Making better babies naturally

Unknown to most . . .

Shall we help her? What is she saying to you?
Either no conceptions,
Or ones that do not turn into what you had intended.

Maybe start on this page . . . And then – start through the videos I have here.
Then sit back and have a real conversation – do you want ANY OLD baby – or one that is the best you can make? If the latter – change almost everything that you are doing – as so far Mother Nature does not like your chances and is saving up for when you pay attention. You can only make that baby once.

This is like Lord of the RIngs – for sperm.
Entertaining but it also shows how far biomedicine thinks it can take over.
AND we need the very best to make the very best – survival of the fittest . .

In 2006 In my clinic, and stood in front of a group of people desperate to be parents and gave them this talk . .
It may be somewhat dated – the ‘acceptable’ sperm limits now are lying even more than they were then. -The decline in what is called ‘fertile; is an indicator of how much nature is ignored and how a retail business has totally taken over. that now only 3% of the sperm made need to LOOK NORMAL to be fertile. This is not so – hence you are watching this. Your granddad is likely more fertile than the man not yet a dad. Times past, we were trying to NOT have babies – and that did not work – so what happened? Modern life.

It is not about HER age, or HER condition – But both of you – are not in baby making splendor YET.
Get out your sperm tests. I have since 1979 been listening to the tales of reproductive grief. We MUST start with HIM.

The stud . . .
He dictates so much .. .
Miscarriages are not fun or pretty. How many do you need? None is ideal . . Babies not making it to breathe are past heartbreaking.

STEPS. . .
1 – Take a step back. – stop trying to get pregnant. It happens. . .
2 – Check HIM over . . . Ball temperature.- the testes should not be getting cooked, less than than body temperature. – if you have a non contact thermometer – 29 degrees C is optimal – not over 31 C ideally.

3 – Get a sperm textthe ‘how to read it’ page is here.

4 – What about her? What about her? She is likely doing all she can and needs a rest – whilst YOU the not dad yet – need to severely lift your game. Gut? Pain? Any other ‘health’ condition?

IVF apparently needed .. .she had endo/PCOS and was highly stressed. He had a decent sperm sample – 100 million/ml and 50 % looking normal. That would have been seen as the least fertile a few decades ago, For then (14 years ago) it was still surprising as I only saw women not getting pregnant. Not when so much is not OK with her body – she was in a rush. When she did conceive with IVF – was with hyperemesis and had a premmie baby and a horror patch as she was not focused on this but her highly paid, stressful life as a lawyer. Health – a normal period and reproductive sex means a healthy pregnancy is the end result. He took my advice to heart. No need for sessions or herbs. Follow the Sperm Recipe.

He felt amazing, also lost 10 Kg and could not believe how quick his brain was working (a trial barrister. Too simple . . In this case – his great sperm allowed her to be a mum – had he been the usual not fertile man – I doubt that they would have become parents. ALL men need to be superdad now.

When HE makes the changes – then there be babies. .