#5 Intensive Immersion – Maternity explained


Easy as . . ..
periods, sexuality, fertility then pregnancy – it all follows.
If/when the production and circulation of Qi and Blood are normal. . .not common these days

What happened along the path of Western culture, was that women lost their rites to their own beingness


Rights also gone now as we are ‘allowed’ to be – or not.

Start – not sure what today’s question is . . will say . . . this is women’s business. . .
BOOK TO GET maybe . . .Reproducing Women – Yi-Li Wu
4.00 – Jackie in Netherlands . .
6.00 – Need a well working food factory

7.30 – JING – 7 and 8 year cycles. . .BIOLOGY
8.40 – How do we nourish our Jing (ovaries/sperm/baby’s inheritance . . Page 34- 37 WDCD
9.00 – TEETH . . .
10.30 – Lisa K with more curly hair – me – are you happier? Gut works better. .
12.00 – Blood energy (pp 32/33 WDCD) needs to be perfect . . . and liver nourishing Blood energy – and the portal vein (energy – Inner Duct of the TH – this is important in more advanced Pricklies).
14.30 – 4 ways of knowing . . . Primal knowledge/instinct? ‘Mothering up’ cows . .
17.00 – Pregnancy is the continuation of a normal cycle – production and circulation of Qi and Blood – no S&S.
20.00 BBT HAS to be vaginal after at least 4 hours sleep and the instant she opens eye . . see Chapter 16 of Helping Mother Nature.
23.00 – Gyne explained in BBT – also for pregnancy termination – will need progesterone if early pregnancy . .and pull out cold.
26.00 Lisa’s case – LACK OF YANG QI – need to rescue . . see WDCD page 118 .
30.00 – Good ovulation mucous – needs to be when is supposed to be day 13/14 – like rises. .Case against inducing.

36.6 – 97.88F 36.7 C – 98.06 F
36.2 C 97.16F 36.3 – 97.34 F
37.2 C 98.96 F – 37.3.C 99.14F
Men – 36.7/8 98.06/98.24

40.00 – Nutrients needed -magnesium . . STRESS – and the case of Purity Standtrue
44.00– Nausea and vomiting – nothing in mouth that is less than body temperature . . NO ICE CREAM
54.00 – If all is well – pregnancy will be fine – but fo =r context
56.30 – Lauriemag and SLQ – Power point
58.00 – Placenta needs help – nutrients and circulation
59.30 – Hilary and ‘gut quite good really’ – made her look after herself better.
1.01.30 – Vanessa – H.E. – as with her mum. And her life!!!
1.07.30 – Midwives – looked after women having a LIFE
1.09.00 – Lenley
1.11..00 – Trish & Laurie
1.12.00 – Heart burn . . emotional – Liver attacking Sp/St
1.13.00.– awful story – pre eclampsia – and creating her own problem. and the resultant baby .. . (Sam)
1.18.00 – WHY? Past sexual trauma and RAGE see pp 138/139 WDCD and bad issues – see what set things up – and undo them. AND the structure is being held hostage by all of this. .
1.21.00 – Broken pregnancies -pregnancy failure – not easy periods . . .sexuality . . .fertiity .. . .pregnancies . . . births . . .babies. . DOES MUM WANT TO BE A MUM Now.
1.23.00 – Need Liver Qi flowing . . .
1.24.30 – Me and nausea 2nd pregnancy . .

1.27.00- 4 tomes when Jing changes – look after um after birth – becoming a newborn mum herself.
Major cause of suicide – mad mamma . .
1.29.00 – Pregnancy is a normal state of being . . .
1.31.00- Lenley – is vegan sperm OK? Mantak Chia and all his work
1.32.30 – Age of miscarriage still being called a miss?
1.34.30 – Pretend is not happening (jab)
1.34.30 Glutathione – to pull out the mercury – as the Mg, Se and sulphate are accessible.
1.38.00Dinah’s story – baby was FINE after all our interventions
1.41.00 – Placental clotting issues – needs to do nutrients and circulation IF WE HAVE THE SHEN OK . .
1.43.30 – Writing up my stories – pregnancies – Ki 9 – the rescue baby point . . needs to be a needle.(is one,
of my favs)
1.45.00 – Has there been a contract to allow life only in utero? need to undo ‘instructions’.
1.47.00 – What do we do instead of the moves that are said not to use? Wat for what?
1.50.30 – Lisa and case
1.52.00 – A wealth of family traditions need discovering . .
1.54.00 – Chinese not humane . . . me and point percussion . .as an example. Letting go . . and WAIT . .
1.55.00 – Lisa and miscarrying woman .
ll is nourishing YOU and LIFE Essentials online courses.

This stunning heritage rose is outside the kitchen window at home. She threw out a 8 headed one chest height after this one. A bit of fun – laid her where I sit to work all day on sites – to give you some context.

Leads into #6 – Reconnecting Bao/Dai Mai