Heather’s health challenges

This is a bit of an eye opening exercise – maybe you also need to write down all that you are working through?

Chronicles of an aware observer living in a body under attack. All cumulative and was a full-time job to stay on top of often. Totally took me out of action. This is in addition to the after effects of the 1997 flu that took out my heart function.

Hypo thyroidism (from 1987): initially on 200 mcg T4: near enough: not great
Eventually I went after the troches, DHEA and testosterone (was zero) to thne use the equivalent T3/4  200 mcg. After Hg detox, onto T4 – often only 50 mcg at my best – now on 100 mcg again.

Context – Hg /amalgam on tooth stump when pregnant at 5 months of age with third child. CMV, Cock sackie A15/16, newborn daughter near death/massive brain injury – (intra uterine toxoplasmosis), my own toxoplasmotic pneumonia ongoing for 3 years), b/f for 2.25 years whilst she tried to die constantly (also cumulative Hg poisoning and worse each c/h vaxx her father wanted her to have. Her being vastly non-functional/ screaming all night every night, not sleeping, or poohing, whilst I did all I could to rescue her). Difficult domestics from past and the then current husbands also (1986/9).  Chronic fatigue eventually gone with fetal lamb cell injections (1989) – daughter was also on these – massive shifts. Some of her healing journey

Heart – (1997) viral cardiomyopathy from a bad ‘flu’ and resultant congestive heart failure /moderate mitral valve prolapse. On A.C.E. inhibitors since 1999 diagnosis for 18 years (off with ncd detox strategy). Still on Lasix equivalent. (not as good).


Wuhan Oct – 2019. Still not great with lung capacity/voice projection, singing – and have a bit of a wheeze on a forced out breath

Herpes – (ongoing from June 20-21) genital within 1.5 days of being exposed. No extra stressors and taking ages to go away. New areas, and as though first time.

Post viral immune depletion – (ongoing from June 20-21 from being anywhere near people /5G and esp touching the jabbed – even a hug from a jabbed person – skin to skin – would set skin changes instantly off

Skin – (June 20-21) patches of ‘wrong’ expanded/radically changed colour with jab exposure.  Verruca gone 50 years ago reactivated. ‘Age’ spots showing up constantly. Skin BCC on left cheek reactivated and growing.

Shingles – (Sept 2021) in right upper eye. Once resolved (with all I could throw at it, plus the 800 mcg x 6 daily strength Zovorax). Attempted return in left eye x 2 – stopped with hypericum 30 daily plus all Chinese herbals and more C and D.

Stair incident – (Jan 2022) the worst incident – TBI, concussion, PTSD/ lip and facial injuries, ruptured tooth nerve, weakened not broken wrists.

1 – on slimy concrete straight onto L hip – no breakages, but severely messed with my brain function.
2 – 10 days later – pulling out tricky vines that let go suddenly – me on a small slope – straight back ‘planking’ on my back
Hard hit to back of head – yet another concussion.

