#7 – Intensive Immersion tutorial: Only women BLEED

Welcome to BIOLOGY

We now need to add in non WOKENESS.
(I had researched the male topic in the Self Care teachers Arvigo training – so this was a topic I deeply investigated.

How many girls/women have wanted to NOT be female?
I need to done here THIS TIME AROUND – I am in a unique position – I identified not as a girl – but as a person – and later not as a woman but as a person. This got a lot of people offside as I was ‘growing up’. Never me being nasty about it – but not accepting the roles ascribed simply due to my lack of a dangly bit. Younger – I did take it personally when not allowed to do so many things as I was here this time around as a girl. This now current psych op – dogma about ‘respecting’ those who ‘identify’ as what they wish to be – and are not.

I will not enable – to be part of their illness. As Lisa K said – there IS no tooth fairy . . .
Where is the REASONED investigation into this? Who is now safe? No young person .. . NOT a mutation of bits – but an investigation into what had led them to deviate from their soul path they chose this life – and how it may be made less traumatic – starting with what led them to here. So much $$ is being made ensuring it is not happening . .


At around 8-9 weeks after conception, if all is well, AND the presence of dihydrotestosterone at the right time provides the undifferentiated cells to either stay as the default setting – female – or ‘go rogue’ into maleness.

What we can offer in these confusing times – I will go into my decades of research/working with those when nothing else is working: “let’s ask Heather” . . I have I do have much to say . . . REMINDER – life is on a Bell curve. We could ask – why is intersex happening?
JING discussion . . What created a gene mutation – and to answer we go into where biomedicine chooses not to.

As a life long human being who happens to be female to get to where I find that I now to have to share intimate spaces with those with penises is a step too far. The sexual abuse that leads to what is seen as ‘lesbians’, ‘anorexics’ and now – freely castrating selves – is all a huge issue – if we enable this further – what about the majority – who have their lives quite ruined by the very small vocal few?
Why not undo what has happened to them – and STOP IT – as I attempted to do in this session.

It is beyond us surely – as the long term effects are horrendous If you have not investigated this – as Lisa K, and I have.
Please avail yourselves as we will if still working – in a few years be inundated with the effects of NOT following nature.
All traditional cultures had division of labour.
I railed against this all my early life. BUT when pregnant, breastfeeding and being a mum of small humans, plus when bleeding – we ARE vulnerable – and when not respected (US – women being women) we do what we are programmed to – but the horror of most women in most countries is far out weighing the damaged, not in service of others self entitled minority that is taking all air play and resources.

What do womb warriors do?

As I am . . .
Voice dissent as staying silent is agreeing – compliance may be bred into us – BUT when the crone years hit – watch out

2.00 – A modern dilemma. Not following biology. We want people to come into our classes – BUT – how do we handle people who want us to live in their own reality.
3.00 – Hilary’s life with daughter and the Air new Zealand dramas . .
6.00 – How do we do what we . .
ONLY WOMEN BLEED signed up for? Arvigo Self Care teachers. . . me and endo. And not being able to work with those who have been jabbed. Who do they talk to? Doctors? Blood stagnation – and Stuck Liver Blood problems down there.
8.45 – Laurie – and What is a woman? . ..She is in a sheltered life.
10.00 – Laurie she/they . ..to protect . .
11.00 – Me redirecting to biology . . . not science. .
12.00 – ONLY women bleed . . .we live in third dimension and only women bleed. .
13.00Turner’s syndrome – and also a Jing problem in the neurological 2007 seminar
15.00 – Not the middle circle (social) but biology . .

What makes up a ‘person’?

What do we do with those who are now trying to undo what was sold to them as being ‘temporary . .’ how do we help them and assist in their de- and re-transition . . .

As always I am more interested in the WHY? And as usual – will come up with odd ways of dealing

17.30 – Laurie seeing someone with top surgery . . .
18.30 – Vanessa arrives -has she had experience with anyone??
20.30 – ME wanting to discuss WHY? Bell curves aside – why is this choice showing up?
21.30 – 7 an d8 year cycles and the biological constraints – we are one or other – not what we choose to do ( usually as a result
of incident and how we are trying to make ourselves ‘safe’.

24.45 – Life after transition – scars at least. .
26.00BLOOD energy is what defines us as successful as a woman or not -SLQ – attacks the gut add in ice, get damp, now PCOS etc ,. .
27.30 – Initiations and celebrations of life – do watch film . .What is a Woman? First world problem . . .
29.00 – Hilary and vaccination – childhood – tried to NOT get them in .. . Why not? Scared of autistic. Anthrophosical doctor in Chch.
31.00 – Laurie chose to not – and now as an adult she has done her own schedule.
31.45 – Vanessa and what woke her up . . .
34.00 – Lisa L arrived. Human diploid cells used in vaccines from mid 90’s – are also in the cv jabs . .. look it up ourselves – and of course the Catholic church has offered dispensations – what abut all the vegetarians, kosher and so on?
40.00 – The mammals all start off as female- reptiles and birds start off default – male. . SO – all the tiny and not so tiny contaminants – let alone the estrogenic everythjngs now – HOW can the men get o be men? See Silent Spring . .etc.
43.30 – What can we do? Scar work is practical . ..
45.00 – We can surely set our own boundaries with who we see or not … I follow nature. . . . PRO LIFE is anti messing it up.
46.00 – Lisa K was also in the same Arvigo SC class . . S & S of reproductive system ..
47.00 – Something has caused something to go wrong – in utero . . JING
49.00 – odd drugs giving odder side effects.

