Billie’s baby


Sorry – no idea what your husband’s name is . so called this page Billie’s baby. I have so many sites – and after you have seen some of the info I sent earlier .


1 – Vaginal BBT and rectal for him (CLICK)

At least 4 hours sleep prior and the instant you open your eyes. Will likely be way too hot.

2 – Testes temp – 29 C ideally.

This is fixed (if no varicocele (CLICK) with the life style and herbal shifts – and get out of tight underpants – so they dangle

3 – Get well/baby ready . . that is where my decades of multi modality problem solving comes in .

NEED NOW  (Taking a while to get to us due to the lack of planes from USA – get at least 2 lots of 3 packs – 3 months worth – he will needs to be on for a few years if possible – major anti inflammatory . .) Glutathione acelerator – (CLICK) Order for both of you – when it gets here – 6 caps every morning – with food. This is the very beginning. I include my version of what this is (CLICK) .She charges $US 4,200 for 6 one hour sessions and the first month of bio identical hormones included – then monthly catch ups by phone with the woman paying for all supplements for them on – for a year – as she has no mention other major component – the dad to be – I structure very differently.

Before Feb 2020 – I offered this (CLICK).  Was/is part of this (CLICK)

It was when you came to me, and I did my magic. Life has changed. I am not sure how to do this easily – we are off to Cairns now so I will ponder. I do have online courses as well – and you can stat immediately – I lead you through. As I am the vicinity seems to me we can work it out. It used to be prepaid and intensive. Whilst this is a huge investment of my time – I also understand for you also. After we get out of the house and I ponder what to do. As I am not living in the area and my set up/ travel/ accommodation are not factored in.

Pre 2020
The prepaid $5,500 included the 6 x 3 hour sessions (close together ) PLUS me in your ear/on your case and that is invaluable as the session alone – restore wellness.After the 6, if more were needed – it was at the rate of $250 first hour and $150 each . .This also included the herbal and lifestyle changes and then you pay the cost of all supplements – but – this is AFTER the undoing (ncd drops (CLICK)  and the glutathione accelerator (CLICK) – as we need to get your body to a sate it is actually using food. Getting rid of all the toxic residue (CLICK) is the key – the heat you always have needs putting out as that is the undoing of your quality sperm. The deciding factor is the Gentling Way work (CLICK) I have developed which is what is needed – in stages – and intensively. Not as most do – suggest that you come in and see me when you can weekly for an hour or so – but – intensively undo what has/is happening. Making families . .(CLICK)

I teach you to work on each other, the online courses are included, ad as you go through – the natural life guides allow you to – Live Well – then Natural Fertility Guide, (if needed)Natural Fertility Detective, Natural Pregnancy Guide, Natural Parenting Guide all follow. Womb positioning – also I do it all for men as they have similar issues ‘down there’. More on this here (CLICK).

BBT (CLICK) this is a measure of health retrieval – all come before we concern ourselves with the gyne biomedical info

NOW – fee – the same – if you come to me. (Stay in Gympie a few days (at least 3 to start this and I see you daily).  The other sessions – somehow. This also means – no Ava and we get into what is needed. I do not come into Bne weekly. An intensive is at least 3/4 sessions – preferably daily – to peel back what has happened. Or if we are online – and I am still this amount. Usually paid if not in full at the start – at least in large installments as I know that all of us are now$ constrained. Some have their parents paying for their new grandchildren. .

We only have now – as who knows what bright ideas will be thrown at the non jabbed next?
Plus – we are not permanently in Gympie, just here for now.