Pain – Why does it hurt?


Why does it hurt?
Your body telling you something – are you listening yet?

Too cold – circulation is failing.

THere are many wasy syou can help yoursel f- first is to stop adding any cold in – as all ‘ol wives’ tale s’ – think what garndma woudl say – woudl tell you.
COld slows your circualtion. This is basic. It also wates teh energy you have. It MAY feel good teprorarily – but try adding in tepid, not ‘room temperature; wate r- adn see what appens.
more here.

In times past, most saw me as there was something that was not going away by itself – or there was nothing more to be done (seen in orthodox ways). In 1979 – most arrived into my city clinic were in physical pain. . . be it arthritic, spinal/structural, sporting, or gyne – and some scared of birthing. Some were in emotional pain – and most did not see the connection of the two.
STUCK – circulation blocked.
Most were not drinking coffee, eating sugar, being as imobl=le intheir lives as now.

This mad eteh job of helping easier, Most also had relations that had n-mentiokned what is now ‘old woves; tales’ and my remnders were often enoughto get changes happening in th eirlives easily.

Now go to teh doctor – for all sortsof things that are not in their scope f prcatcie imean, until you are sick enough,or passing some tets in blood work, or scanning – there is notkng much to be done.

That is when you look around for help.

OSteoprosis is a large issue – and older peopel – not olnly women – b=nee dto take heed.

The gradual dwindling – remmeber watching Queen Elisabeth get smaller as tehdecdaes passed? Happens to most of us. This bone reduction – how do we make bones? And teeth ? Monerals and being well nourishe dis a part fo this.

See more here.
What is relaly neede dis an overall HEALTH ENHANCEMENT approach.

Hence you foudn me at some stae of your life.

PAin will liekly keep you looking fo rhelp.

If there is an easy answer (coevr teh pain up) you may keep doing whta is craetintehtrouble.
Or – you may relaise that more needs to happen fo ryou – and you do not want o get as your parents or thosewaround you with a simialr situaton have foudn themsleves.

Be in in pregancy, in period pain, in livig wit han injury from long agao, from surgery that has doen the best it can – or as you have had aterrible thing happen – adn you are at any stag of living with it.

PAIN will otvate you . .

Current ‘best prc-actcie’ is when women ar epregant – to gve the m FENTANYL!!
And detox babu=y when it arrives!!
I did not believe it – as there is such a simple way out fo that. .

See more here.
Yes – it involves change – and redeeming normal is not in the way the world is working – as a retail businesses need return customers.
Getting t yu well is not that.
Hence the Flexnor Report – that you may not be aware of – teh 1900’s became teh time when all that people knew – if it did not involve a middle man mean making money – was completely thrown out as being ‘old fashioned’ and somehow redundant- especially the role of food as medicine.

If you are still with me here – ou will be interested to see what I have done – there is a lot on an old site I put up to answer the question for myself – as a filing system what to do with all the info I was discovering as I intended to partake in a study of saving babies after 24 weeks gestation – as that was easy -in my clinic – and I wanted to share and avoid for those who go through the extreme distress of prematurity – how to make babies (and pregnancy ) better . .

This led eventually to the apps I developed for the phone – pregnancy, periods, and fertility . .
This now is technologically challenged and a job for me to go back to- redo all of it – so everyone has access to what is in my head.

Multi modality – and it all works. .
How to live well – and retrieve your own health.

Basically you ask a question and I give you what the problem is, why it happened and what to do about it . .

Back then anti inflammatories were not part of the doctor’s tool kit – so people had to undo what was causing them grief

As the new pharmaceuticals came on line, so did the laser technologies – and arthroscopies and laproscopies transformed surgery Along with scanning technology, there were revolutions coming. BUT not for simple issues as again.

This is about the natural ways the body has to alert you to danger.
So many may not heed this.

Were you a car that started with strange noises under the bonnet, or rattles in the chassis – probably you would pay attention as it is out of the ordinary. It would seem that attending a medical person – this is no longer a concern . .’if pain persists see your doctor’ – as pain is now a common thinking – to be ignore d- ice it – if yu damage yourself.
what does ICE do?
Shut down circulation – causing more trouble – but you may not feel it,.
Defeating the purpose of letting you know, the body has to carry on – and you likely are still doing what caused the problem.

This can’t go on too long .. . investigations – and if you are not fitting the box for a substance to be linked to your trouble, possibly you are sent away – till it gets more insistent.

‘Nothkngto see here’ . . .
This may not suit you .

Or you are told – t=you are to expect this as you age.

My mother had polymyalgia rheumatica.

I knowe that I did ot want his.
When I was in NZ in my early 50’s – my finger doi=jounts – some I had damaged earlu=ierin my lif e- started aching. n teh codl more, as icold s=causes teh circaultion to decrease. I found deer antler capscules in the health fos =d shop and started takingthese. I was alos aweareo ft hrole of mah-n=gnesium in ain relief and starte dusing topical magnesium.

Using acuocnrtie, massage and moxa worked. Still does.
his coveres a lot of ground and aging is one of these. Osteoporosis leads my communicatin today, as I have been asked for help – went looking and was f=horrified at the medical answers.

Cold stops circulation and pain happens when all is not flowing.
This may need unpacking for some, who have listened to the recent idea that icing something makes it better.
The ‘it’ may be pain. Temporarily. Physical pain is due to body warning you. It may become more querelous if ignored.
Pain is a message.
Why does it hut?
From all East Asian medicine – no flows – pain . .
Or said differently – pain is due to nutrients not getting where they are needed, and wastes taken away.
The 5 flows – being Qi (energy loosely) , blood and lymph and nerves.
When we ice something – the circulation is sluggish.
When we heat it up- it hastens its flows again . .
Why is there pain?
To let you know you are damaged – it is a body message.

Warning not heeded, but covered up by some form of ‘shut up’ means the warning will be like covering a red light om the car’s dashboard – more trouble ahead!

I covered this here – Beyond Pain

Aging – we all are

Natural part of being in a body . . does it have to hurt?