Lady bits – in use – #7


Phases of a woman’s life

Ripples out into the rest of it

If we do not clear it

We look at OUR lives and the chapters we have completed – and see the ones coming up soon
These pictures were obviously done by a man.

maiden mother MISSING – active queen phase crone

I attempted to influence these ones . (from the 2001 Living As Energy)

Everyone ‘sees’ women in these phases.
Then – we become invisible.

Easy to miss – chapters of a life – as we try to ‘stay young’/seen/even respected.

OLDER WOMEN – we hold up the world .

There is a huge missing area – Maybe it is time to recognise that there is a time for every purpose.
Each minute is founded on the one before – maybe we undo some of what we do not wish to air?
If not – it WILL run our lives as we age . .

V – sight
L – mobility
M – memory – or cancer
H – ending up with something like Alzheimer’s. .

2.00 – what people do with a change is dependent on what they are living – in their heads . .
3.00 – reasons for C sections. . .
4.00 – Ann Marie . . . she did what she did – state of denial . . .

7.00 – Urachus . . . .and bladder fixing . .
9.00Ann Marie – WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?
Me – theory – tap water . . .
12.00 – Amy – coccyx fix did the trick . .
12.40 – No history of endo prior to the adenomyosis. Now H.H. Syndrome at least . .
15.00 – can’t eat a lot of things – and has weird symptoms . .
19.00 – CANCER?
21.00 – Men’s business . . . (retail opportunities) Me – viral myocarditis . . . see how I fixed that.

24.30 – all is NOT Love and Light .. STUCK LIVER QI –
Lenley suggesting Reichian armour bands – YES – all is emotional as a consequence of being STUCK

28.00 – Amy again . . her story with pregnancies
31.30 – ME fed up with people being people – thus they keep getting stuff happening . .
32.30 – NEED ingredients or body CAN’T. .
34.00 – focus of session – get to where I could do the H.H. correction: I had to set it up.
WHY WE DO FLANK GOUGE – that made all the difference for her.

I sent her the Dr Shen info – here

Life story timeline 0-5 yrs ⁃ in Mother’s womb and can remember a big argument between my parents. My dad doubting that I was his baby ⁃ My birth was traumatic. I almost died twice. Cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times. Mums pelvis was ‘too small’ I was stuck. Emergency c section. Then the cut just under my temple. 3 big stitches on a tiny head. ⁃ 4yrs – my brother was born. ⁃ 4-5 started school, that was a bit of a transition for me. ⁃ Very sensitive and intuitive ⁃ Saw spirits ⁃ Parents never understood ⁃ Many re occurring scary dreams (astral projection flying) off an on throughout my whole life 5-10 yrs ⁃ 7-9yrs trauma, sexual. Uncle and cousin. Vague memories ⁃ 9yrs Glandular fever. I almost died. Had it severely, bed sores, no school for months, secondary hepatitis g. Enlarged Liver and Spleen. (Never felt the same again) ⁃ Broken arm (can’t remember age) 10-15yrs ⁃ started having feelings for girls ⁃ 14yrs, trauma, dad tried to kill himself, I found him and called ambulance. Whilst also trying to control my mother and help my brother who had collapsed in shock. (Dad lived) ⁃ 14yrs experimenting with boys, had boyfriend (almost 4 years) he was more a ‘friend’ we ‘attempted’ sex once. Protection. ⁃ 15 very angry teenager ⁃ I think I had one show of my period, then not again, or very unregular until 17yrs. ⁃ Struggling with sexuality and what my parents would think as I knew their views on it 15-20yrs ⁃ A bit of a rebel. Not bad though. ⁃ Smoking, drinking. a fair bit. ⁃ 18yrs, new long term boyfriend (until 28-29yrs) ⁃ When we first were intimate I had a strong inclination to ask him to wear a condom. Despite knowing he to, only had one sexual partner. He was offended that I asked, “so what must you think of me” type thing. So I just did it unprotected. This would have been when i contracted chlamydia. 😣 it went undiagnosed until early/mid 20’s. ⁃ Diagnosed ENDO around 18yrs ⁃ Lots of psychic awakening stuff ⁃ Some quite scary 20-25yrs ⁃ had a car accident around 21st. Whiplash. ⁃ 23 bought first house (with Shannon) ⁃ Motorbike accident off a jump/cliff into a tree (felt like I almost does. Had an experience of the trees consciousness that I hit.) broke left leg/knee/ drop foot ⁃ So much pelvic pain. ⁃ Then Found of then I had antibody to chlamydia, I was devastated. Knowing it went untreated ⁃ Endo surgery 25-30yrs ⁃ sold house around 26yrs, ti feel more free to travel. But never did. ⁃ We moved tomorrow the coast ⁃ I stated having a lot more pelvic pain. ⁃ Endo surgery ⁃ Now also vaginitis, vulvodynia unkown cause ⁃ Was very angry and upset about chlamydia. Started feeling resentful towards Shannon. ⁃ Didn’t want to have sex with ⁃ Saw a sex counsellor ⁃ Started having feelings for a woman. (Dee, my now partner) ⁃ Shannon encouraged me to explore my sexuality as he knew I was struggling. ⁃ Long story short, Dee and I fell in love ⁃ Took me 2 years to leave Shannon and our life ⁃ I always wanted kids ⁃ I left at 29 yrs. ⁃ Very stressful and traumatic time ⁃ I was very confused 30-35yrs ⁃ my relationship to sexuality and my body was improving ⁃ But still had pelvic and vaginal pain ⁃ Bit slowly vaginal pain went away ⁃ I felt happy with Dee sexually, but I missed Shannon and our life ⁃ Was grieving my cats, Shannon and the life I wanted ⁃ I felt frozen, and stuck in a way ⁃ But others ways much more free ⁃ Endo surgery around 30 ⁃ Dee and I had a break for a few months somewhere in here, can’t remember exactly. 35- 43 yrs ⁃ around 35 Graves’ disease diagnosis ⁃ 40yrs, Dee and I were wobbly. ⁃ Always had struggles to fit into her life with her 4 kids ⁃ Didn’t know my place, or where to put my mother energy ⁃ We broke up for a year 2022-2023 (very sad and angry) ⁃ I then felt able to delve more deeply into my healing while single. ⁃ States yoni mapping. Very helpful for me, my body responded well, expect one time it was too much muscle release. ⁃ She came back into my life to help me with the 2 surgeries. Endo, and total hysterectomy. ⁃ We decided to try again ⁃ Love still there ⁃ Didn’t know my cervix was also being taken (grief) shock ⁃ I had pelvic vein coiling before that in 2022. ⁃ Despite all the healing/surgeries, still in pain. Worse than ever ⁃ We have been back together a year, but I am seeing the same struggles again ⁃ Stopped yoni mapping ⁃ Now Dee progresses to Grandmother ( her first daughter is pregnant) and I dont know who I am, my place. ⁃ I feel so much grief when seeing all the life progressing through its initiations ⁃ Here I am not even progressing from maiden to mother ⁃ I am sad and angry ⁃ But I also feel that call for something different and free. ⁃ I am sick of feeling stuck, not knowing exactly what I want ⁃ Work was never really the same since Covid. ⁃ I have been back off and on ⁃ Not sure who I am and what I should do anymore ⁃ I feel and take on too much energy ⁃ But also feel the strong pull always coming back to this work.

