May Selfing G.C. 2024 Sunday

From Saturday

We are all born of woman. We are usually seen as a variation of man – but biology shows us not so.

In mammals female carries the template with male being an add-on. Reptiles and birds have a male the default setting.
In humans, at 8-9 weeks of gestation in boys babies, they produce a minute amount of dihydrotesteosterone:their ovaries drop to become testicles, the would be clitoris grows to a penis and the was-to-be womb changes into a prostate gland.Males have a 8 year cycle, females a 7 year one ..
Thus the Jing starts its journey to take the body through development, maturation, reproduction and eventual dwindling.

There is a time for every purpose. . and life is always in a state of change

So too with the womb – she shifts size as the function changes.

When in the wrong spot, almost nothing will be right.
Until she is back in the right place.

Times of the month – all is different as with times in a life – and we go through them – without the initiations that other cultures would have given us – thus we are untethered and at the mercy of what the apparent power brokers say.

Ever more so as the world is now vastly different and soon to be more so.

With grace, we all need to let go.

This comes from the Chinese classics. Teaching this since 1981, it is my guide for anything – as we are to be – versus what happens when we are willful.

Dependent on how we live and what respect we give the process, we will live well, or not. Issues along the way are usually through not following what works – time tested traditions. As we have lost these, and any respect for elder wisdoms, this needs reviewing, and often may sound odd. Following the seasons of a day, a month a year and a life are all we can do without the modern electricity and ‘gains’ in civilisation.

What is Jing? What governs life. When we run out of it – we are not here, and if we do not look after our life capital, the life is not as easy as if we have been graced with good Jing and are looked after in our early lives, so it is as perfect as possible – to express as we are designed to be.

When dependent upon our parents and the tribe – the social constructs – we can either be enhanced into the best possible – or essentially dragged up . .- this may be seen in extreme poverty where there is not enough resources – of any description.

Impact of influences in our lives. The more immature/close to conception, the more vulnerable.

We have a soul script. We play it out as below. We may not have been aware of until we get out of the ‘game’ and step back. Life shows us.

Honouring our bleeding – women begin menstruating when the ‘heavenly waters can flow – when her body is adult size. Growing ceases, and the potential growing another starts. This filling and emptying of the ‘fetal palace’ is a monthly report card of how she is feeling and what resources she has to make a baby nest. Stepping back from the physical, and looking at the instructions that tell the body how. what to do is needed.

The Liver Qi/energy is a major player here.

If she is severely malnourished, or distressed, it may dry up. – until her Blood energy is replenished and can flow again. When a woman is upset,. not expressing herself all is worsened as she is tidal. From week to week, vast ebbs and flows must happen.

We may need to work though whether we are in Service, in Sovereignty or in slavery . .
The Antakarana part 2 meditation is about clearing what we came in with – so we can again be the one we arrived to be . .
The Reunion meditation is part one of my work – the second was/is to be me leading a group through clearing their own central channels and then starting in on ‘line forms’ I am/have been distracted by recent events and will get there at some point.

Soul mantrumsee more here
I am the soul
I am the Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design

In order to cope with change – we may find solace in the action cards

Body . . Diastasis – not sure what has happened to the pictures that were on this page – good info is there though.
Belly bindingsee more here Not sure what happened to the pictures on this site.
Also here Women’s exercises? Callenetics. 1980’s. The Callanetics exercise programme was created by Callan Pinckney in the early 1980s. It is a system of exercise involving frequent repetition of small muscular movements and squeezes, designed to improve muscle tone. The programme was developed by Pinckney from classical ballet exercises, to help ease a back problem that she was born with. All exercises here

Padssafe intimate care site
Reducing the fear of birth – Ina May Gaskin

Whose problem is it?
R.I,.C.E. Responsibility – Intention – Commitment – Empowerment

Womb positioning – see much more here in Welcome To Your Lady Bits


it all happens here