Shannon’s bad neck/back fixed



43 year old with apparently ‘no disc’ between C 6 and 7. Is this a limitation? It can regrow surely??

Many incidents – life time of rugby and associated ‘boy accidents’ growing up – including being in a tree and having rock thrown at him that felled him. He had a recent gym injury. Is better with a few chiro (and odd needles stuck in) and swimming started 6 weeks ago.

Is totally skeptical but wiling to ‘give it  ago’.

In the Living Ligaments trainings I am always very grateful to have men – as their bodies are not usually soft – and always have an extensive list of what has happened -told without the emotions – they ‘just move on’ . . Usually they are quick to fix also.

What did we do?

Cleared blocked to healing

NOTE – you can see the ‘sha’ from the Gua Sha we did off camera first.. ‘Sha’ refers to stagnant Blood or Qi that is blocking the proper flow of energy and blood in the pathway of the channel.

Need – methys, oil/Vick’s, artery clamp, matches, pre warmed cups, tissue

Health and safety

Make sure you put the tissue in water – regardless of how ‘out’ you think it is.

Loosening the suction off

How long?
You are there – ask yourself – intention?
Mine is to mobilise the Qi. Cold and wind are stuck in the 6 Divisions – leading to congestion. From all the hits over the decades – and in freezing winds and in ice etc – he is solid for a reason – STUCK. We are giving it all the option to move up and out. Sha – stuck. Does not hurt but can look very impressive. Check that the person is not on Warfarin etc first – I did that once and her back was black /purple – and she could breathe again – embolisms ..
Gua Shea means – so much less hassle – we get to what is holding body hostage – I did it briskly on him as he can take it – be cautious.

Cups – maybe 10 mins altogether – we were on a mission – and this was the start (after cupping navel) and freeing up so much on his chest at the front – the lymph work interspersed with all of this (not taught in the rigid non Qi moving acup classes made the most difference.

Repeat cupping

Playing with ligaments

Alternative to moxa – wake up with my hands.

Note O.S.L. changes ..

Moving STUCK – to assist neck

Way to go!
‘Easily the most movement I have felt in the past 10 years’.

Gua Sha move

Gua Sha plucking technique – between my third and index fingers – sharp upwards pluck

Result – more movement.
Better than he had had in 10 years he thought.

Upper body

Lymph moving everywhere

Do move around the other side – it is a totally different sensation. Most change he felt was lymph gouging across the front of the chest. We are alternating clearing and fixing moves with clearing and soothing ones. Were he a woman we would not have been this heavy handed or violent. He is no longer seeing the structural and massage people – as the swimming and living better has fixed it. (Still awaiting his repair from within sessions to happen though – no pain – all too busy being self) . Iceberg – what lies beneath??

Flank Gouge

Start at the bottom and move up. Can be excruciating – especially when they have a frozen shoulder – or any upper body and chest issues. Slowly usually – more so than I am with him.

Bum for neck – 2 versions

Finishing with point percussion and flicking off.


Next day

Better sleep

We did Mercier protocol
plus HB Moving Blockages extras . .

At the end – I added in my usual sitting up needling structural session.

Besides vastly more movement and flexibility – (snapped both hamstrings when a teenager – rugby) – Average game – 15 collisions – immovable bodies smashing together ). He also lost the majority of the noises in his neck (krepitis).



Pubes for neck . .. Clear the lymph