There may be more, I was actually finding myself dissociating even writing this, off and on. My memory kept going funny too

Current symptoms headaches – Whole body tension/stress – Jaw clenching – Vaginal pain, tight – Pain in rectum – Hard to pass stools (constipated diarrhoea) – Sometimes hard to pass urine. Frequency, hard to fully void – Burning bladder – Abdominal pain/tension – Deep groin pain – Painful and tight diaphragm – Sometimes hard to take deep breath (frozen) – Aching pelvis/abdomen – Strangling sensation that can also go deep into my lower back – Abdomen and top of pubic bone can often feel numb – Can also go into labia (not always) – Crying on orgasm since hysterectomy – Pain on orgasm now – Deep contraction pain – Can set off abdomen after that (so I don’t even want to do that anymore) – Muscle spasm whole spine – Was finding it hard to sleep and stay asleep. But since coming off Valium, sleep seems to be improving – Less night time wees too

I asked her about tailbone injuries – “I have pain there right now. Feels like when my pelvic floor and rectum is tight, it pulls on my coccyx”

Broken arm:
I was tickled whilst hanging off monkey bars. I feel
straight on my left arm.
Car accident:
I was slowing to stop at set of lights, the car behind me wasn’t paying
attention, and her rear ended me. Giving me whiplash and neck injury.
Motorbike accident:
I was jumping on dirt bikes all day that day. (Shannon was teaching me)
then we went over what we called the cliff. It was a very steep and high
peaked jump. We would usually only ride up it, learning forward, to not
tip back, the roll down the hill. But because I was ‘jumping’ all day. I
came at it with the same fast approach. 😬
so I went wayyyyy off the top of the cliff, and was in mid air with
time to think “OH SHIT” I swear the tree and couldn’t do anything about
it. I crashed straight into it.
– cracked my helmet
– Landed on my left side, the bike hit the inner side of my left leg /knee.
– Snapped the lateral collateral ligament off the fibula
– Broke head of fibula
– My left hip was extremely bruised and painful (still is)
– Later on chiro said I separated my pelvis? 🤷‍♀️
– When I hit the ground I was in and out of consciousness
– I was apparently flitting around like a snake with its head cut off on the ground (don’t remember)
– In hospital I felt I could hear and sense the conversation and debate of if I should stay or go. (Live or die)
– The I felt a thud in my body
– I was very emotional after that for months

50.00 – Why bother? They do need help and LOOK LIKE they will help themselves. .
What all got out of this?
56.00 – Why are people taking longer to ‘fix’ ? Life was more like life
59.00 – No modern drugs or techniques . . . thus people had to look after themselves.

Amy, Ann- Marie and Renee . .

They need real help

When is this US??

It was me – with the stair incident.

The ones who sold their souls are in charge. .