Acupuncture in the new millennium/times


Picture of me in San Diego in Feb 2018 – maternity master acupuncture class.

In presenting 1999 – Acupuncture in the New Millennium. I was concerned then that the work of the masters had been lost, that we were not working in the real times – that we found ourselves and that we really needed to retrieve our passion and our heritage. Through my eyes – and the work of Dr John Shen.

However . .  you may choose to start elsewhere. Regardless of exposure to acupuncture theory, practice or indeed, your own energy belief system. Below is my answer to the horror as I saw it in 2006/7 of people coming out of acupuncture college and thinking that they could use prescriptions of points an help those who wished to conceive – to do so. Forgetting (as usual – in humans, not animals – all farmers know that they need a good stud) the man . .and his massive contribution to be perfect first.

If you are not an acupuncturist – do not despair – as I always went into context first.
Where you may start for this is the Role of 8 Extra Meridians in Woman’ s Lives and Maternity.


The Role of the 8 Extras in Women’s lives and Maternity 1

Please download – preferably print out – and yes there is a lot


The Role of the 8 Extras in Women’s lives and Maternity 2


The Role of the 8 Extras in Women’s lives and Maternity – 3


The Role of the 8 Extras in Women’s lives and Maternity 4 – Jing Disruptions

What about when things are not as designed?
We van then go further back – to my Feb 1994 presentation (Obstetrics and Acupuncture) (when I had no idea that I was to be a mum again – pregnant unexpectedly – and was in a 2 day presentation- the first day was the 8 extras audios only now – and the afternoon – my presentation of the lymphatic drainage, hiatal hernia and ileo cecal and all hat I was doing the to improve the Damp/Phlegm and displaced fluids in the torso to allow normal to flow.

Day one – 1

Notes – will be put up when I find them .

The actual videos will be in NZ. We seem to only have 4 of the set of 6 on Vimeo.

Day 1 – first

Day 1 – second


Day 1 – third

Need to find 1 and 3

Dr Shen’s pulse model day 2

Then there is NOW

2021 – Maybe also see Pricklies? (CLICK)