2023 – Wendy – G.C. Reconnecting


What we did (don’t start with the obvious)

Checkers: hands and scar palpation
pull up, neck, breath,
tongue arm lifting feel the scar herself (3 major)
butterfly touch – pads then tips of fingers.

round and rounds
very gentle bellywork.
Undo SBB – prickles to undo the lot

Hands and prickly combo
Adhesion breaking – belly scars
GB 30 and bum work
Needling shoulder scar and adhesion breaking
SLQR and moxa sacrum – forgot to moxa the scar . .

Checkers – pull up, neck movement, breath, pokies, tongue, arm lifting, feel the scar herself (3 major), butterfly touch – pads then tips of fingers.

round and rounds very gentle bellywork.undo SBB

adhesion breaking – belly scars

GB 30 and bum work

Needling shoulder scar and adhesion breaking

SLQR and moxa sacrum – forgot the scar . .