In case you wondered. .Uninvited chemicals in any other time will mess everything – as it IS. . . . The toxic nature of the life that we are now forced into living is taking its toll. Unless the breaking of the human existence is somehow thwarted, we will see the impure results – and at the vulnerable time of life – its beginning – laying down foundation – the BONSAIING of Jing – we need to be paying close attention. Not only to the body burden, but also what is being added in – unconsciously – and deliberately – it is a wonder to me that anyone survives the lives we are enforcing on babies. Adjuvants

‘Causes’ of dis ease
Tibetan – incorporates soul scripting and ‘karma’ and possession/entities.
Biomedicine hangs onto the 3rd dimension – we are more than this

52.00 – WHY???? SIX ‘T’s’ . . . TEMPTATION that someone else knows more than us (and nature/biology).
53.30TENSION – and lack of bioavailable magnesium . ..(and Vit C etc) thus not making glutathione enough – need the accelerator –

57.30 – TEMPERATURE me asking abut Vanessa’s dad – got cold.
1.00.00 – COLD and old wives’ tales . . . .
1.01.30 – TORPORAwakenings – movie to watch . . .(great book also)
Madness – Damp . . . and of course Reynard’s also .
1.04.00 – TRAUMA and TOXINS – contamination of the biosphere. .
1.05.50 – DECLUTTER – drops to start with and stop all extras – bit hard – air, water, soil are poisoned . .
1.07.00 – Vanessa watching her dad in torpor.
1.08.30 – NEED GREAT BLOOD ENERGY – and gut strong – no cold in it . . .

1.09.00 – BLOOD – brain function – and case I am working in presently – NO STATINS . . . need nutrients to run a brain – and body.
DECLUTTER – triage. . ..
1.11.00 – Vanessa’s dad – statins – NOT placebo . . . .
1.16.00 – Bull farmer and keeping the studs wonderful – feed the mum cows perfect food and all get +++ minerals – she herself with a large vertical C section scar – and getting people to feel it . .and help themselves.
1.18.00 – castor oil pack and heat and moxa plus adhesion breaking.. .
1.20.00 – Laurie instructions for the mastectomy scars. Must be aware some are so freaked they will not even touch their scars.
1.22.30 – NOT SUSTAINABLE – without all the drugs etc in ‘transitioning’ . . . Laurie saying testosterone making a transitioner sick . ..no one is taking about the body designed for estrogen – bones – etc . .. forever more – eunuchs . . JING
1.25.00 – Me teaching anorexic women – where did that go? Now cut it all off – BUT they came through with a soul script – who is following this? We are gifted a body . .. women bleed . . and our gut has to do its thing – Liver Qi attacking self??
1.27.00MERCURY – why not? Stops nutrient pathways working – so HOW does it poison? Takes life away . .
1.29.00– No orgasms – what is the point in self mutilation? Underlying this is either chemical poisoning – or they were not respected as youngsters (or in utero) and all are making VAST $$$ from their misery.
1.31.00 Laurie’s take away . . what are seven year cycles? Precocious puberty – same drivers really – HEAT IN THE BLOOD
1.33.30 – Tattoos not allowed at the age we are signing them up to be neutered.
1.34.30 Hilary – Only women bleed – takes it out of the social/ego into the biology . . .
1.35.00 – Vanessa – torpor, her dad’s process and the possibility of having a transitioner on her table.
1.36.00 – Lisa K – biology wins. Coded.
1.38.00 – Suicide – look at the REALITY of castrating a person – not ending well . .
1.39.30Lisa and ‘butch lesbians – me also – since late 70’s – very deep sexual trauma usually incest . .
1.41.00 – We need to meet them where they are AND we are seeing from the outside. We follow nature. . .
1.42.00 – Lisa L and transplants – that is not benign either.
1.43.30 – HEATHER speaks – not a woman – a person . . .historically. . Did not accept the social programming – though NOT a ‘tomboy’ or wanting to transition – wanted all to accept my HUMANITY – nit womanhood. .
1.45.00 – Georgie – not safe to be a woman .and not identifying – I wonder if is the autistic overlay we both share – not socialisable/ programmable easy as others. Also – statins – and what they do. . .

Free Being Woman online course to start the process. .

Beware the LEFT hand side of the page – the psych ops are all around and within us.

A small thought – this comes up – and the beginning ‘Reconnecting moves’ all the time

Lived life – as a wee girl and all the early and ‘safe’ programming/pleasing her man/fairy tales.
NOT about the external bits – but the software – words

[Verse 1]
Man got his woman to take his seed
He got the power, oh, she got the need
She spends her life through pleasing up her man
She feeds him dinner or anything she can
She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don’t come home at all

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

[Verse 2]
Man makes your hair gray, he’s your life’s mistake
All you’re really lookin’ for’s an even break
He lies right at you, you know you hate this game
Slaps you once in a while and you live in love and pain
She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don’t come home at all

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Black eyes all of the time
“Don’t spend a dime”, “Clean up this grime”
And you there, down on your knees
Begging me “Please, come watch me bleed”

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Oh, only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

AND – women do not have PENISES . . .or balls .. . see biology and we do not get aggressive as the violent (male) demonstrators.