pain and vexation; heart palpitations with sorrow and fear.
Cautions: Several texts contra-indicate needling of this point.
and the points on KI channel (See below)
25.30 – Bl points – and looking for the outside line.
30.00 – How Heather worked initially – touchie and all got better. general run of events – for all
33 .00 – What I was doing – Clearing- rolfing on back – soothing – calm the Shen – fixing – moxa needles where was stuck – that was the front
37 .00 – Pin stuck in my heel.
40.00– Shen calming – on Ki points in the sternum.
These I use as ‘spirit gates’. Clinically I also notice that if the CV points up the sternum are all sore – likely lack of VitD3. ((As well as what else is happening – or that being die to this?? ) as the mess they feel that they are in. If sore, I pop it in – we are not deep here people – there are lungs underneath.
Ki 27– also is the A.E.P. (Associated Effect Point or Mu of all the yin (Tsang) organs. Used a lot to increase the Ki energy instantly if can’t breathe in an asthma attack – and is can’t breathe in – most are can’t breathe at all – this is easier. Is THE point to centre a person – when they are ‘all over the place’ – especially used by kinesiologists.
Ki 26–
Ki 25 – To boost up Kid Yin
Ki 24 – Can;t work out what to do – indecision from weak Gall Bladder.
Ki 23 –
Ki 22 –
42– Showing needling – on Co 11– on self. (CO 11) Large Intestine 11 is a point located at the elbow. The easiest way to locate it is to bend your arm and look for the end of the crease on the outer side of your bent elbow.
Large Intestine LI 11
Chinese Name: Quchi (English translation: Pool at the Crook)Location: With the elbow flexed, the point is on the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, at midpoint between LU 5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
Classification: He-Sea Point of the Large Intestine Meridian
All febrile diseases, fever, sore throat, malaria
Hemiplegia, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder, swelling and pain of the knee
Headache, dizziness, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, blurring vision, toothache
Notes: He-Sea points are where the qi of the meridian collects and goes deep into the body. He-sea points are known to indicated treat rebellious qi and diarrhea.
Needling: Perpendicular insertion 1.0 – 1.5 cun. * When treating for scrofula, insert the needle tip subcutaneously up to LI 14.
(It is likely what you see written will never say what I do about it – makes no one wrong – only very different).
43 – Also how to find GV 15 – Kiiko whiplash special
END – where to get needles.
I suggest that you get what I use – as they are the easiest I have found – no tube and can grip the handle.
Cathay Herbal and ask for Chris (02) 8345 6588 or contact form (CLICK) – say you want the Heather starter kit – he will ask you for the extras you may also want. Check out their range (CLICK).