2023 – C section repair

C section info – healing after


Afterwards – in between babies
Decades later
All sorts of allied issues

C section defect (CLICK)
And on C section (CLICK)
More on C section repair (CLICK) – someone else’s site

She says – “How does C-section Scar Therapy Feel? C-section scar therapy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy in which light touch is applied to the abdomen, on and around your scar. You may experience a “pulling” or “warm” sensation during treatment, however it should not be painful. Your therapist will always work to your level of comfort. How many treatment sessions will I need? The number of treatment sessions recommended varies from person to person and depends on the nature of your scar, how old your scar is, and how your body responds to therapy. Generally, you will notice significant improvements in your healing within 4-10 treatment sessions”.

As you know, it is immediate with me and when you add pricklies in – even more profound.
The Gentling Way goes a lot further – and eventually although you have neither studied with Dr Jennifer Mercier (I have) or Dr Rosita Arvigo (I have – this is part of the lineage of this work.