Not something else to worry about??

Think about it . .
Taking the organ out to stitch it back up together means the body grabs it to itself and knits together what is not intended to be so .
Mine was released (after all I had done over the past 28 years) by the Mercier inspired work as I learned it on and trialed it on my good friend Trish d’Tura in 2016 as fellow students.

Imagine that!
I actually felt the ripping (not painful) release of the adhesions giving way when we worked on practicing how to do this on each other in the Mercier class.
All I had been teaching for decades was swept away by this magical addition to my work.
I was already doing all the steaming and the scar bridging and the Arvigo Self Care massage – all needed the deep work that released my uterus from being moored/attached to the sacrum
What can you do?
Come in for an intensive programme of undoing all of yourself
In addition you receive a healing package that contains lots that you can use to heal on every aspect of you life.
Plus the three self paced at home online instantly applicable self help courses.
TRIAGE is NEEDED – Scars . .
I have always worked with undoing scars on everyone. As the Qi can’t flow – we know this – there is change of . ..everything around it
Even tiny little weeny ones can block your life flows. .
1 – Take out Shock (CLICK)
2 – Get rid of all stored cold (CLICK)
3 – I next restore normal circulation through undoing scars.

Undo the older life issues that you so do not want
(Before you get there – or like me – just because)
So many suffer the ongoing management of what is not actually being fixed – just played with
Temporary fixes . .
- Chronic neck
- Back
- Bladder
- Sexual
- Digestive issues –
All are tied into the adhesions that are sticking bits together that were not designed to be.
- Or the still can’t get pregnant again after C section scenario
- Or maybe – as there is ‘C section defect’
(Who knew)?

You are not told about this when you blithely may sign up – to regret later – as what is actually a very serious operation and done at a time when your body is least able to cope with it – or healing – as then you are in recovery for pregnancy and birth(often) mode – and breastfeeding and being a new mum is not when the body is in a state to be healing from a major abdominal trauma AS WELL.
Cesarean delivery is one of the most common surgical procedures in women, with rates of 30% or more in the United States.1 As a result, the rate is rising for cesarean scar defect — the presence of a “niche” at the site of cesarean delivery scar — with the reported prevalence between 24% and 70% in a random population of women with at least one cesarean delivery.2 Other terms for cesarean scar defect include a niche, isthmocele, uteroperitoneal fistula, and diverticulum.
Many women find that a few sessions on their scar bring instant changes to how they are standing, and being in their body.
- The scar itself is less bothersome.
- The complete loss of sensation/numbness goes back to normal
- Sex may be entirely different as the inner tone is returned
- Posture instantly may change as the inner pulling disappears
- Neck and upper body tension may depart
Good news!!
So easy to undo . .
When nothing else has been working . . .
Please come in and see what you can recover from.
“Never been the same since” – is a great starting point
Unlocking YOUR Scar
.Do start here – a gentle easy safe way to get ‘you’ and your normal feelings back (CLICK)