Taster for the ‘massage’ courses

Pain is the body warning that Qi flow is stuck . . .

How id s this different to what is in texts?
It works – and is real.

As an acupuncture student in Brisbane in 1977, I was also taught visceral and joint mobilisations, adhesion breaking, lymphatic drainage and ‘structure determines function’ in addition to the classical Dr van Buren style (pre TCM) acupuncture. Dr van Buren (himself an osteopath and Alexander technique devotee) – was a very successful pulse and heartful energy mover.

We learned to work with what presented (acute and chronic severe pain. In the late 1970’s there were no real pain relievers – except moxa and needles. Desperate people flocked for relief. We provided it  with two years pat time study.
The research needed had been done – and we were imparted with what to do – and we did it.

Our scope of practice was moving Qi.
We did.

Being taught all of this within the modern context by a then very successful chiropractor who also specialised in women’s fertility in a time when it was not ‘a thing’. Back a few generations ago we were all horrified at the ease of baby making – as had all who came before us.

Please be very careful when working with women

It is liable to hurt
Here you see me working on a man to demonstrate what undoes upper back problems – including shoulders and necks.
Be mindful that this is segment is usually in the midst of a lot of other work.
If you are an acupuncturist – the needling component is part of trainings that are available here.

The Transformative programme includes the congestion relieving of scar release and other Qi moving developed over Heather’s 40 years of research in her clinic, in teaching acupuncturists and in life.

How easy is this?

What is covered in this snippet?

1 – Explaining the pathway of the Gall Bladder channel of energy/meridian.

It is often the site of life force stagnation – hence pain pathways – shoulders/neck/buttocks/hips/’sciatica’.

2 – Using broad contact to allow the diffusion of the pain whilst being gouged – and thus the speed of change is apparent.

Just a little work undid a lot of tightness all through parts NOT where I was actually working.


Freeing up circulation along the course of the gall bladder line of energy.

Work on a different spot – and all flows again – much like bodes of water, or – even the electrical circuitry in a house.


Sign up and get started as once you have the foundational moves under your belt, the learning trajectory takes you into all people of all ages with all potential conditions of stuck and depleted life force.
Nutrients and their flows being the focus ..