
Ideally the work presented here avoids all likelihood of damage. After all – if birth were dangerous, nature would not win.
She needs easy replication. A traumatised mum cannot mother – thus survival of the species is unlikely.
Birth is women’s business and when following nature and her dictates in a supportive tribe of those who have always followed nature – there is little likelihood of the troubles that visit modern women. Below you see what I spent decades tweaking.
Initially I was the only woman acupuncturist in the city of Brisbane. Also the only acupuncturist interested in maternity. Thus all scared women came to me. As a dual trained naturopath and Western herbalist, and body worker, as well as being the designer, writer and teacher of acupuncture courses – I was well placed t observe and to write as I did. .
Nutrients and pelvic readiness are two aspects.
Being aware of the ‘contract’ that the birthing actors may have signed in for also needs recognising.
(What was to be learned that maybe was missed/tried to pretend not important?)
In all the tricky situations I was witness to in the 30 or so births I attended as a ‘doula’ prior to this being usual (late 1970’s to mid 1980’s) I always used many modalities. needles almost never. My hands and sensible support. Also feeling out what was happening – and worked to counteract this. Having recently had a baby, I could not imagine having needles to contend with in labour – and had already worked out a way in massage in labour to centre a woman so she COULD attend to the powerful surges.

Mum to be clear and open to whatever was to occur was the goal.
Bach flowers remedies needed.
To alter mum’s head space . .
Ripening follows growing then opening and expulsion into nesting . .
If there are troubles – WHAT is stopping a natural process?
WHY get in the way of perfect?
Fear has no place in the opening into love.
INDUCTION – see here (CLICK) also here – why bother with an induction.
There is so much less hassle as a C section is likely – go straight to that. (CLICK)
WHY induce? very good question .. . .Fear based interventions are not nature’s way. Someone wrote and said . .
BUT – mothering outcomes? Breastfeeding retention rates? Easy sleeping? Happy mum and dad?
Of course with all the interventions – esp the injectibles that contain neurological impediments that have been shown to eradicate monkey rooting, snouting and feeding responses – it is no wonder mums are ‘beside themselves’/distraught. Irrespective of whether they had a normal birthing experience. This new life is not what they could ever have imagined.
The nutritional status of mum is part of the picture. Her pelvic health and alignment and overall happiness plays out in her expectant joy of being a mum. Here life and tribal assistance is so invaluable – maternal care via a life model – midwives and older women. This I offered in my clinic. In addition to all other health issues from anyone, any age or sex . . .
Pregnancy care spanning 5 decades
Pregnancy is a time when mum’s body is remaking itself as it makes a new person.
Any prior imbalances are taken into account as the 5 imbalances that allow pregnancy to be – an increase in Heat, Blood energy, Liver Qi and Dampness plus a decrease in maternally available Kidney Qi means that rest and adequate resources are essential to allow what is needed to happen to do so.
Sessions all through the pregnancy to correct all I could feel that was likely to happen.
The energy put into being a worker PLUS growing a baby is potentially being taking away from quality baby making. It can be debilitating – especially if she was traveling to work on public transport, and had a toddler at home to look after in addition to being the family’s cook/maid.
Me seeing her (in the 70’s /80’s) weekly in the first trimester, monthly in the second and in the last month – weekly again .
Most came in as they were either miscarrying (no one did in the early decades of me working this way as men were fertile, hence not creating the problem) or were very nauseous – or in the latter stages of pregnancy – were scared to birth. (no option to have baby cut out of body).
In the 90’s and beyond – if she was still working – depending in how much trouble she was in – maybe every two weeks from 28ish weeks onwards. Ideally if she MUST work – taking a mini weekend off on Wednesdays was firmly suggested.
If she was plagued by health problems that I was fixing – massive back or other pain issues – it would be more often. As was as needed. Often 2x weekly if in real trouble and if she looked like losing baby – I would do home visits. If hyperemesis – it may be several times daily or at least daily – till I had it sorted. (Always did). ‘Dosage’ – and undoing what was causing the violent attack on growing a baby).
WHAT DADS CAN DO was written in 2005 to give all an understanding of how to return to perfect

