2023 – Pricklies beginnings


This is a little cobbled together – so there may be duplication.
Good revision if so.

We covered 2022 Pricklies (Home Help)
points to use as needed

Extra – Heart Rescues (CLICK)
If you have anyone with the jabb heart problems – (CLICK)
And the advanced pricklies – what when how to help after jabb issues (CLICK)

1 – Life Rescue (GV 26, Sp 3, Pc 6 , Ki 1, Ki 9)
2 – Breathing Rescue (Ding Chuan, GB 21, Bl 60, Co 4, Liv 3 ,Ht 7)
3 – Pain Rescue (my stair incident led) ((Liv 2, GB 34, extra Liv 14, GB 24  – being ‘pissed off’ points)
4 – Brain Rescue (T.B.I.) (recognition of mine) (GV 20, 4 gentlemen, Yin Tang, Tai Yang, Si 3, Bl 62, St 40)
5 – Radiation Rescue after Tracey in Canberra (TH 5, GB 35, ear apex)
6 – Damp Rescue (Sita going under water and off line still) (St 40)
7 – Life/Sanity/Shen Rescue (War declared – what NEXT??) NO POINTS – thread moxa on heels??)
8 – Blood Rescue (Periods and Pregnancy) (Sp 1, 4, 10, Bl 11, 17)
9 – A case and how to deal with it using touchies and pricklies (Linda asking what do first?) Bl 62
10 – Gut Rescue – how a gut is formed and works no points – but cupping navel etc.
11 – Gut Rescue #2 – including prolapses and prostate – Spleen Qi/Yang needed to be functional. GV 1 and Bl 57 – anal point.. . Bl 62
All in Reset and POINTS – Hua Tou Jai Ji, Xi Cleft points
12 – Yang Rescue – Metabolism, What causes health Structural integrity Mercury and ingredients needed Circulation Spiritual healing
Spleen Qi, No points – cold out and life changes. MOXA CV 8
13 – Yin Rescue – living a healthy life Ki 25, GB 25, Ki 6
14 – Blood RescueBl 17, GB 39, St 37, St 39, CV 4
15 – Jing Rescue – Kids who have been ‘differently able’, Defiant mums, Tongue/lip ties, How to improve – and mess with our heritage/inner bank account, Points that may assist . . . St 37, 39 , Co 7, Bl 23, GV 3/4., CV 4/6 moxa needles. . Ki 25/6, Ki 9

Pricklies – #1 – STAYING ALIVE (click)

Covering :
How we all got started into insertion of pricklies
What stopped us?
Stopping dying

POINTS – GV 26, Sp 3, Pc 6 , Ki 1, Ki 9

Pricklies – #2 BREATHING (click)

(Was to be pain, but asthma pushed that away)

Asthma – Quesha’s mum
THEN – pain – clear STUCK. .
Chinese ‘hit medicine’
Gua Sha, ‘catching’ cold – Wei Qi improvement
Fire Cupping
What to do – when heat and wind prevail

POINTS – Ding Chuan GB 21, Bl60, Co 4, Liv 3 ,Ht 7

Pricklies #3 PAIN (click)

What comes up . .Asthma update, Ponstan – how it was discovered/worked, ‘common sense’ help at home, causes of disease, safe bleeding tools, Yin Qi functions, Stems of Unlike Qi, Accident Recall Importance and 4 Gates after to settle

POINTS –  GB 34, extra Liv 2, 14, GB 24  – being ‘pissed off’ points

Pricklies #4 (T.B.I.) TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY – rescue thinking

Covering: What H did , and why . .‘Face planting’ in the past P.T.S.D. Thyroid rescues, How we all coped in our early mum years, Vast importance of Acc Recall straight after incidents

POINTS – GV 20, 4 gentlemen, Yin Tang, Tai Yang, Si 3, Bl 62, St 40

leading unto #5

(What happens when our bodies get hot??)  They try to stop us COOKING

Pricklies #5Radiation Rescue

28th Feb – Tracey and the Canberra attack, what to do if radiation is a problem.

