Explaining why we focus on the tailbone area

Why we do what we do . . .The Gentling Way.

Start here .. .

Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai

And Mammalian Maternity – and then we go to Living Ligaments – Womb Wonders

I am going through the Posterior page of the Arvigo P.C.T. manual (professional care training) above.

1 – Deviating from what the Arvigo people teach – we are The Gentling Way
2 – SLQR , sacral moxa fan, lots of preparatory work as this is a LIVING body with ligaments adjusting the,selves – shifting constantly
3 – How to fix?
Mercier moves . . and checking with O.S.L. and IF needed – eventually O.S.L. correction a la Arvigo

Above is the Mercier manual page.
The red typing is my thoughts in 2018.
I will update it at some stage.
We DO – the L.L.I. is the Mercier moves – the Gentling Way.

4 –
5 – is it posterior or anterior? How to do the anterior correction
6 – Undoing the L3/pelvic and upper body torsions
7 – Undoing the bum/neck tension
8 – Finding Hortence’s point
9 – Recording findings
10 – Hortence’s point attack is NOT my first option
11 – finishing off – Grandma cuddle and shakey, shakey