Lukas’s healings

Good to see you again . .

I will leave you to go through all this yourself – if I have missed anything – let me know. .

Links – precocious puberty
It id a case of getting out the toxic substances that are driving this – and the patches (X 39 on back of neck with Aeon on the below belly button spot are likely to be all that is needed . What we make hormones with – see more on this detox site I put up ages ago

At this point I am about un-aging . .
And this is the issue – all are debilitated and this is being normalised as you said with the lowering of ‘normal’ levels of testosterone . .

Thyroid hormones are made from what testosterone is also . .tyrosine – so more animal protein is good – especially LIVER and pate. .and broths. .
BBT – the thyroid will show up as not that happy whne your rectal temp is less than 36.7/8 – the instant you awaken . .after at least 4 hours sleep . .
And here is more.

Sinus nfections – besides swallowing all the Chinese pills – I find the best way with the sinus infections is massive hits of Thomsens ‘garlic perles’ – these are from NZ are little and I take maybe 5-6 in hand maybe 6-7 times daily initially and as I get better – reduce the amount each time. Somet9imes the gut may not be happy – so with food maybe best .

Let me know if I missed anything . .
I will text Vanessa tomorrow to see if you wish to have me send some patches down (take several days as we are a distance to go express) or if you want to get on with it – I can still send some to start you).