USA Pricklies Practical Rescue Review #1

Rescue points on this page also
Pricklies – class by class

Action time – how do we put all of this together?

Starting points – beginnings
Another revision – with lots of links

Start – we are not taking about the physical. Need Triage – calm the Shen – us and them and safe.
2.00 – Safe versus empathetic . . .First Aid – to who? US . and Clear. . we can forget (Elke and using ?? Co 4 for head/teeth . .
3.30 – Vanessa – 4 gates. . . will help anything AND there are specifics. .
6.00 – points LIFE GV 26, Ki 1, Sp3, Ki 9 BREATHING PAIN and BRAIN , RADIATION, DAMP, HEAT over maybe OVERBLEEDING
7.00 – Ask – self what are we rescuing?
Co 4 inserting it (for Josi) St 36
St 36 rescuing me with Ryan’s birth – loss of B.P. – take needles everywhere .
9.00 – Rescue yourself. . ..(Pregnancy Map is the second text – WDCD is first text – pp 138/139 – STUCK Liver Qi getting worse. .
WIND – no normal page yet – here is an older prickies page

12.00 – Helen‘s pictures . . .why? Life accumulation ad bingo!
13.00 – HILARY came in.
Helen had first to get her calmed enough and non stroke .and skin was the response to too much happening for her.
Need to go Shen to Shen – and we have to relate . .
What points to use ? Col 4 – and ones in this page (review from before)

17.00 – CONTEXT who else would help? We need to rescue them so we can
19.00 – me teaching Ryan how to needle. ..GV 26 to start with . Story of Cleman and asthma – difficult breathing HERE
DO NOT NEEDLE Ki 1 unless they are almost dying .. (Debra Betts maternity book – says to – do not).

See where SP 3 and GV 26 are here
Ki 9 – if need to save a pregnancy and also to get rid of toxins in the body . .
25.00 – Thea’s masseter muscles
27.00 – To keep a person breathing – likely Pc 6 . . .
30.00 – finding points and Lu 1 . . .
33.00 Liv 1, 2 3 – in labour – deep insertion Liv to wards Ki 1 – not right through – and add in opposite Ht 7. Why pain? STUCK

35.00 – Mirror X – see more here See also It happened to me and what I did about it. TOE INCIDENT

37.30 – me needling Yin Tang – heat and what it does. . . clear out wind and Heat from head . .
calm the Shen as it clears the heart (and wind)

40. 00 – PAIN – me and the stairs. . .
43.30 – SP 6., GB 41 may help period pain – but need to sort out why it is happens. And Hilary’s ankle – screws now out.
46.30 – Heat will destroys – so body puts fluid (damp) there. Undo why the heat is presenting – but need to NOT get rid of the damp in these cases, as it is there to help – in its own way . .
49.00 – Overbleeding in the womb – HEAT and MUST undo the why . . helpless, hopeless and important – and the importance of the gall bladder. . Have to address the underlying issue – usually emotions gall bladder herbs – as we need to DREDGE the gall bladder – if it is gone – the liver organ is holding it in. Me looking up the Chinese herbal book 263/264/265 – Panaxea – wlll have to come through me.
53.00 Adenomyosis – endometrial tissue now lodged and doing its business in the actual muscle of the womb
54.00 – Cystic acne – Lisa asks .. is this damp? Yes- and also heat . . me reading out what Ch herbs do – systems – not bits of the body. Damp goes to phlegm if you are not lucky

57.00 – Trish arrived

1.02.00 – Ovarian torsion -and keen on soccer, ice baths etc . .
1.03.00 – Finding GB 34 extra point and Liv 14 and GB 24 (as well as the organ issues – we have PISSED OFF issues.
1.05.00– Stairs – me at pain as PTSD, TBI, concussion
1.06.00 – Amazing birth pic I did not take . .
1.09.00 – GV 20 and four gentlemen.. Moon phases (not on full moon)
1.10.30 – Si 3 – for necks as well as lots in head/brain . . role of 8 extras

1.12.00 – DAMP – ST 40. Also madness. Finding this point . See more here.
1.15.00 St 40 – silly Heather story . .Trish says use Phosphorus homeopathics. Cleared my head. .


Sp 9

1.21.00 – a quick run down inner leg – need to be calm . . And know what you want the point to do
All Spleen points inner leg – Spleen 9 – dampness
1.22.00 – press Cv 9 – fluid point for women. If feeling thick, tender insert Liv 2 and press it again – will be better – temporarily. Is a measure of the Liver Qi attacking the Sp/St Qi – thus they – the recipient – can feel this. Good conversational material.

