2023 – Pricklies intro


Introduction . . .

Too simple a concept

When things are not as designed to be
They do NOT work as designed

Do not need ‘research’ – as to what happens when the wheel is
off balance
It does not work.
Do what is expected (take out what is stuffing things up)

Then everything flows as expected.

The basics – I cover here and then will direct you to some texts.
NOT usual but the ones that will most likely answer your question.

We do need access to ingredients – I mention (as always) how to help out
Glutathione (CLICK)
Boundaries.. . on all levels.

Living a life – all through the stages . . .
How do we help ourselves? Understand QI Moving.

My whole life. . till now has been international practitioner practical teaching
Now I am mostly online.
When there are a few – I record . . as here

This was recorded in Cairns with Maja and Melissa mid 2021

This has been covered in many small groups and is your into of me explaining the ‘why’.

Start – all important – mostly revision – but I always do this differently.
34.00 – Acup basics via Dr Shen and Heather. .

NO COLD. . . must tend the people.

HEAT (CLICK) and inner (CLICK)
YIN QI – rescue . . (CLICK)

The Vimeo usually shows me where we are so I tell you what here roughly the subject is – it strangely is not today

Lymph – and Cysternii Chyli (CLICK)

BELIEFS – Gentle Self Discovery and me visiting the grandchildren and QR codes. .
ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT – what is the younger generation going to live in and through?

SHEN – needs to be in charge.
Past session on pricklies- Shen Matters (CLICK)

Categories of moves (CLICK)
I was speaking of the person with a vast C section ledge – way more than a cosmetic issue!!!

1.03.00 – around there – Microbleeding (CLICK). .
1.06.40 – Where we find points – in the hole- tactile.. .
1.09.00 – Bl 62 is actually directly under the bone – go where it is the most blocked /painful.
1.10.00 – RULES – distal of acute and local for chronic. .
Also need Mating Points of Unlike Qi . .
1.11.00 – Mirror X and Bl 60 . . fire point of the bladder. .
1.13.30 – MICRO BLEEDING different link (CLICK)
1.16.00 – Amazing things can happen – slowly – it would have been faster now .

BEST THEY EVER WERE – pregnant with 13th
Her legs are in this state – as are the TOES

1.20.00 – Why I micro bleed? Came out of me trying to prove someone wrong – COULDN’T . (CLICK)
1.22.00 – TRIAGE and using touchies’- yes – now also what holds the physical hostage?
1.23.00 – HAVE to work on all – NOT a bit they they want ‘fixed’.


1.26.00 – 8 Extras . . . checking means we can research appropriately.
1.27.00 – explaining how via 8 Extras. .
1.32.00 – Dr Dan Keown – Spark in the Machine (CLICK).

In Pricklies First Aid – not needed.
When you do want a book ..

Ask yourself what do I want in a text?
TCM is not my favourite system as it is all – put people in a box.
Qi flows.
See here