ProblemSolutions triedDate
Post Wuhan virus(Taste/smell not right/heart/lungs function diminished)See elsewhere – all that came upon my path. All helped somewhatFrom end October 2019
Post seroconversion: on jabbed exposure: herpes outbreaks/ energy gone /immunity stuffedMainly almost living on AV/AT & ReGen, more Vit C. Bioresonance :helped needed constantlyJune 2021 onwards
Skin oddities (above) + + ‘age’ spots keep comingMore nutrients (Se/Vit E)On and off for a year
Skin cancer on L cheekFrankincense/Roger’s creamFrom 2022
Herpes constant – set off by exposure to jabbedAV/AT/etc – hypericum cap & oil & oil of T.From June 2021
Weird mark R upper armIs a health barometerFrom June 2021
Total exhaustion – upon jab exposureAV/AT /hypericum etc  Bioresonance (constant)From June 2021
Interstitial cystitis – better with prolapse upliftingAll/everything AB2022 – 24 worsened
Cow vs car – shockP.V. (anti whiplash). Mag etcLate Aug 2021
Occular shingles – upper R eye Natural rems/Acyclovir/natural everything – C/D/B/ ion strips hypericum caps, AV/AT/ReGenEarly Sept 2021
Recovery took agesREST/all I could think of
Continual jab reactionsS & S as aboveCONSTANT June 21
After fall (stairs)‘LIFE’ STOPPAGEMid Jan 2022
Brain not workingREST – iodine. Mag. etcAll below is from this
Concussion – a gift hat keeps on givingREST/Yunnan Bao Yao /steaming/Drion strips/
TBI – STILL (Stuck Blood)REST – as above
PTSD – sameREST – as above
Lip healingAll obvious
Jaw/teeth misalignedGradual improvement
Tooth nerve root ruptureVit C, neg ions?all else
Wrists incapableMag topical, ointments
Overgrowth wrist bone“ + strong comfrey ointment
Nasal blockages (# nose, deviations both directions)Needles, all else
Tick allergyNothing workedLate Feb 2021  on
Lyme after tick in navelREST/all else fixed itSept 2022
DEPRESSEDFREE MOVEMENT best help: on top of all elsePost stairs – Jan 2022 – concussion changes?
ProblemSolutions triedDate
Root tooth infectionAB plus all else/oil pullingObvious July 2023
WOBBLY/listing/balanceAll I can think of doingPost stairs Jan 2022
Concern re thinkingConcussion aftermath?
Maths still missingSlow return
General loss of motivation? Depression?
Slipped/fell on L hip/ shockPast topical mag savedJune 24
Backwards land on headConcussion again10 days later
PLUSJing wearing out/sleep no good 
Accelerated aging Evefrt=ytujng tI coudl thnkofFrom stairs
Hair loss & of colour Chines eherbs adn supplements – no helpSame
Weight gain – belly esp Independently, I put myself on the Essiac cancer dosage herbs -that helped stabilise, but not FIX as off them after 8 months, felt a gradual, the accelerating decline – but I can’t keep medicating . .July 2023 (USA)

Having students working on my body makes the most changes – esp with Qi flow thus fluid/stability of pelvis thus interstitial cystitis. I know the value of the Gentling Way. Need more students to take on the challenge – as we need to clear ourselves FIRST. (We are our first recipient of care afterall)

Once we have the Shen and nutrients/hydration attended to – you may need these – I did

Patches – from July 2024

X 39 every dayGV 14Instantly reset – energy
Used X 39/ carnosineTop of lipImprovements
Left neck/St channelLet go scar 2 hours later
Energy EnhancersBl 23/ when ‘used’ Ki 3Vastly improved stamina
Aeon/Sp 6/Silent NightHPA axisBetter sleep /more focus
Sp 6/ AeonCV 17/ left Sp 21Better breathing/general
Aeon/ Energy EnhancersOn hat 3 hoursWeird head stirrings
Aeon/ X 39/CarnosineLu 1 /heart areaSinging voice is mine again
CarnosineLip/left St 4/8/neck tooth temples: brain healingAll feels better

1 – With an Aeon and a X39 always on me – Aeon on central chest/left Lu 1 –  my upper heater distress (post Wuhan) something within a week had reset the vaginal plumpness

2 – Within 2 days – I could go all day in garden, heaving things about, wondering why I had not done this before. Also – clearer head and calmer – not off lying down to rest on and off. Just got things done – as needed. Stopped taking Chinese herbs and lots of supplement to try to keep myself going – as I was without them, mostly

3 – Most have noticed I am ‘back to the old Heather’. Breaking out into song – and my singing voice is back.

4 – Facial injuries – started repairing within the first week

5 – Skin is softer everywhere and the wrinkled elderly hands are looking somewhat more youthful

1 – ‘Like’ me on FB so I can invite you onto a closed page – where you can read up on stories of wins from others, protocols to help you and your loved ones
2 – If then you want to know how to sign up so you get these wholesale not retail ($US 25 a year investment) please let me know and we can get you started on your own page so you can order direct whenever you like.
3 – If you can extend yourself, and choose to get them at a ‘free’ rate -(if you spend $US 500 – around $AU 800 currently) – that gives you heaps to play with.
14 – start with the X-39 only for a month
It is highly likely that you will not want to run out .. .