Lady bits – used – #6 – Obstetric aftermath

Things have to be where they are supposed to be – to work – here #tailbone and prolapsed bowel.

FOCUS in all cases – MOVE THAT WOMB

START HERE Leading into – everyone being set up prior to my coming here
First session – bladder prolapse, youngest 8 months old
Stuffed up her pelvis with a fall at 12 week’s pregnant with number #4
Including getting her ready to birth at 35 weeks . .
All of these were only 2 hour sessions. . .
I had assumed we needed 3 hours as was a potential large issue – but only had ONE hour to do all below – so I was shortcutting everywhere.

Checkers classifications of moves here
Reminderall falls down – also all nutrients and circulation needed to work a body
Just as you need to look at the recipe when making a cake – got all it says, the equipment is working order is assumed – her the body IS NOT – thus we do Triage to make it so . .
1 – Structure determines function,
2 – Flows have to Flow
3 – Energy Follows Thought,

4 – Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To it and
5 – The Body Heals Itself – when all blockages to healing are out of the way ..

Vegan mum . . . See more work on her here and here. Number 5 in 8 years – Oslo – OP and broke her tailbone on the way through – very fast
All the while – the checkers were how the pull up felt, moving her pelvis, being aware of the pain in her tailbone and all through her lower body.


2.40 – start .. Amy’s babies come at 42 weeks- 3 weeks after Zephyr – #4 – a miscarriage in between – she was very ill for all incl that – but very well with Oslo’s pregnancy – no H.G. Tit like GV women – she actually filled up her body prior to going again – and Baby 4 did not like taste of her milk, so was not as the others, draining her blood in breastfeeding – possibly as I had said enough about food and secondary proteins so they are all better fed?
This is her largest gap between – 3 years and not also making milk for the older ones (baby 4 pregnancy was b/f THREE older ones – till she fell down and stuffed up her sacrum/bladder again).
4.00 – problem to fix – pain radiating from tailbone up to lower back – when sitting . . everything fine in her life – she is happy and healthy.

1 – Gentle lymph work to get started
2 – Stuck Belly Blood – see more here
3 – Shock Kikko’s work (could have done first, was an after thought) and sedated Liv 2
4 – Bil St 30. then St 25 with CV 6 – both of D Van Buren’s points for undoing adhesions – as she has a C section scar and the working front for the back is needed.
5 – started the adhesion breaking with all needles out, but sent off to loo
6 – Some work on her sacrum – her leaning over pillows, so in womb falling off usual position

The sacral work – off the edges and the sacral wakeups – gentle – were all that was needed – to move the STUCK hence pain – and she was much surprised – so was I as mum the massage therapist had not seemed to do anything – including not even moxa – that would have moved so much . .

7 – 5 x 3 in GB 30’s in each buttock cheek,
8 – Sore Bl 62 to activate the Du and Yang Qiao Mai –
9 – GV 1, (She has a straight line to coccyx still) was a simple break outwards fro his head to fit through)
10 – all sacral intevertebral spaces.
11 – Inserted a few random points I felt like on her back to activate the Liv Qi . .
12 – Korean hand acup to target the pelvic area – any sore – whilst she was in structural fix mode.
13– needles out, more fast hand work to open up the sacral area
14 – More belly lymph then into ovarian whirlpool, uterine rake.

She looked really surprised – I asked what could she feel – everything being lifted up

Sitting briefly – me doing chest gauge, briefly also attacking SLQR after heart chakra wakeup
And that was that – total transformation – had mum or hubby done any of the birth preparation /pelvic opening that would have settled down really quickly – I go her to use vastly more magnesium and also more Vit D – and the extra nutrients (B and C) . .

9.40 – discussion – what was going on?
Need to talk about the stuff no one dies . did you feel?
Thus we speak of not believing pregnancy . .me and mum’s history.
11.00 – When is the next baby – mum in mother mode . . .
12.00 – Gloriana and vv in toes at 38 weeks with baby 13. (show P/P from long ago).
14.00 – What I did . . Shen calming and basic belly/ lymph work. Focus – the uterine rake. . .
Got up to do tea, then saw her younger daughter as well – showed Aria do mum – and then leg for walk, and repeat the womb move x 2.
NO LONGER HOT – where the veins (injected) were same temp as the legs . .
16.00 – G told me about the 10th pregnancy, and me fixing the #coccyx.


VERY SIMPLE . . . . pricklies have to fix the scars – and fingers only do so much.
Very easy to do – magic – YOU need to own this.
1.40 – never seen this NOT work . . .
When all is sunk into the pelvic bowl – all needs to be moved up . .and me asking the question – “what can you feel happening?”
I need to know. . .
3.00 – Her 10th – only breech – and did not tell the midwives. .
4.00 – 2nd daughter – Aria – and retroverted uterus . . asked the question – losing more on the loo – not on the pad. . . is a definite for this as well as seeing the dip in the lower belly . . short time – what is important – taught belly soothing and then did a tiny bit of sacral – she needed to go to loo – everyone does before we do this.
6.00 – NOT moving retroverted – initially – did only basic Mercier moves. . ovarian, uterine and leg for walk
All of you – anything you do is better than nothing – all is wrong and used bodies need helping . .

7.30 – Ingredients – gardens need them. .
8.00 – Lenley arrived again (left at 12 minutes) .. D and PBP in France
9.30 – D and his not riding . . and what goes wrong in men’s legs ..
10.30 – All on with exercise – then not . .overstretch blood vessels – will cause clots – one extreme to the other . .
No one listening to Duncan telling them what they could be doing . . as though
14.30 – Bree and the skin not being elastic . .
Vanessa – what learnt today – never knew about this . .
17.00- Marg all we do is so simple and yet profound . .
18.00 – Yvonne – Midwives – not doing it .. paradigm – can’t be doing the same thing – for everyone/everything . . .locked into the pharma/biomedical paradigm. She has seen me do the same thing – for everyone – and it all works ..
20.00- Georgie
20.30 – Lenley back. . .Triage . . .
22.00 – Krystal – and baby in 4 hours . . . dad did all of this. .
22.45 – Young, happy and well nourished (?) vegan . . (Amy)
24.00 – All that she had come to see me at ??24 weeks – H.G. and incontinence with it and came in with bad sciatica .. plus also on 100mg of very bad drug for O.C.D.
27.00 – K has two servants .. and not setting herself up to win – when dad goes back to work . .
29.00 – bub is not on breast . . . so also partially formula . .
31.00- Lenley – she is in a better space than most – we all agree – but is not biological. See mad mamas here
33.00 – Difference between being a bonded mum and a precious princess still . .

The Zoom froze again so we went into the phone and messenger instead sorry . .