Body Talk

Part of the Gentling Way lineage. .



John Velthiem:

I sat through 2 1/2 years of him teaching me acupuncture and allied crafts – 1977-79.


I remind you . .
4 ways of knowing

1 – Just do (intuitive) – maybe called instinctive – but I suspect that mums have a lot to answer for
2 – Embodiedlearned  – we eventually realise that what our parents/tribe told us – works . .and then becomes the default that we know and live.


3 – Someone said (and you take their authority over yourself)

4 – A whole bunch of people said – and in fact if you have had formal ed – you have it drummed into you that the Highest Form Of Research – is. . .and no accounting for ‘does it work?'(Life)
They said it so the rest of the crew – so it must . .

Learned helplessness/distrust of self.

Then we have – why not ask the body?
As The Gentling Way is.  .


I have popped this up here as it is part of how I see things – as John was my 5 of 6 semesters lecturer- and a torrid time that was. Seems I have been gifted a unique entry into the healing arts.

What is Body Talk?


What is BodyTalk and who created it?


An instructor


Sample Body Talk session

As with anything – is all about the clarity and energy and demeanour (and connection) of the one you are with . .




Holistic care


Innate knowing


Yes or no?




Do be aware that we all bring ourselves into a session as the doer as well as the receiver..


Moving on- 2013



As it started – as Tracy Livingstone (now in Tauranga NZ) began it – in 1995 when I went to a weekend class – was really all I needed.  Asking the body what it needs – works ..