Peritoneal untangler . . . versions of


Please watch here first

This is not a beginning belly move – more after the soothing/lymph belly work and all beginning sacral /SLQR to allow maximum comfort when this is performed – INTENTION – release /liberate the peritoneum. What is it? The peritoneum is a continuous membrane which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs (abdominal viscera). It acts to support the viscera, and provides pathways for blood vessels and lymph to travel to and from the viscera. Before you begin: also look at this. (CLICK) 

Reconnecting moves see here

Peritoneal untangler

This is a FIXER (see classification of moves)

  • What is the move – a way to straighten the sheath of fascia/(imagine a tough sheet of plastic) covering all viscera
  • Origin? Don Elijo Panti – Belize
  • Why it is – life gets us all in a tangle – we need to unwind . .
  • What to expect (what are you liberating)? Anything – it is a very gentle yet profound surprise for many. Start gentle.
  • How to do it – under a sarong/wrap. This is done gently, firmly and has a sudden ending. Do warn them – not painful but it can be a surprise.  Need right amount of lube – I use my gouging cream. Not coconut or oil. Flatten hand and place the palm lightly, but firmly on the belly, index finger in the navel. Heel of palm will be on pubic bone. Move underwear down out of the way. Press deeper – not heavy though – and bunch up palm, to hold some of the sarong and likely skin and twist gradually to 90 degrees. Hold a second and let go forcefully. A sudden release – UP.
  • What it may feel like – under your hands/fingers – need  get the right amount under your hand. Can feel it slipping and it is odd – when done well – the person feels all sorts of things – is individual. Often it is a huge relief. Sometimes they feel it in neck . .or anywhere you have not been – on their trunk. Or maybe do not notice – but their complexion or pull up is very different.
  • When to use – at the end of the belly work – prior to getting into the deeper moves. Must have done at least one lot of back moves – SLQR, MSF and the sacral wakeups. . the body has to be ready/lossened up enough.
  • When not to use 1 – not in pregnancy unless really early on  and even them – not sure. Baby is in the front and all you would want to be doing is underneath. 2 – Be practicalnot if the skin is damaged/scars are in the way – unless a lot of adhesion breaking and castor oil packs have done their work. 3 – If massive diastasis (like Patti) Or even a smallish one that is gaping or very deep. 4 – Take out body jewellery if they have a bottom navel ring.

1 – Hands cupped – hopefully you have some sarong and skin under your hand.

2 – Place your other hand on top – your engine/driver

3 – Twist it firmly – feel the gathering of sarong and skin under your palm.

4 – Ready to let go

5 – See how much is gathered under the bottom palm?

End – rapid release

  • What to do to set it up to win – they must be happily soothed and open to possibilities.

My version – subtler, shallow to start with, in right lower quadrant


Then there – how /where this started . .. Don Eijio Panti . . Maya abdominal work – not comfortable

Lisa showing me the D.E.P. version

Why do we do what hurts?
And what is its point?

Gentling Way depends on the breath, is gentle subtle even, & respectful