To be read in conjunction – here are a lot of resources you get to play with.

After the Gentle Selfing weekend – we also have a challenge.
1 – To undo what may have come up for ourselves- holding the space for this is huge.
AND we usually find corners that need revisiting in ourselves.
Perfect opportunity. . . Do also your own challenge.
2 – To support participants to consolidate their intentions.
3 – To gently merge into life again – and usually within a week – no more than when home happens. .
An extra hour a day for self – WHAT GOES?
In that time – steaming and writing in journal, planning and being
Steaming – such a shock to find out how your body WANTS it . .
We put into life what we may have started watching the online courses (sheets found in Soothing component) . Teachers also. The sheets are best need filled in daily. This solidifies the habit as life is so easy to get in the way.
Daily self belly work/touching.
Water intake upped.
10,000 steps . .intentional self time No phones.
Chance to form a larger relationship with self.
We are all one.
We also need to grow/let go.
Habits . .
It can be very easy to fall back into where those around us are more comfy – we were tamed – just as we tamed them.
Expectations – we all like sameness. We seem to be happier when we know what is coming next.
TESTING – likely to be challenged by life to see if we are serious.
It is a natural high to come from deep relating
Discovering more of self, especially when the inner whisperings become known is magic.
The trick is to DO IT.
As the Liver energy WILL get more stuck, f self decisiveness is cast aside due to family and other life pressures.
When we go home children – especially adult – the boundaries.
The past spouses/other relationships that need putting away – in the past and the lessons carried forwards . .
Testing times are to be expected.
OR if we make different choices and need to act on them – we will be tested.
And by life continually till second nature IS the ‘no’s’ and so on.
Ideally after the four weeks, a roll over into Gentle Self Discovery awaits.
At least get all in week four – if not before – to begin in Life Rescues . .
This is a taster of a lot to come.
CHARTS – are so helpful as a reminder. . . not to back slide as we all have been trained to ‘be good’.
To print out and place somewhere obvious
It will be easier to file it in if taped onto a wall .
Which minute?
Print out . .
Get a fluoro pen and pay with this- then do another for your partner/children.
Basic challenge
Each if they have – state what their challenge is – on top of the usual – self belly/ steaming and the list for the week – they may have missed what to do as they were embroiled in NOT getting committed to a day – this will not happen again as it is like me trying to finish trainings – “I can’t” rules – not “I will ” . .
YOU state your’s – may be taking all supplements that you intended to . .whatever as well . .as the above.
Good idea that YOU do daily steaming as they are to – and the 10,000 steps as that is then we can all share material . .
Report briefly (each) on what is happening (Do not get into stories) . .
Is about the RESISTANCES to change that are coming up .
Cards – you could ask for a number and then read out what it was. .
That is what Lisa and Marie were doing in Selfings online
Themes – past the obvious of SELF FIRST from now on – at least get the habit established
1 – Wake up an hour early – is YOU time
2 – WATER – 3 litres. No caffiene etc.
3 – Walk – 10,000 steps. EVERY Day in addition to usual exercise.
(No gadgets – is SELF time – take a small journal)
WEEK TWO – Theme – DECLUTTER – Feng Shui
1 – Stuff – take stock (does it bring you joy?
2 – Especially people – are they also out of date?
3 – Lists -write heaps – and cross off daily. Esp unfinished business with people.
WEEK THREE – Theme – WHICH MINUTE? – how is time managed?
1 – Balance – 8 hours rest/work/play – where did THAT go?
2 – Lists – and more lists
3 – Choice – is all yours – whose life is it?
WEEK FOUR – Theme – What next?
1 – Take charge – whose life is it?
2 – Out of comfort zone – what is the worst that can happen? Stay STUCK
3 – Take a break – with yourself – congratulations for getting to where YOU are the highlight of your day/life.
The point of all of this is US growing also – that means we do our own challenge – which may be more than what we have them on.
We all have stories to impact – obstacles, resistances, (excuses) and what it means when we go through these. .
To the other side.
WE WILL BE TESTED – all of us.
Do we really mean this?
And the jubilation when it becomes second nature.
Especially need – DECLUTTER – people as well as clothes no longer needed.
And the rest . .
We can play with this to suit our audience .
As an example . .
Quesha’s weekly prompts

Week 1 –
Week 4
When people want to go on in this work – they have to do this at least 1x time.
As we ‘move’ into this work – repeating is ideal – especially if I take it again . .
At least watch many of the others – and not as a spectator but also for yourself.

2022 – Move/Free Your Qi may well be the intro for many
The relevant Gentling Way page is yet to be updated. .
Here is the nearest we have is here