10 weeks away .. .
All busy in their own lives. .
We catch up . .
Covering – Lenley and the AV/AT story instead
Vanessa and her rescue father exploits
(Cold invasion and what was needed to rectify)
Georgie – vastly better on the niacin protocol
Me and what I learned on the road. .
(Not recorded)
Yvonne was briefly on but had to get ready for work
Whist I was not intending to record, it was a good one, so
I was in and off the record button . .
Georgie – Maybe find the book – Niacin – the true story..
(I will cover this another day)
Lenley . .has been ill – I went into how to get out of this – taking AV/AT especially – also role of Fluex and ABB
Vanessa . .report on her dad and what happened – COLD invasion . .
Me – Essiac herbs and why