POINTS – TH 5, GB 35, ear apex

Pricklies #6 Mould, Damp Rescues (‘Climate Change’)

SITA being flooded out of home (CLICK)

POINTS – St 40

Pricklies #7 Life/Sanity Rescue

Life /Sanity Rescue (CLICK) – us (war all of a sudden as next distraction

What with what controls we have/do not have in our lives. .
Links – Life rescues Kassandra, my own viral cardiomyopathy, Mantrum of the Disciple

Covering :
How are we all coping?
Circles – why important to be in top one. .
How we anchor this ‘life’

POINTS – BE CLEAR, CALM and SAFE None specified

Pricklies #8 Period and Pregnancy Rescues

(Not birth) this is bleeding +++ ( very topical)
What to do if you need to avoid the jab for sensitive daughters/women who MAY overbleed. . (Hilary’s journey) Class overbleeding stories and tranxemic acid. How it happens (Heat in the Blood) Points to assist immediately – need to undo WHY it is happening

2021 PAIN and Stuck Belly Blood (CLICK)

POINTS – Sp 1, 4, 10, Bl 11, 17

Pricklies #9 a case

Covering Linda’s case – how to start at the beginning
How to sequence a session, What to do first, How to get people involved in their own care/lives/futures, Hormones, Acupotomy
Links – Acupotomy, negative ion pads, Ting points, fibromyalgia, Hormones and how made – with what, ncd drops, glutathione acc.

No new points – putting the touchies/nutrition and pricklies all together . .
was the sequencing and how to actually HEAL . .holistic – and personal investment

Pricklies #10 Gut Rescue #1

Covering how a gut begins and how to nourish. What IS /physiologically normal? Blood and its manufacture – heaters, HHS, Moon phases, microbiome, biofilm,
Links – adhesikns,
Points – Vanessa’s sister tailbone – so how to fix (she would not let her)

GV 1 and Bl 57 – anal point.. . Bl 62

Pricklies #11Gut Rescue #2

Covering – Yang Qi, Yin, Blood, Life recipe,
Linksgut issues, scars, How to get ill/well, STUCK (SLQR), sugar, Jing, Multi orgasmic man, sexual healing, Liver Qi and magnesium, Inner Heat, Gua Sha, fire cupping, Heather Says site,easy breasts, Happiness is a Choice, Option Process, Jane dying

POINTS Bl 62, Hua Tou Jai Ji, Xi Cleft points, He Sea – St 37, 39, GB 39

Pricklies #12 Yang Rescue

Covering Metabolism, What causes health Structural integrity Mercury and ingredients needed Circulation Spiritual healing Spleen Qi,
Links BBT, What causes health, Iodine, Selenium, Germanium. Zinc, Susto etc, Glutathione accelerator, 4 olds, Wei Qi, Mercury, Butekyo method of breathing, Gut Health.


Pricklies #13Yin Rescue

Covering – how to be well by following basic life guidelines – and what happens when you do not.
Linksgut issues, scars, How to get ill/well, STUCK (SLQR), sugar, Jing, Multi orgasmic man, sexual healing, Liver Qi and magnesium, Inner Heat, Gua Sha, fire cupping, Heather Says site,easy breasts, Happiness is a Choce, Option Process, Jane dying

Ki 25, GB 25, Ki 6

Pricklies #14 – Blood Rescue

Covering – How to get Stuck Blood and cancer and how to clear. Inc adenomyosis.
Links Heat in blood, Mark Seem’s work, Cafe Locked out (and me) Blood, Magnesium, Vit D3. Vit C, Geri Amena – sea minetals Acc Recall, Steaming, Glutathione Acc, B12 VIt C Opening Baby Gate – for pelvic flows in general

Bl 17, GB 39, St 37, St 39, CV 4

Pricklies #15 – Jing Rescue

Covering Kids who have been ‘differently able’, Defiant mums, Tongue/lip ties, How to improve – and mess with our heritage/inner bank account –
Links – cases – Cooper, Breanna Simone, MTHFR, pyroluria, fetal scanning, epigentic changes, Lifted Lorax, The Great Sperm Race

POINTS St 37, 39 , Co 7, Bl 23, GV 3/4., CV 4/6 moxa needles. . Ki 25/6, Ki 9

Health – let us go there. .

Look up salutogenesis vs pathgenesis.