Checking for LL I


2019 – Atarau, NZ

In order of usefulness . .

1 – A subject who can feel.
2 – Have this done to you.
3 – Listen to/observe the ones who can feel (as Amanda below).
4 – Watch a move – so much is videoed.
5 – Read about it . .


As well as all others you have been using
1 – Sacral check – is it bumpy, hole sin it, big lumps?
2 – Coccyx straight and following in from the sacrum?
3 – Sore tip of tailbone – coccyx
4 – Sacral spinal ridges – or even? Shoulder blades also.
5 – O.S.L. – the L2/3 area – moves a great deal – if you watch it – HUMP or HILL?
(Hence this is called LIVING ligaments).

2017 – Amanda at Crystal Waters

Teaching small groups ..
Not a scripted snippet but in the context of what we do .
Watch and learn . .
The dip in the sacrum – life residue – and the checking for the O.S.L. and the sacral spine changes
We are doing different moves and need checkers to see if we have accomplished what we wished to.

2019 – Tanya in my clinic Coorparoo

Demonstrating how when we start with the work – the lymph is cleared, the boniness is felt and the density of the waist area is moved on – showing the importance of gentling, and breathing and respect for the body in letting go.