All high risk’ pregnancy and almost any body issue/not working well is usually a combination of lack of appropriate nutrients and inappropriate circulation. These rescue points may need reinforcing – with a common sense approach. At least with hydration, minerals – see my easybreasts site (more here) and supportive comfort.
We carry our hands with us.
See more also here (my finger-tip rescues site)
Acupuncture points tend to be in depressions – they are on both sides of the body, and vary slightly form one person to the other. Especially if you find scars over the area.
What to do . . .
Find the sorest point and go into attack mode as we are not playing games here – but fixing things.
All of these work – it is a matter of not only intention, but application – and sometimes choosing the right point – .
Ki 1 – Life force rescue
(Baby not breathing yet)
Or mum is losing her grip on life
Ki 1 – bottom of foot in a hole where you get stopped between two ‘balls’ of the foot.

This being the resuscitation point – is accessing the ‘reserve tank’ in a body. It is there for emergencies and to use this, it is. I used this on my few weeks old baby dying in isolation in NICU 35 + years ago – she was not breathing – and this retrieved her life. I have used it many times for the same reason – it is easier to attack than the next point – and less invasive.
GV26 – rescues consciousness – the Ki 1 point rescues the life force.
Sp3 – brings us back – giving the Shen (spirit) a home base again – all have slightly different and vastly needed actions.
GV 26 – Life/consciousness rescue

Rescue consciousness point.
In the groove above your top lip – go 2/3 of the way up to the nose, and gouge in with your fingernail.
When needling – go in 45 degrees angling up to the root of the nose.
I have used to stop dying and retrieve from – many times.
Also for fainting – get your fingernail in as well as drop to the ground safely.
Sp 3 – Bring Mum’s consciousness back . .
To anchor the Shen – ‘consciousness’/spirit – giving her her home back.
Sp 3 – run your finger down the side of the foot – you will fall into a hole – before the ‘bunion’ joint.

Or they are feeling ‘out of it’/need grounding.
Will instantly align them back to being present.

Sp 1 – Stop over/excess-bleeding (womb)
Sp 1 – At the corner of the outside root of the nail.

Whether it is a period that floods/gushes you want to slow down, or an incident of odd uterine bleeding, or after birth and the womb clamping down has not happened – after the placenta is out – attack with your thumb/ fingernail pressure – you are saving a life (as this in third stage) – potentially a uterus and the other children to come through. This has rescued many wombs to ensure more babies happened.
Anyone can . . Can’t hurt..
Ideally with a real moxa (smokey) stick – above the point – peak of heat, gets to o ht, take it up and then over the point again – one minute worth of peaks of heat – every hour. You do need to fix why the bleeding is happening. This is First Aid.
Sample page from What Dads Can Do manual = see Easy Pregnancy Resources – online instantly downloadable resources.
Then we need maybe to hasten flows? (Including baby out??)
Liv 3 – open cervix point – especially with Ht 7 – see next . . in addition to all in the sample pages from the easy pregnancy resources kit). Best with a needle – angled down to Ki 1 but not going through – acupuncture – NOT Dry Needling.
Instant fix if you know about Qi Moving. . .

There is the point.
Deep pumping pressure will sometimes relieve a cramp .
In this case, ideally a needle in to almost connect the point Ki 1 – see above for life force rescue).
Ht 7 – again – best needled- opposite side to Liv3 – BUT pressure will assist . .

Ht 7 – run your finger down the side of the arm till you get stopped by the wrist . .
Is on outside edge of the tendon when you lift the hand up slightly.
Labour Rescue
Bl 35 – Opening pelvis rescue
Bl 35 – found best when in an open position – after the sacral points – and baby has descended too far for these with deep pressure to alleviate pain – go DEEPLY into this – I had a dad do this constantly for 90 minutes in 2nd stage to release a STUCK baby.

Sample charts from the easy pregnancy resources
It seems all too hard
See the Easy Pregnancy Resources online course for the 20 + charts and 2 videos and manual
Du Yin – too hard to keep on going. . .
(As well as the Shen rescues and all that is on the charts from the Easy Pregnancy Resources –

Inco-ordinate labour – GB 41 – run your finger up between the tendons of the 4th and 5th toes – and where they meet – it likely is painful. Attack with firm pressure. Can

This point is the ‘master’ point of the Dai Mai meridian
This is only one that encircles the body.
All other body energy channels run longitudinal – up and down the body.
This point (being a master point) will encourage the release of stagnation in area of influence – as that undoes the stored ‘wrong’/perverse energy.
As Dai Mai runs directly over the belly, it will assist in releasing Bandl’s ring should this be happening. (Though this is due to unavailable minerals).
Solution – oral – and slathering magnesium oil/gel on the large muscles often throughout the labour.
St 36 – general save everyone
Story – me and epidural
Co 4 – Pain point

After birthing baby – comes birthing safely the baby support system

To help placenta detach well, safely
2 points – Sp 4 then 20 + seconds later,
Pc 6 opposite side

Will also allow calming and open the chest, and in this case, press it on the opposite side to the Sp 4 point. Press Sp 4 and count to 20 slowly, then hit Pc 6.
After the placenta is out, you may need to press Sp 1 if over-bleeding seems likely.
How to help yourself & others?
Easy Pregnancy Resources
Here the link is – to information that works!!
The What Dads Can Do manual (eBook) 2 videos, 20+ charts to print AND – a small selection how to nourish and support a well pregnancy (including miscarriage help).