Sita 2022 – at her place/pace


Back pain, hip/sacral/iliac aching

So simple – too easy . .
At the end of my December 2022 travels, I was at Sita’s for a couple of nights.
As I was leaving, she got a 5 minute session . .
All that we did was a tiny bit of lymph drainage (Foundational Moves).
The ovarian wakeup and uterine rake (ex Mercier) followed by a perineal untangler (ex Arvigo).
No pricklies (needles), no moxa. .
As usual, she had a really cold belly. Reset Your Metabolism online course.
We were only doing ‘running repairs’ . .
As so much has been done already and ongoing (whenever we get together) I chose to show her how she could do it all herself.

It would have been even better had the Free Your Qi moves happened first.
Again YOU can do this yourself.
Empowerment needed.

Where to catch up with the Gentling Way and the courses that would lead you to be able to add in this simple (no diagnosis needed) effortless style of helping when all else has been trialed? See more here.
If you are a health care professional and think to start with the moves?
No – we always begin with untangling ourselves – as by now = we all have massive stories and have accumulated much.

Let us be clear to work magic then on others