WDCD – nourishing new life


2005 I wrote this book and produced the DVD’s
They have been recreated online.
2018 – charts are now part f the package – as well as the mini eBooks -on nourishing and sustaining a pregnancy.
See more here – after you have ‘digested’ this page’s info.

1 – Following Nature
2 – Easy Pregnancy
3 – Making a new being
4 – Pregnancy Nausea and Vomiting
5 – Pregnancy Nurturing
6 a- Sustaining Pregnancy
6 b – Sustaining Pregnancy
6 c – Sustaining Pregnancy

If you wish for more – there is a vast amount as this is my life’s work – across 5 decades my own personal maternity project, professionally, and that of being there for others when the standard medical care is less than what is needed Also in the community where I really was tested – Finding that all I do, write about and teach works brilliantly. When we follow nature’s lead.