How to find points/Measuring points cun (‘tsoon’ pronounced) See more here – is all proportional to person’ body.

What are you looking at 2/3 the distance sternum to pubic bone: VERY odd.
Mick’s belly – pubic bone to navel is 5 cun
Sternum end to navel – 8 cun.
Mick’s belly is abnormal

1.25.00– Use a 40mm needle – 1 1/2 inch needle – Sp 9 . .
And the story of the loss of babies. . Vitilitis of unknown origin.
What I did to rescue that baby?
First time GV 20 first time.
Second Liver 14, Bl 18 – mum and shu point of liver- why? Liver – is the spring of the body – grants life.
Third – moxa on Sp 9 to clear the damp . . .

1.30.00 – Morgellon’s . .DAMP, and the rest of it – what sets us off? Eventually the straw that broke the camel’ s band AUTO IMMUNE – DAMP CLEARING HERBS and life

One way to clear. .
1.34.00 – case of scar and smashed leg then tractor story – is WHY WE NEED TO DO ACCIDENT RECALL
1.38.00 – the little boy inside still has to process this. Gentle belly work.
Haven’t been the same since’. AND “It was all OK until??”

1.41.00 – TH 5 Between the tendons on back of arm – 3 fingers up. (2 cun)
Co 4, Sp 10 and TH5 also Co 11


Something to save womb at third stage? Sp 1 ground in.

Finger/thumb nail pressure

Colon is often written L.I.Large Intestine – can be confusing .

1.46.00– Yvonne’s issues. . .Meniere’s syndrome – Clear damp and wind – and what is driving it?
1.49.00 – And the OP problem . . dead baby.. eventually (of course mum is jabbed x everything . . .)
1.51.30NEED TO SORT OUT THE CIRCULATION – scars and adhesions etc – after sacrum tutorial in a few days. .
Bl 40, 60 wish the points to bleed – as that let is heat in blood out and of course the ear points.

Overbleeding in womb:
Too much heat in there and/or Qi to hold it in.
Connective tissue – Vit C, zinc, protein, fat etc – and no mechanic would expect a car to run with no petrol in it.!!!
1.54.00 – Zeolites being NOT let in for Vanessa. . .! Get them here – and in the plastic bottle. 5 drops x 6 daily at least. More water.
1.58.30 – Kathryn’s experience – and mine – pyroluria a little more found here
2.02.00 – Bell curve – we are all different – and Rh neg as ell . .
2.04.00 – Denbendox . . Bendectin (United States), Debendox (United Kingdom), Diclectin (Canada) and Lenotan (other countries).
2.05.00 – and glutathione accelerator also – have to DECLUTTER first.
2.08.00 – Damp and Heat and phlegm . .
2.09.00 – Vanessa’s dad’s issues – being compliant is no joke.
2.11.00 – if it smalls is DAMP – fishy – damp and cold. Damp heat – very bad as gets way worse with heat. .
2.12.30 – Hypericum oil on topically and mega dose internally . . it happened to me – shingles. . and constant self Reiki

2.17.00Vit C
2.18.00 – Rosacea – an our class project Stephanie.. . V.V. and rosecea and bleed at 32 weeks – and all sorts of worries – they have NO IDEA but what the S & & S are saying. . St and Co meridians go up to the face.

Undo why the heat.. PLUS no sugar. VERY BAD YIN DEPLETION.
My mother had it for years – and had GREEN face colouring to calm it down. She also was one of the first on Methytrixate 30 years go – and she was a mess health wise. .

I take 4 caps x 2 daily of Mongolion seabuckthorne oil – as it has many uses. Presently – whatever my body is up to constantly. Usually I sen tit home to those with rosacea – PLUS recolonise gut flora. And undo the Stomach fire. ..

Re Gen – 2 x3 is what I take when knowing I will be around the jabbed. .
Is what i took and felt sicker again in shingles, if I missed a dose.

AV/AT is renamed for the USA catelogue.. .

2.21.00– PRE biotics . . .and hyperemesis. Take Gastrex.
2.23.00 – ICE CREAM – sweet a well as COLD . . . Has to be at least body temperature .. STOP ALL OF THIS

AS THIS IS PRICKLIES – we diversified . .

Nutrients . .
Are needed – at the right temperature..
CV 24 – works better than Pc 6 for PNV – though it depends ..

Finding ‘Mu points’ – alarm points
Shu points .. .

Spectacular resource . . .for groups of points

Part #2 found here