2023 – Heather and Lisa show


Both Lisa and I are involved in pelvic plumbing – the way the womb sits and what keeps her hostage – out of normal orientation
From there – nothing works well. The ‘hormonal’ problems you have been told that you have are simply – a result of the blood lymph and nerve supply being hindered. When we recreate where all is to be – all works – much like expecting the car to drive like this.

Anything that ails us – simple natural solutions
Put is all back to where it is supposed to be
Take out what is not supposed to be there
Add in what is ..

Our schedule

Sunday23rd – Tuesday 25thG.C. Hinterland.
The graduates get the opportunity to meet Lisa and to work on each other, and some recipients to showcase what we can do.
Wednesday Northern NSW

Thursday – we will return back to Brisbane

Weekend of 29/30th ASHMORE Gold Coast
Selfing workshop – crones speak
Click here for more
We can help ourselves

If you find us in transit – we will happily

Demonstrate Free Your Own Qi moves and
Pelvic Opening – for all stages of life – especially pregnancy and the after effects of C sections and other surgical interferences.

We live this work

Lisa, (see more about her here) after three years+ locked into Asia is out and about for a month in Australia.
She joined the Gentling Way in this time. Not having seen the transformation that awaits when people go through these moves, felt the moves – we will be undoing HER cold intolerances, and also getting HER body out of the mess/STUCK it was in to give her the horrid menstrual history that got her into belly and Qi moving she now is immersed in, in the first place.

So many women take the answers that worked for them – and moves these into their professional lives wanting to assist – where they had such trouble finding help when themselves they needed it.

Lisa’s traveled through acupuncture and on into belly work with Arvigo: co creating Optimum Fertility in Singapore – working extensively with couples throughout their pregnancies. Her special interest is puberty and helping mums with their tweens/teens.

Lisa intends to take Heather’s Pelvic Opening into Bonded Births back with her and eventually into Mexico, to be teaching in Spanish.

Along the way, like Heather, she trained as an Arvigo Self Care teacher, and still runs their introductory pre requisite online classes to lead students into the P.C.T. (Professional Care Training).


Where your womb is dictates all that happens in a your body That simple. Ignored in mainstream ventures this simple fact is behind why you may be returning over and over to therapists who are doing their best – and missing WHY the body KEEPS ON BEING SO UPSET. It is often simple as undoing why she will not go back to where she is supposed to be.

Imagine expecting this car to drive well. Or at all. Bodies attempt to to work around issues but they do issue warnings and eventually start screaming (unrelenting pain OR – Stop work altogether – laying down their tools ad NOT peeing or poohing or letting you walk. At all.


No need to take pain killers – when womb is aligned – NO need for PAIN messages to tell you to fix it.
No need to tinker with/stop hormonal production (as the ovaries are not getting their nutrients delivered, or their wastes removed).
No need to chop bits out. They will keep returning as their instructions to do ‘wrong’ are still playing out.
No point in seeing someone for electrical help (acupuncture – Qi moving – structure is NOT aligned? The circuitry will be still awry.
No need to only see talking therapists. Your body needs to be straightened out – as well.
No need to keep going back to a structural person to feel better for a bit – put it all back where it was designed to be!!!
No need to change diet/take more /different supplements – as useful as refilling this cars fuel tank – wheels not aligned – still can’t work.

Womb positioning affects all of your body.
Do not believe that it is NORMAL to have her falling about – as this is the reason that you are NOT OK.

The flows to the legs, the back, the organs (so they can work), the gut in general (so you can fuel your life easily) – and of course how your monthly cycles run – and how easily sexuality (no pain), fertility (easily conceiving as the tubes are flowing (‘patent’), easy pregnancy – as all is being fed well within – and easy birthing – the structure is in perfect alignment for baby to fall out). .
The way you feel? Your womanly bits are happy.
Ovaries are who you are.
Take them out? Castration is only one aspect – the bones and the entire body is not getting what it needs to Live Well.

Heather (see more here) took a different route. From completing the fast track Arvigo trainings through 2014 – 15 and went onto the Mercier work – then into her own merging of her past signature system – Moving Blockages to Healing weaving these moves and what works into Living Ligaments – a component of Heather’s Gentling Ways – there are many parts to this.

Using the Pelvic Opening moves – we can quickly change almost all challenges you feel.
Free Your Qi moves are what you can do for yourself

Josi – birthing advocate /doula with a difference

See Josi’s story here

If you know ayone who wants a heartful helper to assist the transition from maiden to mother

(however many children you already have).

Especially in negotiating the post C section space.

As she did so successfully – to become a more natural birthing experience.

Josi met me as a pregnant mum who DID not want a repeat of what had been her reality with her previous 3 children.
She worked diligently as directed.
She got what she wanted.

Josi is passionate about helping YOU also do this

We connect through touch

Heather – 0452 407 667
Lisa – no phone
Josi – 0416 837 778