2023 – Towards L.L.I. March G.C.


REMINDER – self-paced learning – YOU need to show up for yourself and DO IT – ACTION needed

Here we get serious . . .
This is about YOU engaging to do the work. There is a vast amount for you on this and all other pages

Next time you want to learn – you come to my place (2,000km away)

There is an amount I have already covered many times for online and for in person classes – and these pages are part of this.

Maybe look at the connective tissue page first? (CLICK)  Fascia (CLICK)  Adhesions (CLICK)

BLOCKED – adhesions and lymph (CLICK)

Diagnosis – what is it and do we need it?
Pelvic anatomy – check out the ligaments first
Scars and setting up for this work – me in March 2020 on Hilary – revision for the L.L.I. – shows O.S.L.

REMINDER – classification of moves
CHECKERS – why we do and where
Checking for L.L.I. (Atarau 2020?)

Structure determines function (CLICK) Josi you are on this one

Triage in action – Shen, cold, scars . (CLICK)

This is the most astonishing set of moves – when needed. (CLICK)

Me working on Hilary (CLICK)

Caryl working on a man (CLICK)

More on men and on Duncan 2017

We are heading to eventually do this if needed (CLICK)

SPECTACULAR – we did a sample patient in Pt McDonnell last year
Answering Josi – what if it doesn’t work???