2023 – Discovery – Recognition


We all came here with a mission.
We may have become distracted.
CLUE . . . . . . .
We were different and still are.

Why might you have chosen that birth order?
That sex?
That family?
That culture?
This time on
This planet NOW – as the heat happens?

We all learned. .
In early life . .
It was safe to fit in – and we all were tamed by our early experiences with mum (her earliest times with herself as a new mum and with us as the new constant), then mum and dad (what he lost in our presence and how he/they handled this), and siblings (same), immediate family and the role we played in their already loves – we being the new entrant.
Was it SAFE?/Welcoming ?
What may still running be running from this?

****Week one
Prompts – who we were in our family of origin

Sharing with self is – go back to the challenge from Selfing and redo .
Reminder . . .
If we do not value ourselves – and spend the selfing time – who else will?
And role modeling what???
Week 1 – SELF first – 1st hour is ours – it is summer – get up earlier and be with YOU
Walk – 10,000 steps DAILY
Steam nightly.
And belly work – all that is stored within is within – meet your friends inside . .
Time in journaling – and on steamer – time for self as WHOSE LIFE IS IT?
Busy? – Do see this as away to give others what e ourselves need.
Distraction – rescuing others.
Suggestion – as Hollie is going to ‘do ‘ the Grandmother medicine in 3 weeks .
We have a gentling process to follow her in and out again . .

Honour thy self.
That 16 year old.
Can you share her story and the revulsion of the squeeze and where that has led you this week?

ME – much to do.
I shall start today . .
Walking at dawn. . .
(Yesterday was ‘off’ to recalibrate back to MY life. .
Giving myself ‘an airing’ as these holding spaces are massive.

BETH – how is the mothering of your wounded baby going?
What are you gifting her daily?

You fill in your mission – your own acceptance of younger self/moral compass (self appointed!!) in family looks like??

I asked Duncan what he is role in the family was – to hide away.
Avoidance . .
(Still is . ..running him – and yet – he is a powerful men’s elder.)

****Week Two
Mother’s legacy
Remembering her words and predictions for us

What did she come out with – and when.
Do start a journal/card pasted to the wall – and add in as they show up.
What message do they have for you now?.
See if that is also where you revert to – especially when stressed
As we ARE our mothers . .

We will concern ourselves with our influence – as the MOTHER – on our own kids later.
Here the focus is US. And that wee girl . .

Me – ‘bull in a china shop’
Likely this is also the Mars in Aries influence astrologically . .
What did YOUR mum say to you?
Are you still running it?
What was her mum’s influence?
Programmes – whose and where from?
We all are from UK and what was in their history?
All are escapees looking for a better life.
Here is an example . .

Write down on a large blank – no lines – piece of paper .
Put your birth year in the middle.
And trace back your mums’ year of birth, her mum’s, her mum’s and her mum’s – that is your grandma’s grandmother.
SHE is responsible for a lot – and what time /century?
And we are here are now

Now go forwards.
The years of your children’s births and what age you were at that time
And see your children – at that age now..
How the world is not the same.
If they have children – what years there.
And the same. .
How can we prepare anyone?

If . . .

Are we?
Perhaps time to clear out the pot . .
When we do not – (with selves first – expectation and beliefs) – dis ease happens. .

How is that playing out
My mum’s line was ‘after all I did for you’
No doubt from the embittered/frustrated/embattled women from long ago – who were defined by the man they had kids with – as they were NOT ALLOWED to work – and had no currency outside what was =granted to them by the men. – either by birth or marriage. . .

Is it at all running – in some form – in us also (culturally possibly) – in our life – not only with the children?
What line comes up for you? In relation to . .
Mum also said – he/she’s no good.
(Especially when I was really happy with someone)
In a joking way – meaning – cut them down.
Cut back to size . . .
A way to keep all in class/caste?
That likely was the way with the lower classes – they kept their children ‘in line’
Mum also said – ‘above your station’
Sometimes that pops in – the ways we
The external discreditation does not need to – as we have more than enough from her to be going on with.
When we stop and play the little girl inside game. .

Sabotage.. .
IS she allowed out to voice her bottled up ‘STUFF” in your life now
Or is she running things from within?
Let her speak?

We meet again Tuesday 7-8 Bne time (10 onwards HILARY)

Towards Healing the the Wounded Healer
In the fullness of time – maybe end of year?

Discovery 2
Releasing the children you never met

Discovery 3
Mission Recovery