Early on when I as not using Chinese herbs, as well as working on mum to be weekly,
I gave her Blue Cohosh tincture to take in the few weeks leading into birthing – not red raspberry leaf – that works far better. Black Cohosh to take in well established labour.
After a while I was using a mix I had concocted of Chinese herbs – and they were stunning – to clear STUCK LIVER QI and Blood. .
If I was attending the birth also – the Bach flower remedies were the most important tool – if I was called to a birth, I would go home to get them – over needles every time.
I would ensure that dad doing his part. I schooled him up prior to the birth. If I was to be there – at his side – we would both be fully employed keeping mum at ease. All babies arrived easily this way – not with needles or even acupressure. . Now – I would do get all tailbone and sacral complications corrected before 38 weeks.
Pelvic opening is so needed -and to clear all that may come up well before labour commences.
Birth outcomes will define who she is and their relationship as well as baby’s early and life – forever more.
I have rescued anal tears – easily
Prior to me knowing of the steaming and other wise women’s ways
GV 1 features heavily – plus relevant ear points. Ear points left in.
One woman was deliberately messed up as she refused to go to C section and the obstetrician threw his gloves off and stormed out.
When he saw sense and returned (imagine being the midwife) he made sure he messed her up and told her it was ll her fault as she refused his help. Thus we also had severe trauma. Her next 2 children were home births with a very experienced doula I was working with.
Medical people will go for ICE. NEVER use.
(She does not need fecal incontinence for ever after as one of my patients 20+ years had happen).
The essence of the treatments is to get the body to heal – likely means home visits and being flexible. Heat will help.
Salty warm sitz baths. Peristeaming – maybe x3 daily.
Rest as the major helper.
Plus negative ion pads to keep the area dry.
Homeopathic remedies and gentle living.
PREVENTION is the key
Easy Pregnancy Solutions (CLICK HERE FOR MORE) What is in this package?
All that anyone who wants to ensure /insure easy parenting could possibly need.
Easy Pregnancy Resources kit
What Dads Can Do eBook version
Plus 2 videos – Massage – WDCD and BIRTHING – WDCD
Plus – a set of very little booklets on nourishing and sustaining a well pregnancy .
Includes how to manage a pregnancy loss – as that is highly topical now.
PLUS – 20+ practical ‘cheat sheet’ charts that are all anyone needs – for most eventualities.

Normal gut function
How a well body works – and breaks down
How the Spleen Qi lets go
Morning Sickness/Hyperemesis 1
Morning Sickness/Hyperemesis 2
Morning Sickness/Hyperemesis 3
Carpal tunnel
Pregnancy Back Pain Solutions
Pregnancy Pelvic – Pubic Pain Solutions

Breech transverse non optimal lies
A quick run around a birthing body
Setting up Easy Birthing
Baby exit made easy
Easy Birth Mechanics
Easy Birth Process
Easy Birth Preparation
Natural Birthing – Baby
Natural Birthing – Intact bonding

Induction – hastening gentle ripening
Induction – forceful medical expectation
Easy Early Labour
Easy Late Labour
Difficult Late labour
Safer Third Stage
Calm her
Mum has lost it
Bring in/ building milk production
Acute mastitis
Easy Pregnancy Solutions?

All above PLUS a section on post natal care PLUS all these eBooks
Life Support
Eating for A Well Pregnancy
Cold Damages Your Health
Cold is Not a Mother’s Friend
PNV/Hyperemesis Solutions
Gestational Diabetes Solutions
Moxa Use in Pregnancy
Relieving Pregnancy Back Pain
Relieving Pregnancy Aches and Pains
Fetal Positioning Solutions
Breech Solutions
Easy Childbirth Preparation
Sit Up and Take Notice (Pauline Scott)